Tired of the bullshit Jow Forums. I love my ThinkPad T430...

Tired of the bullshit Jow Forums. I love my ThinkPad T430, but you fuckers know that shitty TN panel and those garbage speakers can't possibly compete with the multimedia experience on MacBook Pro. Apple makes good products. Stop being Apple hating poorfags and treat yourselves to something nice.

Attached: IMG_0500.jpg (4032x3024, 1.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:



>"After our one-hour stress test with Prime95 and FurMark (Windows), the CPU runs at only1.2 GHz, while the graphics card is also limited to just 400 MHz. Even though devices fromAsus,Acer& Co. also throttle, none of the direct rivals loses that much performance. The performance of the MacBook was much better under OS X, but the tools (Cinebench and Unigine Heaven) are not that demanding for the hardware."


>"We had our doubts on the performance of the Surface Pro 4 Core i7 configuration considering the throttling issues found on the Surface Pro 3. Luckily, we can observe no major performance issues when under high loads. The tablet is able to maintain its maximum Turbo Boost of 3.2 GHz for both cores when under Prime95 stress and Unigine Heaven stress."


surface pro 4 is LITERALLY a tablet btw

You can upgrade the screen to a 1080p IPS display

How is that at all relevant to my post?
Not without some Russian or Chink shit driving the screen.

>asking Jow Forums to stop being contrarian apple-hating shitlords

nice meme

Macbook """""pros""""" have a chronic constant overheating and thermal throttling problem which is so severe that tablets outperform them with literally half the cpu cores.

ie: not everything that glimmers is gold

Attached: 1502768351185.jpg (1750x960, 334K)

Refurbishd price vs new price
Nice, faggot

if you like plastic, 1366x768, and shitty speakers buy a Dell Latshit for 549$. Kek,

I didn't make that infographic but my point still stands. In fact I actually use to own a 2015 macbook """"""""""pro"""""""""" and was thouroughly disappointed not only by the poor cooling but by the wonky half baked locked down OS.

>chronic constant

The point is even that hunk of junk performs better than the shitty macbook pro. Justify that.

I put a 1080p ips panel in my thinkpad x220 and replaced the speakers with replacements parts for the nexus p9. It's an excellent device now, blowing any other laptop out the water due to its repairability and the insane amount of replacement parts available for it. You really cannot convince me to get any other device in the next 5 - 10 years I think

Except it doesn't.

>treat yourselves to something nice
like fags and women do? no thx.
as a proper man, i enjoy being able to solve my own hardships

Source? Because as far as I've heard people who went from a macbook pro to THAT actually reported an improvement from the lack of overheating and thermal throttling alone.

Why does Jow Forums hate on modern Thinkpads?

They are 80% of old Thinkpad design but with fantastic screens and all modern comforts.

Overheating? In a Macbook? Nah. MacBooks are designed to be used on a flat surface. The aluminum chassis gets hot... like it's supposed to- to remove the heat from the internals. Turbo boost turning itself off during extreme temps is not throttling.

lolnothankyou, I want a machine which works.


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not sure why but my faggot detector is going off a lot today

>Louis Rossman

The guy was rendering videos.
Every modern laptop throttles under such workloads.
MBP just throttles more than others because it has tiny vents.


Why are you all so poor?

My employee always buys me the newest ThinkPad and let's me use it in private as well

You're paying $1,000 for a computer and you find it ACCEPTABLE that it has a phone-grade cooling solution on it and that a tablet (surface pro 4) around the same price has HALF the cpu cores but better performance. Are you fucking high?

That other guy talking about his employer isn't me.
>Phone grade
>MBP has fans
Are you high?

I need a work computer, my only requirements are a display with correct colors and the ability to run Illustrator and After Effects smoothly. I'm currently using a T420 which can do neither, and I feel like my options are:

>build a PC workstation
>will do everything I need swimmingly
>will pay a premium because of market conditions
>will take a month or two for everything to arrive (due to my circumstances)


>buy a used 13 inch MBP 2015
>will have problems with After Effects
>will pay a premium because lolapple
>will arrive tomorrow
>can build a PC by next year when market hopefully corrects itself and new tech is out

Which seems like the better option? I'm really sick of trying to make the ThinkPad work for design.

Treat yourself to the MBP user.

They hate the Chinese.
They hate them changing things.
They hate how highly priced they are (at that point, just get a Macbook like a normie would).
They hate the whole "thin and light" meme.

What else am I missing?

