It all makes sense now

Apple is destroying Android phones by first "destroying" the iPhone. They're making deliberate design choices they know other companies simply can't get away with but will copy mindlessly features without improving upon them anyway, to their own misfortune.
Take, for instance, the headphone jack. Apple dropped it because they can get away with it; they include Lightning earbuds in the box, they include a dongle and they sell AirPods, which are 'truly' wireless earbuds that have a nice balance of sound quality, ease of use/convenience and battery life. Other Android phone manufacturers like Google followed suit and immediately dropped the headphone jack as well without really thinking about it. The result is a USB C dongle that doesn't always work, and Pixel Buds which are generally terrible.
There are 'truly' wireless earbuds out there that sound miles better than AirPods, but none of them have the combination of sound quality, convenience and reliability, and that's what people really care about.
The same applies to the notch. Apple gets away with putting a notch on the iPhone because they have an of excuse for it; it houses Face ID, a second speaker and the "selfie" cam. Additionally, the iPhone X doesn't have a chin which further validates the notch's purpose. Android OEMs are putting notches on their phones for no reason; they don't house any kind of special facial recognition tech, nor a second speaker, and they all have massive chins which defeats the purpose. Why not just implement a symmetrical top bezel like Samsung?
With Steve Jobs in charge, Apple tried to go "thermonuclear" on Android by suing the pants off of everyone; that didn't work. Plan B is to just do things other companies can't do, because they know that other companies will willingly destroy their own products to do something that Apple is doing, because they ultimately have no core philosophy.

As much as I hate Apple, that's a pretty clever business strategy.

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I'm enlightened. Think I'll make a Youtube video based on this post desuka

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>3 posters
>4 posts
>all of them are samefagging

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fuck, that stung desu, as a pixel 2 user
so do i get an iphone now so i can ride the design memes the right way?

Yeah, pretty much. Continuity's pretty great.

i don't see that
i think they are turning 5 dollar headphones into 50 dollars

Buy from Android companies that aren't trying to copy Apple, for example (and I can't believe I'm saying this) Samsung. Or buy an iPhone.

This. Normal wired headphones are made to be annoying as fuck so they can sell an alternative at $160. And more ridiculously overpriced dongles.

You're making too much sense, expect that one tripfagging pajeet to start shitting up this thread, with 50 links to negative articles he hasn't read about Apple.

I do think Apple is aware of the power of their branding and design. I do think they know their in a position to influence other companies into making poor design choices to try and compete with their preferred style. To think that this is a guided missile of Apple's though is a mistake. Unless Steve Jobs was a closet fan of the Unibomber, none of this seems intentional at the highest level. What I mean is that Apple has been an agent of sterility in the tech industry. There was a period of time where innovation in the consumer electronics industry was going at a break-neck pace. New shit (a lot of it stupid but hey thats evolution) was coming out in new form factors all the time, across a ton of brands. Now we get the same core package, in a slightly altered form factor, on a schedule that seems to imply an adherence to ensuring quarterly profits.

You know what I don't trust? When somebody appeals tries to appeal to your morals, or your beliefs, or your concerns about your social standing to sell you a product. Why do they need to do that? The product should be good enough to speak for itself.

Here is how Apple is actually brilliant: they made a product specifically suited to get you caught in a feedback loop using the same thing over and over again. Then, to ensure you stay attached they incorporated a 'culture' around the product that ensures you stay faithful to that feedback loop that is daily modifying your behavior--taking away your sense of delayed gratification, tying your sense of worth to arbitrary counters, and feeding you input entirely tailored to enrage, and instill fear and self doubt in you. You'll take all of that negative input though because you have to have a cell phone right?

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You're thinking way too much into this.

>they made a product specifically suited to get you caught in a feedback loop using the same thing over and over again. Then, to ensure you stay attached they incorporated a 'culture' around the product that ensures you stay faithful to that feedback loop that is daily modifying your behavior--taking away your sense of delayed gratification, tying your sense of worth to arbitrary counters, and feeding you input entirely tailored to enrage, and instill fear and self doubt in you

This is more Facebook's strategy. Apple's strategy is to entice users into buying into their isolated ecosystem and then becoming completely beholden to that ecosystem and forced to continue paying into it.

Once someone's dropped $5K on a Macbook Pro, iPhone, and software from iTunes, that's a sunk cost.

An economics professor (he was teaching microeconomics) told me some time ago that it looks almost like Apple publishes some patents to mislead competition, or at the very least there are so many patents that no one knows what Apple will chose to use. It's not so new tho, maybe Apple finally saw how to exploit retardness of their competition that will try to catch up in something Apple will be ahead instead of focusing on something different. Look at ar emoji that Samsung shit out hasty after Apple's emoji, they are shit as pure shit and succsung won't be able to do anything with them since they don't have a supporting hardware.

"Your copying it wrong"

-t. Steve Jobs

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holy shit someone contact moot

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This is the entire history of personal computing. Apple makes a well-thought-out and tasteful design decision, and it is copied by the legions of corporate bugmen whose engineers are too autistic to actually understand how their products are used

>i-i-i-i was only PRETENDING to be retarded!

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1.) It's not that they're "pretending" to be retarded. It's that they're making choices that benefit themselves and their users while also making choices that can't possibly be copied correctly. It's kind of genius.
2.) Microsoft has been around for a while. Microsoft knows their tricks and are no longer falling for it.
3.) There's a reason Apple dropped MagSafe.

You act like the product has to actually be good to sell. It just has to be marketable.

>CAUTION: Only shitposts below this point.

I can shill too

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This. Apple is a marketing company that just happens to also produce their own toys for autistic manchildren.

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Unrelated to the OP.
low-level meme shills.

christ can we at least have some new shill.jpgs? these are getting stale.

link to your channel when you're done

Kids these days

Read the first sentence and gave up. If you think there’s a black and white solution as to why a monolithic company like Apple would make decisions that they do then you must be more retarded than I am


Whites are the solution
Blacks are the problem

Nobody said ALL of Apple's decisions are made solely off of that basis.

Sage is not a downvote and also you can get banned for announcing your sages. Did you know that? :^)

Samsung is actually feature competing with apple on the hardware and software front as well. Especially with the note line.

But yeah, other chinkshits are only cheapening their own brands by copying the notch. Might as well get an iPhone X rather than a shitty knockoff