Every good programmer should at the bare minimum have weekend-project experiences with the following languages:

Every good programmer should at the bare minimum have weekend-project experiences with the following languages:

C (or C++)
Python (or Ruby)
Haskell (or Scala)

Prove. Me. Wrong.

Attached: 1526962159391.png (2251x3703, 2.71M)

You're missing Julia in there.

Julia is useless where there exists python

True, but if you're just gonna slap a bunch of languages on a pic, might as well include it.

Don't forget APL and prolog!

prolog is useless

And APL isn't? They are just weekend projects and help broaden the range of thinking when approaching how to solve a problem.

I agree 100%, OP.

Prolog by itself is pretty useless (unless some old-ass flight booking sytems where they still use it, apparently).

But it's great to learn Prolog for the sake of becoming a better programmer.
Prolog influenced Erlang and other languages and has a very unique style..

>no forth
>no smalltalk
>no assembly

shit thread

Where's JS

>writing code without getting paid

how about this:
smalltalk just for the lulz

I tried Erlang and didn't find a quest that would fit a tool
I tried Lisp and hated it
I tried functional programming but purity for all cost seemed counterproductive to me

why should I bother learning all the possible tools instead of solving tasks?

>not having a week-end R project
Noobs and other data=2

Your post made me physically cringe, both your pic and your gay style of writing

>being this insecure

Honestly, that's not a bad thing at all. Even if you don't like a language, how can you know unless you've developed at least one non-trivial program with it?

logic programming languages are the future

Holy fuck, the R woman looks exactly like my stats prof

I'm teaching myself C# so I can make a game.
I started yesterday.
Did I make the right choice?


When is haskell going to fix their completely fucked up beyond all recognition ecosystem? The stack/cabal/platform shit made my weekend project an awful experience. I had ocaml experience so the actual coding was cool and good though.

Nah, arbitrary list.


for what fucking purpose?Also there's no reason to use ruby besides taking it up the ass & comitting the story on github

on the bottom of trash can
that sank onto marian trench
before an underwater earthquake that buried it

Erlang has some significant benefits when it comes to stability and concurrency