/vlg/ - Void Linux General

/vlg/ - Void Linux General

Never Catch It Slipping Edition

This thread is for those who are interested in Void Linux, use it, need help with it or want to try it.

Benefits of using void:
>no systemd
>xbps package manager
>not based on any other distro
>just works
>rolling release
>libreSSL instead of openSSL
>over 5000 packages and growing daily
>musl or glibc

>No systemd
Void Linux uses the runit init system and services supervision. It has the benefits of fast boot and shutdown times as well as simple and easy to write init scripts (in addition to having hundreds of pre-written ones).

Powerful package manager with dependency resolution. If your desired software isn't in the repository, build it with xbps-src and consider adding it.

soon moving to www.voidlinux.org



>IRC (irc.freenode.net)
#voidlinux - general chat and help channel
#xbps - development and package maintenance

Contribute packages, wiki entries, guides, &c. It already has a logo but there's plenty more to do as the distribution is stilyoung.

New github: www.github.com/void-linux

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Other urls found in this thread:


i haven't tried out void for a while, how is it now? is it worth installing musl?

>a thread dedicated to a comfy and fast distro
good on you, OP.

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Did they find the dev?

how minimal is void?

fairly minimal, imagine Arch but with a tiny init system, its own pretty small package manager, and a functionally minimal base install

installs a generic kernel and the base system which means that it takes around like 350-400MiB or so of space. by default with no extra packages, it uses 48 to 50MiB of RAM.
everything else is up to you, really; shit like compilers, make, nano, etc. don't come by default so you can get any of those should you ever actually need them.

Used to use void but the distro started freezing on me upon shutdown process so fuck that

how easy is it to get a plasma install running on it? I tried it a few months ago and xbps shit itself trying to install everything and the wiki wasn't very helpful either

I wish the packages were updated more frequently, I just had to compile qemu by hand because this rolling release only rolls every once in a while.

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>is it worth installing musl?
Are you on embedded? If so then yes. If not then no.

I want to try VOID but I want TLP and that seems to depend on systemd...

wish someone would join the team and get kde working out of the box

>it just works

also the leadership clusterfuck and nvidia drivers kinda killed void for me

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Is discord in xbps?

You should have checked which process was making runit hang and why. It's not "Void Linux" freezing at shutdown, it's a process that freezes, or another process that is waiting for something it doesn't get. Void Linux, just like any other distribution is a collection of software on top of the Linux kernel. There really is no such thing as "Void Linux", or any other Linux distribution for that matter, they're all just a combination of software and firmware.

TLP is in the void repos and I'm using it with my Thinkpad X230.
>pic related

No, but discord plugin for BitlBee is. Also, I think "installing" it on Linux is trivial, you just unpack it and run the executable, iirc. You put it where you want and then link it to a directory in your path so you can just type it into a run dialog or create a shortcut for it in the menu.

Attached: voidtlp.png (668x87, 2K)

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So what?

That's the beauty of free software, you can modify it however you like. Why don't you make your own themed Void instead of making fun of others' efforts?

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>no systemd
who cares, it's a fucking init
not any better than the other package managers
>just works
last time I tried it, an update broke lightdm and system was in a fucked up state as runit kept trying to start lightdm (no timeout as systemd would do after a certain amount of failed attempts) and every tty was unavailable. I didn't want to bother booting via usb and chroot just to fix that shit.

Also there is the blocked updates when there is ABI changes and you can be left waiting multiple days until the nigger maintainers finally update. During this time xbps won't let you install new packages if they depend on the libs that are blocked, absolute garbage tier.

bloated as fuck with the full chroot just to compile a package

I'd give it a 7/10, probably good for the autists who care so much about their init or libc

>That's the beauty of free software, you can modify it however you like.
Not many on this board are capable of writing code, let alone modifying an already written application.
Because they have better things to do.

The Linux kernel is bloat
GNU is bloat

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userspace is bloat

This or alpine?
I'm using arch but feel a bit bloaty desu

Like shitposting on Jow Forums, eating fried corn, telling their normie relatives to install Archlinux so they can talk about Linux in their maternal language…

I mean, learning Python takes one day. If you can't have one free day per month (for hiking or anything you like) you've got some serious problems.

I haven't tried Alpine, but why not straight FreeBSD?

I'm a long-time Exherbo and Debian user. Can anyone give me a good reason to switch? my desktop is getting a refresh and I am thinking about trying Void.

It's a troll thread. You can see it in
>over 5000 packages and growing daily
If OP used the system, he would check and see that there are 9875 packages without multilib.

Shame on you, OP.

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Oh fuck. The OP was written a while back. Will amend it to
>nearly 10,000 packages

>is it worth installing musl?
Unless you need some shotty proprietary software and you can't run it from chroot, then yes.

It works, but depends on coreutils and bash.