>>will pay a premium because of market conditions
>>will take a month or two for everything to arrive (due to my circumstances)


>at that point, just get a Macbook like a normie would

Modern Thinkpads are a lot better at the same price points.
Yeah they are expensive but they are also pretty awesome.

don't get a laptop unless you need portability. buy a workstation and smash it full of ram

>tfw I have a TN PC screen and see no problems
Feels good being blind, at least I don't get triggered on a Korean fresco board.

>apple makes good products
No one argues with that, people hate apple because they overprice their products and in return still plan obsolesence. People hate apple because they pay 2000$ for a machine that can't be fixed if it brakes, a machine that will never be upgradable becuase the standar will change every year. A machine that will be perhaps perfect, but just as long as it is still relevant. 15 year old Thinkpads are still very popular precisely because of that, they work relentlessly and if they fail fixing it won't cost more than 20$
Thinkpads might not be the "ultimate experience" but people like them because the combination of price and quality is proportional unlike Apple's products. Thinkpad is the Lada Niva of laptops - it might not be the best, the most economic or the most popular. But it does the job and will continue doing the job for decades to come - laptop is primarily a tool not a multimedia device and I expect my tools to last

I had good experience with Iphone 4, it was a solid phone that worked. but in the end wen the display failed, the repair offer to change it for 200$. The same goes for Macs, Thinkpad display won't cost more than 35$ and you'll be able to change it yourself with no experience. Can't say the same for Apple's products

Attached: lada-niva.jpg (2048x1536, 219K)

you could just as well buy any consumer-targeted product like the Zenbook or the XPS and get an even better multimedia experience unlike a Thinkpad which will have a shit screen because you're meant to write word documents and review excel spreadsheets on it


>No one argues with that

I do.

Everything is made to the lower possible production costs, cutting corners everywhere.
No thanks.

No, though I am in a third world shithole. Suppliers I have access to take a week or two to ship, and I don't have the entire $2000 on hand to order everything at once so I'd have to do it over the next month or two.

The prices are fairly good though, the market conditions I'm talking about are the global ones where the stagnating tech is getting more expensive, due to crypto miners, RAM shortages, etc. I do have the money for the MBP on me, and the guy selling it could bring it over by tomorrow.

I was considering the MBP as a temporary solution just so I don't get eye cancer from looking at the TN panel, I'm planning to get a full workstation either way, the only difference would be buying it now or in six months or so. I don't need portability, but I'd sell the MacBook when I get around to building the workstation.

>t. mac poorfag

This could literally have been fixed with one click in SMC Fan Control
boom no throttling
same principle as running MSI Afterburner fan profile on my 1080Ti

>implying other companies don't do that including IBM/Lenovo

Cutting corners is not a bad thing, but it's not a bad thing because it lowers the price of the product. The problem as I said is that Apple products cost disproportionally more for what they offer. If they are cutting corners, planning obsolesence and forcing their own products into it I expect it to cost

I'm really tempted to get it to see if their displays live up to the hype, potentially compare it to the desktop monitor I end up getting. I also like the high PPI and would like to check out Sketch.

I don't agree with Apple products being overpriced. You're paying for a collective package of hardware and software coming from the same vendor and other royalties to keep Apple researching and experimenting.
Bullshit. Apple designs very well. If there are manufacturing screwups then most times you can just swap out your machine for a new one- granted your warranty is still in effect. >planned obsolescence
Apple supports their hardware longer than most. High Sierra is officially running on 8 year old laptops.

I'm honestly considering writing a script that follows your tripcode around and tells you to kill yourself until you actually do.

>>implying other companies don't do that including IBM/Lenovo

On consumer trash.
Not on business laptops.

>Apple designs very well.



> pay 900 bucks for a used piece of shit.

for that price you can get a maxed out W540 or Dell Precision with i7-4800mq or i7-4940MX and 32 Gb of ram.

A real computer, in other words.

user, you can't just use links to Louis Rossman as a response to everything.

even the fucking razor phone has better cooling than this

Attached: YiMLBUr2bXROAMpU.jpg (592x444, 113K)

No need, I do that every night.

I use linux, I don't pay shit and still get all the software most of the time better than anything Apple will ever make (if you know how to use it)

Pay 100$ for Windows OS and you'll most likely get the next version of it when it releases 5 years later. And during those ~10 years of usage you will again get better software than Apple could ever produce.

