How in the flying fuck is this format still in existence?...

How in the flying fuck is this format still in existence?? And who are these fucking dipshits that actually pay for this proprietary bullshit format??

Attached: wtf.png (600x665, 54K)

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Libre is not the same as gratis

I prefer plaintext .tex files converted to PDF than .docx and friends which require an entire suite of programs just to open them. Otherwise, there's DjVu if you really want the cat-v certified "less harmful" alternative.

>the ISO standard
Don't care: Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are proprietary software.

So use envince

formatting and alignment are perfect across classic mac, windows, and unix, and anything else you can think of that can do pdf
you'd have to make a free alternative from scratch and make everyone adopt it to displace it.
we kind of did it with flv -> webm and java/flash -> html5, so there's hope

You can, but why? The official PDF program is closed-source, so PDF itself should be considered closed-source. It is unethical and immoral to recommend PDF.

>Notepad.exe is proprietary and therefore plaintext is harmful
ummm no, bro

>The official PDF program
you must be at least 18 years old to browse and post on Jow Forums

What alternative to PDF to you suggest?
It have to:
>text and embedded fonts
>contain raster and vector graphics
>support multiple pages of different size
>internal link/bookmark
>RGB, CMYK, spot colors
>Interactive forms

Why would you need Adobe Reader and Acrobat

>being this retarded
A lot of free software can make use of PDF format, like latex editors, libre office, etc. Also, the compatibility is almost flawless between all the operational systems.
You only pay for a half ass PDF editor, dumbass.

>The official PDF program

Attached: bcf.gif (400x400, 66K)
And wait ten minutes for it to open a two-pages long pdf file

i don't think you know the meaning behind the words you're saying. please stop. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf by not getting so inflammatory to anons on Jow Forums, but your comment is making it really difficult.

works on my machine™

Idk but I hope it keeps up because it's really the last form of attack surface on modern systems.
(browsers/routers/OS is pretty locked to a skiddy like myself ;^) besides tricking them into sideloading)

Just put a payload in there and you can either get them with thumbnails or in the buffer when it initially loads.

It helps that the young wintard gamers echo that "PDFs are just like images you old fuck grandpa"

Best format for downloading magazines

We do.
t. graphic designers, printers, prepress production, the entire print industry, magazines, most companies payroll, and anyone else who wants a fucking font to render on another computer without that font installed.

> doesn't know Javascript exists

Because of the "P" in "PDF"
Nothing else has that.

>The official PDF program

End yourself, you don't belong here

Attached: 1504817071869.png (960x730, 200K)

>paying to convert to PDF
>Where even Libreoffice can do the same thing for free
Nani the fuck?

All scientific papers come in PDF. Every single one of them.

This, I hate people who send .docx files. I'm forced to keep Libreoffice installed since so many fuckers keep sending me these bullshit formats without bothering to press "export to pdf".
Thr pdf format has its flaws, but at least it's a universal standard format: you're not forced to use any particolar program to view them.

God you're retarded.

you are retarded


my fucking sides

Actual fucking question: what should we use?

If I have to send a document, I'm going to send it as a pdf. It's the only surefire way to preserve formatting, and as an added bonus, nobody can go through and modify it easily without it being pretty obvious. What a fucking retarded OP.

>PDF is an open standard.
>You can only sign editable PDFs with Acrobat.

Attached: 1519708445509.jpg (250x242, 7K)

A markup language.

Binary formats for text document need to DIE.

PDF has a reason for existence.

What doesn't have a reason for existence is "ebooks" that are actually pdfs.
I'm fucking looking at you, Linux from Scratch. Fucking mongoloid dipshits, if you release an "ebook", MAKE IT A FUCKING FORM-FACTOR-INDEPENDANT FORMAT AND NOT AN A4 PDF.
I totally would have gotten an e-reader just to sperg it out with LFS.

I hate PDFs mostly because it's such a pain in the ass (that is, a proprietary mess) to edit them. And not even do any real text editing -- just editing the tags/page links so that a document is organized properly in your average PDF viewer.

