When Pajeet does Linux packaging

Nice shell you have here, it would be a shame if something happened to it...

Attached: pajeet-packaging.png (798x889, 97K)

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That was intentional. Microsoft just wanted to break some of the idiots that actually fall for the R meme

Are you really surprised that Microsoft is trying to break their competitors?

I didn't even pay attention to the project it was. It's nice to see that MS is still doing the good old embrace, extend, extinguish thing.

>rm /bin/sh
>ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
holy fucking shit

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nice unbiased microsoft bashing
let's see what happens when open source '''programmer''' does linux packaging


That was an honest (albeit deadly) mistake. He accidentally added a space. Pajeet cant accidentally ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

That's not that R.

brainlet here. explain what the issue is here? I mean yeah, it's really weird that it does this, but I thought /bin/sh was a symlink to /bin/bash or sometimes /bin/dash anyway

if often is, but it's absolutely not for this random package to decide

what happens if you have tcsh but not bash? symlinks can't tell, and neither will you until you decide to run something that requires /bin/sh.

Yeah, losing /usr doesn't like fun times. Kinda reminds me of Windows Update breaking itself on Windows 7 that one time, leaving vast numbers of normalfags completely bereft of future updates. Also me, for a while.

>a single devs error is comparable to the distribution maintainers who make sure these kind of things don't make it into the packages

God I wish I could convince people to download my software just to turn around and do something like that.

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>two thousand ten eight
>losernix STILL needs retarded scripts to do anything

pile of garbage

iirc, npm is guilty for messing with files that arent its own too

how do you think windows is built, troll

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How exactly is that an issue?

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gentoo doesn't have this problem

>one accidental space is the same as consciously removing sh and relinking it to bash
something something one rupee

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>cpus still need instructions

>Microsoft breaking open source stuff
Surprised: no one.

>>cpus still need instructions
Lol fucking retards. You'd think they learned how to do shit on their own by now


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MS spends every day teetering on the edge of Harlon's razor.

>rm /bin/sh
>ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
>not just using ln -sf /bin/bash/ /bin/sh

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