So far, no Apple software that they financed, researched and experimented on topped the software industry in their category. Every software apple puts out is just a cheapo simple shitware hidden behind flashy GUI to make it easier for plebs to use. It's just large buttons, you press the button and it does sometihng mediocre. Important software is either free or developed on it's own. Not to mention that Apple doesn't even target buissness and work related people but casual normies and collage plebmasters that only use it to type shit down and watch netflix. Apple makes poor software and even worse packages of software. One single (small) company can't make all the software and hardware, and Apple moreover refuses to. They purposefuly hold the monopoly on the software so they control what you see, hear and use - and more importantly - when will that software become obsolete and you'll have to change. Fuck them and their shit, I am not paying 2000$ to get a poorly built machine that only supports software that aims to fuck me over

>you can just swap your machne for a new one
Oh no my usb+thudnerbolt+charging+HDMI+anything port broke and it's the only port on my laptop, better go and get a new product

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I was considering the W540 but that still leaves me with the display problem. Sure I could get a good monitor and use it as an external, but it's both an inelegant and expensive solution (unless I downgrade the laptop specs that is).

I love my macbook pro but you know damn well that macbook pro can't possibly compete with the multimedia experience of a home theater system and hi-definition television.


Attached: heat.gif (364x489, 526K)

No external battery
Shit keys
Harder to replace components inside

These are the main ones for me. I don't really need that expensive and powerful of a laptop though, since my desktop at home takes care of the power intensive stuff I need to do.

You can run Windows and/or Linux on a MBP.
There are 4 USB-C ports on this Mac. Any of them can be used to charge.

And that's for the CPU AND GPU. God forbid you have to use both at the same time.

>No external battery

>Shit keys
Better than older Thinkpads.

I thought the thin pads had no removable battery on the outside of it?

Only the shitty "ultrabook" types, but why would you buy those?

>why would you want a portable laptop? XD
the absolute state of Jow Forums

Because tablets exist and outperform these pieces of shit, see

>refurbished vs new
anecdotally i haven't experienced the issues you've mentioned, also

>rendering without gpu

>I'll stick to my 3cm thick laptop because 2cm laptops aren't portable.

Reminder that this iPajeet shill outed himself.
>makes fake celebrity account
>sends himself messages for "le ebic trole xD"
>forgets to remove his sim
>exposes himself as a literal pajeet on vodafone india
>actually tries to pull a "i-i-i was just PRETENDING to be a pajeet" "i-i-it was just a joke!"
>even tries to hide it with airplane mode

Attached: 1514044444660.jpg (1500x1500, 45K)

He tried both with and without GPU.
In both cases the MBP performed like shit.

I'm not him faggot. Lol

Whatever you say iPajeet.

can't see the results there pal

>that wasn't the argument

The mbp overheated and thermal throttled harder with the gpu under load, it was awful

>the point



Go fuck yourself.

Attached: lolcrapple.png (2560x1440, 1.75M)

Also this is pure gold.

fuck off shill. if you don't know which one you want go to apple store and literally any electronic appliance shop and test them.


>refurbished vs. new
if anyone's missing the point it's you

>I want to find the fastest laptop for Premiere Pro
top kek

Wow. Louis fixing old as MacBooks. I'm so happy this relates to my 2017 MacBook Pro.

I don't see the issue?

He's a successful professional photographer and videographer and edits on the road.
He's exactly the type of creative Chad all the iToddlers love to imagine they are.


No shit its going to be slower on the MacBook Pro... Its Premiere Pro ffs, they don't even care to optimize the shit for OS X. If you were in order to try the same export with FCP the render time will be vastly reduced. If you edit in Premiere then the MacBook should be the last fucking laptop you should look at given the fact that Adobe doesn't give a flying fuck about OS X

2018 iMac Pro:

>just use our toddler toy instead of a real pro editing suite
At least you tried mactoddler.

Attached: 1525099596905.jpg (1920x2160, 517K)

>Adobe doesn't give a flying fuck about OS X
Nobody does. Not even Apple.

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>Wall Mount
Not a performance issue or relevant. He got his Mac replaced anyway.

You can run Windows on Mac.

You can get an IPS on them though

You can buy a real computer instead of a mac.

>real computer

Please don't run Windows on a Mac

Why not? Apple supports running Windows on Mac.

>my fruit toddler toy is a computer!

>X250 with 1080p IPS display
T430 is a meme, OP, the IPS X250 is the sweet spot now.

The lack of education is paramount.

>stop using professional software it's not fair on my Facebook machine.