PDFs solved the problem of portability and they're mostly well-implemented in the initial creation of a file, but they are 10000% pure garbage at everything else.

>Binary formats for text document need to DIE.
then you lose font embedding and compression, but then if you remove those from PDF's you have something called Postscript. Ask your parents about it.


Attached: 1526142754826.jpg (301x215, 8K)

>create pdfs from office files
I'm highly confused. Almost every office-clone can save to pdf. I'm sure there's also a pdf "printing" option in Windows.

>Export PDF files to doc
This one's tricky but there are solutions to this too.

If you work in the building trade pdfs are you bread and butter because - shockingly - the likes of architects, door manufacturers and other suppliers don't want unscrupulus fucks editing their shit. Particularly when its for big orders of materials (like say, 100 thousand bongs worth of doors).


>reported by Germán Poo-Caamaño

>DjVu as alternative to PDF
He was trolling right?

I see a retardation increase every post.

Djvu is really just compressed raster images.
It's not much different than comic book formats cbz and cbr; if you know what they are.

Guaranteed to not lose formatting.

Actually I wasn't aware of that.
A relevant interesting presentation:

So it is good alternative to PDF for scanned media (comics, manga, books...), but it makes no sense having digital texts (notes, papers, books...) in raster format.

>but it makes no sense having digital texts (notes, papers, books...) in raster format.
I have high Image count tabletop RPG books that disagree with your assessment.

Not sure how to benchmark it, but I find it hard to believe rasterizing everything, even in a smart way distinguishing background and text elements, results in lower filesize than rasterizing only embedded media.

AT&T labs magic!

People are falling for this obvious bait. Good job.

Its point is to be a cross-platform fixed-layout format i.e. its layout doesn't depend on OS or device or whattever. That's it. Yeah it's annoying to deal with sometimes, but it has its uses, especially in industry.

>download random PDF from libgen
Could anyone tell me whats going on

Attached: moe whtats gong on.jpg (500x381, 56K)

Attached: file.png (641x131, 13K)

Well for enterprise with storage limitations, PDF is a far superior way to store PPT files that don't require further editing. File size is something on the order of 60-80% smaller.

Attached: 1528654266539.gif (500x346, 471K)

You can just tar gz the file and its dependencies like image or font files. Like is commonly done in many other open formats like epub. Which you can just open as a zip file and extract or edit the text and images.

epubs reflow. they don't maintain typesetting like PDF's do; which is the main point of them.

I didn't say just use epub. I said file formats should be more like epubs format. It is a compressed binary format. But it works with existing tools and is easy to view and modify the source.

Uh oh, looks like someone's a little retarded.

Saying something stupid and getting absolutely destroyed is bad enough. Don't make it worse by pretending to be another poster and trying to play it off like you just "trolling" the whole time. It just makes people laugh harder.

HTML can't into 3 of my points

If I didn't convert files to PDF because the government says so I would lose my career forever and be put in jail.

The boomers in charge have this idea that a PDF is as good as printed out and signed piece of paper even though both are dodgy as shit for "privacy" and proving client actions.

Except DjVu wouldn't result in a lower filesize in the case he described.

Don't know, but I do know it's part of the internet archive millions books project, because it was smaller than PDFs of the same quality and had an OCR'd text overlay so copy and paste worked.

They use it for scanned books and documents.

Wow the Million Books project is books and documents? no way!

Scanned (ie raster) as opposed to vector format.
What would you have wanted me to say, "they use it for scanneds"?

Oh yeah I know what rasterization is.
I've worked with ghostscript for years.
ghostscript is the Acrobat distiller for Linux.

You must have an IQ higher than 80 to browse and post on Jow Forums.

>he doesn’t go on the fastest boards on Jow Forums

I think is often used in windows as a trojan

>I'm sure there's also a pdf "printing" option in Windows.
No, Wincucks need to manually install a virtual printer that prints PDF files.

I recently had to send out applications, so I scanned my certifications and stuff. How the fuck can it be that the rasterized JPG are much smaller than the PDFs I created from them? We're talking 700 kB vs 3 MB per page.

