FreeBSD autist rages and breaks the Code of Cucks


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I really want more people like this. I'm fucking tired of FOSS being taken over by thought police.

da fuck am i watching?

I'm not going to watch this whole thing just to understand the context of that one dude screaming like a child.

I think he disagrees with something Theo said.


Based Theo.
Theo is speculating about more Intel hardware bugs similar to Spectre/Meltdown. Well, speculating is actually not right, there's hints of something happening due to AWS and GCloud rebooting all of their VMs recently.

It sounds like, for that one sperg moment, he's just pissed the guy is talking about something he doesn't know anything about and mentions it one too many times. There were probably other moments like this where the sperglord kept his mouth shut, and he just kind of flew off the handle at that moment. It's not like he didn't calm down pretty quickly after.

>there's hints of something happening due to AWS and GCloud rebooting all of their VMs recently's still speculation. There's basically nothing to be done even if there are more Intel hardware bugs/vulnerabilities. So I don't get what the point is.

I'd watch more of this video (looks pretty interesting) but I just can't make out enough of what is being said.

>nothing to be done
except abandon ship even faster. Even Theo probably isn't above using FUD but the end result is always tanking intel and anyone else attacking libre security shit.

Alright, which one of you guys was this?

Sounds more interesting than I was giving it credit for. Sadly I can't make out a lot of the talk on my shitty earbuds. Maybe I'll give it another shot when I'm at my desktop.

All heresay and speculation yeah, there’s some hints from insiders according to Theo. Still listening to the description of how caching and speculative execution is handled on Intel vs AMD suggests there’s something there.
Still it’s a good talk, hopefully there’s going to be a summary or better video at some point.

Theo "speculared" more than 10 years ago about nasty Intel architecture bugs and he was right about Meltdown/Spectre.

If anything I trust his insight more now.

Exactly this
If you're going to trust SOME guy's speculation, it's Theo's

What's the context for the video? Where was it filmed?

I think its some BSD fest thing, Theo was talking about a new vulnerability he thinks exists in intel processors
Correct me if im wrong

More people need to stand up for themselves. That's all it takes.

BSDCan conference. Theo was doing a talk on some on-going new Intel vulnerability that is under embargo. During the QA session, someone ask what could be done for the different BSD projects to cooperate. Theo replied that they can't cooperate with FreeBSD because they signed an NDA. Some FreeBSD guy replied that the FreeBSD foundation signed the NDA, not the FreeBSD project. Theo basically replied he didn't know and care about the political details of who's what in the FreeBSD community, which is when the nerd rage happened.

The feud between Theo and FreeBSD is old. He's been calling them out as corporate sell-outs for many years I think (because they sign NDAs which prevent further cooperation).

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>He's been calling them out as corporate sell-outs for many years
meanwhile on
>We want to make available source code that anyone can use for ANY PURPOSE, with no restrictions. We strive to make our software robust and secure, and encourage companies to use whichever pieces they want to. There are commercial spin-offs of OpenBSD.

he is as much of a corporate cuck as FreeBSD devs.

Theo rightfully ripped on those ree cucks. It is not even a secret that any of security fixes must first hit the certain vendor products before those could be made public for discussion, let alone committed to FreeBSD head.
Bring that up in any spaces controlled by the foundation and you will get the famous "Think different".

Signing an NDA is limiting your own free speech practically
openBSD agrees you may use its product whichever way you want, for nukes, whatever, but it can and will disclose everything

Bullshit, also the intel embargo affected all BSDs. The wlan bug exposed Theo and his zombies, so he should shut the fuck up.

ebin, where the talk took place?

probably the guy who keeps going "muh capsicum, muh jails, muh mac" in every BSD thread

so the screaming autists are freebsd folk?
jesus christ, the human beings that engage in that project are far worse than what their coc implies.
why would anyone want to associate themselves with such mental retardation? fuck freebsd

Looks good in your CV.

how pathetic


Is this really how FreeBSD people want to be seen by others?

Not only it is so rude to interrupt such well known speaker in security world as Theo, using raised voice and foul language even at a slightest hint of criticism clearly express very rooted fanboism problems between the FreeBSD developers and its users.

You would too. Theo is full of bullshit, just because he hates every project besides his niche OS.

If Theo hates everything not OpenBSD then how do you explain things like OpenSSH and call for cooperation with other projects on making computers more secure?

Both NetBSD and OpenBSD contributed a lot to opensource universe.

On the other hand, would you mind sharing what FreeBSD made in last decade that was adopted by other OSes? Also please no muh sony, muh netflix and zfs BS.

You newfags need to STFU



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Openssh is a fork and pretty much portable, but i doubt they would implement namespaces just because it's used mostly on linux boxes.
>call for cooperation with other projects on making computers more secure
See the video for meme excuses against this statement, told by your god himself.
>On the other hand, would you mind sharing what FreeBSD made in last decade that was adopted by other OSes?
Port system was also inspired many linux package manager.
ZFS is not even an original BSD project.

