RIP 1917-1991

RIP 1917-1991
We will never forget you

*cries like a little bitch*

Attached: Soviet Union.jpg (270x187, 15K)

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I miss it too...

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A day nothing worthy was lost

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shut the fuck up retarded incel

Fuck off Russkies

The Soviet Union wasn't Russian. it was for all of humanity. You fucked up the greatest project in the history of humanity and are butthurt because of it.

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I love Arstotzka as well.

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werent you germanfags terrorized by stasi?Yugoslavia was supposedly comfy when there was a lot money, but I have never read anything good about DDR.

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fuck off commie, you niggers were destroying Orthodoxy

Fedora tipping commies who loved to steal everything in sight (((for the greater good))).

Literally invented and run by kikes.

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Sure. It's totally not their own poor decisions. Next you'll tell me Venezuela is great. Fuck off commiecuck

Good. Fuck communism.

gay thread

Fuck off. You'll attract that gay annoying Russian commie

shut up jew

You are right, but fear not first revolution in France lived 70 days, soviet lasts 70 years next will be forever

Only with Soviets humanity can reach unreachable

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glory on DDR

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Good thread

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>the greatest project in the history of humanity
what kind of retarded mental gymnastics is this

communism is worse than socialism

wtf is this supposed to mean

Communism is worse than capitalism, its the economic system of corrupt trade unionism
Capitalism is the economic system of freedom, however people are too stupid for that much freedom so it is also shit.
Traditionalist distributism which allows both worker owned companies and enterpreneurship is the perfect system - the balance of left and right

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>communism is worse than socialism


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I miss the uniting force of a common enemy.

yeah that was a good thing for society

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>Press s to spit

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fuck outa here yankee

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I'm not a yankee


>crippled economy
>lack of food and any kind of supplies
>mass murders

What else should prove you wrong?

>romanticizing communism

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RIP 1933-1945
We will never forget you

*cries like a little bitch*

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Well, it surely was a wild run

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