Attached: 1528752017952.jpg (1314x901, 188K)

all you need is scribus. can import PDF as vector graphic and it's all gg from there

first for inDesign is shit

This. PDF isn't open, it's proprietary.

Adobe Reader and Acrobat are not the only software that can read PDFs.

There are fucking printers that can natively read PDF.

Adobe calls their implementation "pdf", but it doesn't meet the standard. Ergo, not pdf. Fix by re-rendering.

Bullshit, you can embed a new image into a PDF with your word/image editor of choice

avoids copyright for fonts.
You have to remember that these formats are meant for preserving typesetting across devices. If one of the devices don't have the required font, the typesetting gets ruined. Raster images can help you get around having to ship fonts (and potemtially commit copyright infringememt) just to preserve typesetting

JPEG is literally just color data.

PDFs, are printable document formats, and include exponentially more data including but not limited to embedded pictures, fonts, text sizes, colors, margins, spacing, color profile conversions to CMYK, and printing instructions (overprinting, multiple passes)

I created those PDFs by writing a short LaTeX document which literally just embedded the JPG images. No additional fonts, no text at all, no colors, nothing. A little bit of formatting data such as page size, margins etc. shouldn't take up hundreds of kilobytes.


Graphic designers, particularly those that have to interact with overseas printing, expand their typefaces into vector paths.

Working with Chinese companies, they’re forced to go one step further and rasterize the font.

You’re joking, right?

Depending on which PDF standard you’re using, an empty document wikk still ship with some of the following

-preserving editing capabilities
-embedded thumbnails
-web previews
-compression instructions to downsample/upsample embedded images from native PPI to document PPI
-color conversion
-destination device color profile
-encryption levels
-creation metadata
-authoring tool metadata

PDFs are a series of containers inside one large container.

Even if empty, all of the containers are still there.

stallman pls go

>The official PDF program

Yeah and when you need to send a pdf to someone for official reasons they'll open it with adobe anyways and the formatting will be fucked.

i was under the impression PDFs read the same across platforms and software. that's kind of the point.

Stallman actually loves PDF because he is a hypocrite who doesn't actually have freedom in his agenda.

PDF is an open standard, what would his issues be with it?

No editing capabilities, no image compression so no upscaling instructions, no thumbnails. The thumbnails would conceivably be the largest portion of overhead data, all the rest can be encoded very efficiently and should not take up as much space as it does. Do you even realize just how fucking much 2 Megabytes are when talking about such easily encoded data?

The only kind-of formatting issue I've had making PDFs for work was with vector graphics, where some lines would look wrong or not appear, but it turned out to be because Acrobat Reader has an option to "enhance" thin lines enabled by default.

No, there are several competing standards some of which use proprietary functionality. At my old job I was forced to use Acrobat Reader because evince couldn't handle their speshul snowflake implementation of forms or maybe the digital signature, or the context-sensitive appearance of additional fields. I don't know why they didn't just write a simple web page at that point. I couldn't even print out the forms and fill them out by hand because a) I couldn't open them without Acrobat Reader and b) some of the fields were missing when printed out.
So while a document that was created adhering to the basic PDF standard will work properly in all readers, it is possible to create PDF files which can only be opened using certain viewers / editors.

fair enough, i guess i've managed to miss out on those proprietary versions. Really those pushing those standards should just implement their changes into the open standard, but that's a wish that won't come true i'm sure.

While we're, is there any good alternative for Adobe Reader for editing PDFs on desktops? It's pretty annoying that you can't even merge photos into PDFs without buying a subscription

Koreader "reflows" PDF to your screen.

Stop trying to edit pdfs

Have you even tried opening a PDF in a script editor?

Am I the only one here using zathusa-mupdf?

PDF creator, then, I often take pictures of my documents and notes and convert them to PDF so I can add notes and highlights to them and view it on all my devices without having to carry around a bunch of paper, but I've only found the paid version of Adobe Reader that can do something as basic as merging photos into a PDF file

you could make a project out of it using itext/itextsharp. I use it for work and it's pretty great