And read for a bit youd see that BSD goes a step further and allows you to do whatever with the code, even make it proprietary and sell it, just acknowledge them

you are one of the autists that was screaming in the video, arent you?
come on lad, its pretty obvious by your rhetoric, just fess up

So literally nothing worth porting over.
How freebsd cucks will ever recover?

>all those skinheads
FreBSD Has A Nazi Problem.

more patches ARE coming, it's not speculation:

Old news.

AFAIK, they haven't released any information.

For you :^)

explain this shit to me niggers I'm not autistic enough to understand

uh, nvm, they did release 2 more variants, but... the heise article said they would release 8 more, so expect more patches, I guess.

Exploit of the month, by Intel and friends

go back to or

these intel threads are the most /v/-tier threads on this board

the fuck are you talking about, this is not a CPU shill thread

Haven't intel bought the rights to FreeBSD?

then what is it? I have no idea what these obese middle-aged men are loudly arguing about because I don't open those threads

Why FreeBSD is so shilling for Intel? Wasn't it all about ARM and shit?

do people unironically use any BSD? what the fuck?

Even forks like TrueOS now try to distance itself from this pile of FreeBSD.
Can't wait for HardenedBSD do the same.


come here sweetie

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Nobody with any brains uses a BSD system. Everyone uses a Linux system for freedoms, Windows for games, etc. BSD has zero point to using it since it's gimped compared to either side, and isn't really obscure enough for it to be some kind of hobbyist OS where you just tinker around with it.

It's almost entirely for autistic people to grind away real life instead of using an MMO.

Or you can shut the fuck up. Nobody cares, you ugly gorilla nigger. FOSS isn't inherently Marxist. Or do you think nobody is allowed to freely associate together and cooperate unless money changes hands?

Fuck FreeBSD

>Fuck FreeBSD
Shut the fuck up, you have hurt me feelings!


>There's basically nothing to be done

False. We can sperg out like fat retards so hard that it spreads to other online communities and eventually becomes a PR problem for Intel and results in the stock price taking a hit.

Whenever a company does something bad (like releasing vulnerable products and not caring too much about fixing them), the answer is to either cost them money or get their management imprisoned or killed.

Who the fuck is Theo?
Is he the sperg or the lecturer?

SJWs are trying to implement a code of conduct for postresql too. These fags wont ever stop it's disgusting. Luckily there seems to be push back from the community.

Theo is the cool guy with shades giving a talk.
Sperg is some freeBSD cuck.

It might be hard to you, a non-programmer to grasp, but there's no such thing as "truly free" in free software.
Writing certain kinds of code is very rewarding by itself, as fun as playing a good game.
So there is a compensation even if not a monetary one.
On the true marxism, many, many people have to do unrewarding jobs for basically free.

takes a true simple minded person to define something with analogies

for each cpu mitigation theo writes, intel has financial mitigations for these eventual catastrophic engineering failures. intel is a tech company, but they're still just a business first


Cool assburger

Wow, that guy is a piece of shit.

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Sums it up about right.

are you the guy in the vid?

>tfw his voice starts to crack

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>publicly humiliating nda fags

they deserve it

>Windows for games
Windows is the industry standard business operating system, kid.

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Best 2 minutes of my life.
Has OP more videos of these "sensitive" guys?

LOL. Even today's Marxists will tell you FOSS is not communists or Marxists or whatever you want to throw at it. In the same way the family is not Marxist
>Getting things for nothing!? Children need to work!? Get things for free?!
Teabaggers are truly retarded.

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>Rolling distro
Jesus fuck how retarded can you get? You never use Rolling distros!

You deserve everything you get have fun when the updates trash everything on your system.
Daily reminder windows 10 is a (((rolling release distribution)))

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Redpill me on FreeBSD-Foundation.
How come having foundation signed the NDA with Intel is not the same as project itself?

wouldn't be surprised lol

The FreeBSD project is a piece of software, not a legal person, and can't sign any agreements. The FreeBSD foundation is and can.

Yeah, but it can't internally really do much about the NDAs unless it forces every contributor to sign a blanket NDA for these situations.

They don't actually do that.

NetBSD foundation supposedly makes you sign a contributor/committer agreement, but FreeBSD... nah

There's probably some designated developer in charge of the secret sauce who in turn has an NDA with the FreeBSD foundation.

How is that suppose to work? NDAs are usually written contract between two parties. It is not something that is passable through intermediate document. Unless the person in charge is employed by FreeBSD foundation directly.
This already sounds sketchy enough.

The Foundation has a few employees doing development and release engineering for them.

my question is: was this just some freebsd guy sperging out because he's butthurt, or was this actually something planned by the freebsd foundation?

It was not random, recheck the feed.

Freedom should be the first thing on the minds of FOSS. Freedom of speech, and opinions.


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Have they one for explicitly security stuff?