>not any better than the other package managers
That's wrong. It supports partial updates and (I think) virtual packages. Very fast and excellent with dependencies.
>who cares, it's a fucking init
I started caring when systemd made my laptop bootloop and had problems shutting down.
>last time I tried it, an update broke lightdm and system was in a fucked up state as runit kept trying to start lightdm (no timeout as systemd would do after a certain amount of failed attempts) and every tty was unavailable
Strange. Generally units just fail to start and get "down" state. Never had a described problem. But I don't use DMs, so maybe it's specific to them.
>bloated as fuck with the full chroot just to compile a package
Partially true. Allows compiling anything without installing unnecessary shit into the main system.

you can install it through xbps-src, but remember you will need pulseaudio to communicate in voice channels

>void got its own general
Well fuck lads, I can't use it anymore then. What's a more obscure distro I should switch to?

> >no systemd
> who cares, it's a fucking init
Except the entire problem is that it's fucking not

Life is bloat
So when will the repo move on the new domain?

I like void because it doesn't have an autistic installation process. It (should) auto-detect your wifi and it has a nice installation script, all you need to know is how to partition a disk which is trivial. Seems pretty stable too, I've used it for about 3 months without any problems, even small ones.

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Bash is arcane and obtuse and finally needs replacement.

Calling it now. He's MIA because an alphabet agency saw Void as a potential threat because no systemd and rapidly increasing popularity.

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Use rc

I'm afraid this distro is about to lose its edge because the inactivity of the lead dev. I need a good desktop Linux without fucking systemd, and no, *BSD is not an option.

crux :^)

Wait a bit and see if things stabilize. Everything was well for a few months without the dev being there, until they realized the guy wasn't coming back and they have to do something, so now packages update slower while they're sorting everything out. So if everything was fine for several months after the lead guy disappeared, I'd imagine once their migration finishes and they get proper control over everything things should almost definitely go back to normal.

Of course everything could go to fuck for some reason so it's still worth being cautious for a little while. I have faith though.


Things might stabilize but considering how much the lead dev was responsible for its success I fear it might just fall under the long list of mediocre distros and become irrelevant.

Most mediocre distros just fork some mainstream distro for no reason and don't add anything. Void is built on several very good ideas, it's never gonna be just another mediocre "distro". Worst that could happen is it does, or maintenance becomes subpar and it stops being worth using, but since like I said the existing team kept everything flowing smoothly while not having full control I doubt that will happen.

Not sure which image I should DL. Does it have a desktop environment that it's more developed in mind for than others (like with Ubuntu+gnome)?

Nope, it's minimalistic enough to be almost fully agnostic. I say almost because some DEs might not be fully distro agnostic (like GNOME and its clusterfuck of systemd dependency that needs to be patched and shit).

fuging kek systemdick kills arch and debian (devuan)

Should I go with LXQt or is it still shit as people have been saying? Lubuntu 8.10 is supposed to use LXQt so perhaps it's improving faster.


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Hey guys, i need to do fresh linux instalation but i recently got myself an nvidia card, so will void work ok with gtx 1060, does it have decent drivers?

what's stopping us from maintaining it if it does fall to the path of mediocrity

Fuck it, DLing the LXQt version. Don't let me down, existing team. Be back later.

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It has the same drivers as every other Linux distro.

Theoreticly true, but not quite. Some distros have wierd aproach on instaling graphics drivers, like manjaro with shitty tool that instals some bullshit hybrid drivers. Also i had troubles with gentoo with one of my older graphics cards that didnt have propper support.

>Theoreticly true, but not quite

docker doesnt work, prolly b/c no systemd

any fixes?

I was planning on installing Devuan Minimal and installing all my applications and packages myself
Would installing void be any different of a process? Since it isn't debian or anything else would I be hindered or would my results be more or less the same?

Attached: devuan 2.png (1280x1024, 85K)

It would be pretty much exactly the same.

It's discussed a bit here: stackoverflow.com/questions/43212291/services-in-centos-7-docker-image-without-systemd

does void have something like debootstrap?
i want to install it on a USB stick(or whatever you call that)

I simply installed it and it werked. Actually not entirely true, the service was behaving weird at first but after a quick reboot everything worked perfectly.

what does that mean? isnt the tox project part of the foundation? im confused

My guess: "Tox" is part of the "Tox foundation", but "Project Tox" was not and was botnet and was named in such as way to intentionally cause confusion.

ur mom is bloat

>still salty over a april first joke

yes it does:

the command would be xbps-install -S -R repo.voidlinux.eu/current -r /mnt base-system
you would still need to install a bootloader

so what is the difference between "tox" and "project tox" DDG'ing brought similar results


tox is official, project tox is a botnet using tox without adhering to the license.

wrong thread, pal. 9front does look intriguing, though

What does Tox have to do with Void?

Installed it last week on my x61, v. comfy.
I'm just a bit disappointed that termite isn't in the repos.

Add it.

>something like debootstrap?
Doesn't need to. Xbps supports installing into chroot, so there is no need for crippled solutions like debootstrap.

>you would still need to install a bootloader
No need for that if you compile your kernels. Just enable EFISTUB and put the kernel as /boot/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi

He can't. Core devs are REALLY pissy about modified libraries.

One of the two problems I have with the distro.

Could someone break down the benefits I get from using Void instead of Arch? And I don't mean ideological etc, but concrete stuff like faster boot and stuff like that. What would I gain from not having systemd or having libreSSL vs openSSL. I'm want to try something new but honestly everything else seems to have some disadvantage that is would make the switch into a downgrade.

