Buy a new iPad

>buy a new iPad
>start setting it up
>I eventually type in password for idk what
>I try to set it up by signing in to icloud
>ok everything's good now it tells me to enter password
>well what fucking password?
>password to lockscreen......what the fuck what....
>keep trying all these passwords that I've typed in and I'm locked out for an hour
I literally have not used this thing yet and I'm already locked out. How do I make it go back to how it is when you're turning it on for the first time and youre setting it up drom the very beginning when it's asking you for the language etc etc. I connect it to my laptop after I hold the home button and lock. It says I can update or restore to factory tuned. I click one and nothing happens. I hate this shit. All I wanted to do is sign into my already existing icloud account fuck this I'm going back to best buy

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Return it and don’t be a dumbass next time.

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This thing is so stupid. I should have set it up as new ipad. I typed in the same password like my icloud to sign in. And it didn't work when it asked me to sign into a pre existing acc. Fucking hate this bullshit. Since i synced it to my iTunes I'm worried that my photos and shit was transferred in there and I don't want the tech guys fixing it to see my stuff

Found your problem.

You are not fooling anyone Tyrone. Give the electronic device back.

You tried to insult iShit but ended up making yourself look like a retard. They're not hard to set up, that's the whole point of "it just werks".

>buy a new iPad
You deserve no sympathy

I get you’re upset, but the sooner you accept the fact that you literally forgot your password and now can’t use your iPad the sooner you can move on with your life.

Good news fellas. Tried the password again but didn't capitalize the first letter. Now I'm in. Agent Cody banks out niggas

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Holy shit when I synced it, it gave me all the data that was in my iPod touch that I lost now I have my old porn folders and not even trolling right now

Stupid boomer.

How am I stupid when I just unlocked my ipad. LOOOOOOL you just wanna be me so badly you're pathetic

Hook us up with your porn stash

>>buy a new iPad
Found your problem.

I would get in trouble. Let's just say that pizza is my favorite food if you catch my drift

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When literal babies can set up an iPad in under 5 minutes, you cried, made a thread about it, wanted to being it back in to the store you bought and tried over and over again to set it up for probably over two hours. No one on Jow Forums wants to be you, you're using an Apple product. And you're also retarded about it. From all the non coherent stories you put up, I'm sure you couldn't or didn't even read the prompts the device told you to do, and just swiftly glanced over to the next step in the anticipation of having it set up. You're a literal manchild.

iPad is literally the most useless device I've ever seen. It's expensive, less capable than a laptop, runs a fucking phone os, and does nothing a phone can't do. Literally what is the point?

Bought one and returned it.


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Think you could also just reset the entire shit by holding home, lock and volume down.

Back to r the Donald you pathetic boomer. Why didn't you want the guy at the Apple store to see your IPad? Are you hiding CP of Southeast Asian kids you bang during your vacations to the Philippines or Thailand you fucken piece of human garbage boomer.

>Being an anti pedo

Biggest boomer of all right here. Kill yourself pledditor.

That place is for basic bitch conservative pedo boomers like yourself. Look at the black guy banging my wife while wearing a MAGA hat! Fucken based! I hope you die from a heart attack and your Filipino wife spends what you leave behind on a new life.

>Nigger cucks

You're all over the place little newfag. Back to your Reddit politics board where you can newfag it up.

Shouldn't you be destroying your CP?

You know those times when you want to use a small laptop but you can't sit/lay with it and use it comfortably? Yeah, that. Also parents who just do basic tasks.

>your mind = blown

Or you can get a small laptop, a convertible, a 2 in 1, use a phone etc.

iPads are disgustingly expensive for just "basic tasks"

I hope he gets caught, but I know he won't.

The FBI are already at his front door.

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Jamal's excuses are getting more elaborated every day.
Give it back.