What's the second reason?


I don't care.

>faster boot
This and it turns off really fast.
Never had it stall like systemd.

>What's the second reason?
Strict separation of 32 and 64 bits -> no official 64 bit wine yet. And the reason no wine on MUSL.

>just werks
I literally cannot log in into my user account after the installation.
auto completion does not work in terminal
if I press UP or Down arrow keys to cycle through previously typed commands it just writes stupid characters like "[[U" or something like that
X does not want to start. The whole system is stucked in an endless loop of starting X then crashing causing to flicker my screen and I dont know how to get out of this shit loop. Cannot even change to different tty because it just jumps back to tty1 and flickers the screen to some more.

>I literally cannot log in into my user account after the installation.
Have you created the user?
>auto completion does not work in terminal
It does.
>if I press UP or Down arrow keys to cycle through previously typed commands it just writes stupid characters like "[[U" or something like that
Switch to bash for that. Or, even better, use fish for interactive tasks. Way better than bash and faster.
>X does not want to start. The whole system is stucked in an endless loop of starting X then crashing causing to flicker my screen and I dont know how to get out of this shit loop.
Did you update after the installation?
Did the installation DE work as intended?
"Local install" basically copies the live CD to the disk.
>Cannot even change to different tty because it just jumps back to tty1 and flickers the screen to some more.
That seems unlikely.

same, still love it tho. runit is super simple and fast and xbps is a really nice package manager

>Have you created the user?
yes I did, after typing my password it just hangs there and nothing happens. I have to press ctrl+alt+del to restart or use other tty to log in as root
>It does.
after I logged in with the root account and I press tab the cursor just jump 3-4 space bars
>Switch to bash for that. Or, even better, use fish for interactive tasks. Way better than bash and faster.
will try
>Did you update after the installation?
I did not because I choosed to install packages from the internet rather than using packages from the live cd
>Did the installation DE work as intended?
it should, i use gdm + cinnamon
>That seems unlikely.
unlikely or not this is what happend. but i gave up on void at the moment will try tomorrow, probably it misses some kernel modules for the vmware video card.
btw after the installation i just installed gdm, cinnamon and xorg. then added gdm and dbus to /var/services/

>yes I did, after typing my password it just hangs there and nothing happens.
Login as root and try to 'su'.
>I use gdm
That explains the problems with TTY.
Disable the gdm service and try by hand.
>misses some kernel modules for the vmware video card
You are running it in VM? Can't help in any way with that, sorry.

use lightdm instead gdm is shit

I’ll bite
I’m building a new PC and I’ll pop it’s cherry with void. Is there are steep learning curve coming from debian?

Mostly you need to figure out xbps and runit. It takes like five minutes of reading the wiki to pick up the basics.

>I’m building a new PC and I’ll pop it’s cherry with void.
Good fucking luck. The ISOs are old as shit and their kernel doesn't support new CPUs.

You can use void-mklive to make one yourself or wait while transition is done and new ISOs are up.

>The ISOs are old as shit
Doesn't matter, he can just update after installation.

>their kernel doesn't support new CPUs.

If you choose "local" as the installation source, then it installs the DE and stuff. If you choose "internet" as the installation source, then it just installs a base system.

Reinstall with local, then update.

>Doesn't matter, he can just update after installation.
How is he can't run the damn things?
Sure, what do they have, 4.14.xx? Those don't even support recent AMD chips properly. Especially the ones with integrated graphics.

Devuan is finally starting to not be shit

APT is an instant no.

I'm not sure if I am using the right terminology here but what can I do about that amateur hour boot splash image?

>amateur hour boot splash image
That's a red flag. Thanks for saving me time and energy from trying out this distro.

What is systemd and what does it do to affect a basic bitch distro like Ubuntu or microshit

Windows isn't Linux. Systemd is an init system that some people don't like because they think they understand how Linux works.

I was mostly wondering if there was a Windows equivalent. I guess its a moot point since its a moot system. But is it something that people are worrying about or is it just autistic >BLOAT screeching?

My perspective is that it is autistic muh minimalism. I don't really know enough to say though. Arch seems like a better choice (it has systemd).

It's an init system that takes care of like half the low-level system shit nowadays. When your init system has a hardcoded default fallback to Google DNS you have to stop and ask yourself if it's going in the right direction.

It's also about a million lines of unaudited C code, written by a really dodgy guy who's incapable of taking criticism (pic related basically), and if you wanna get into the real tinfoil it's worth noting he's employed by Red Hat who have been close ties to the US government. But mostly I avoid it because I don't want the vast majority of my low level userland to be handled by an """init system""" written by a guy who doesn't know how rm really works. (If you're curious: he made his own snowflake rm-like command for using within the systemd ecosystem in like init scripts or something, which had a severe bug that could delete a shitton of stuff, and when people complained he said he didn't think it was really a problem and that rm does that too, doesn't it? Hint, it doesn't, and it's a relatively common edge case most people have probably encountered before - not some obscure arcane usage.)