How do you guys sort images? Do you split up webm/gif in one folder and then images in another?

How do you guys sort images? Do you split up webm/gif in one folder and then images in another?

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pretty much just folders. It sucks. I wish there was a way to intelligently organise images using tags/machine vision/perceptual hashing. I'm too lazy to build something myself.

Yes, Webms and videos come in a separate folder. Gifs and regular images in my regular images folder. This is my main picture gallery.

Attached: images.jpg (3840x2115, 317K)

Attached: images.jpg (559x712, 61K)

Music folder is bigger. Barely fits on a 64 GB microSD now.

Attached: music.jpg (559x712, 61K)

I should probably delete a shit ton of images.

No. They are all autistically hand sorted. Any image I have is in this folder, its divided between a regular section and a deep "archive" section with old pictures.

It's gotten to the point where I make a folder for anything and I have a ton of folders with 4-5 images and I don't like it.

Its the exact opposite here, I have few folders with hundreds of images in them. Since I only use 4K monitors now it got much easier to overview them. I also give them filenames so I can search specific images.

kek I'd like that but I can't remember every image when I have a TB of them.

>storing images

I like things being nice and neat.

I keep things nice and neat by not storing ridiculous web images.
They aren't the works of da Vinci, you do realise that? Hoarding music, movies, and books is one thing, but images from the net? Give yer head a wobble, m8.

Yeah I have a problem with that. I save a lot of animal pictures.

How do you make your posts stand out if you can't attach images of cute anime girls to them?

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Oh shit sorry man I'll get right on it.

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I spent that time making myself stand out irl, which paid off by first getting me a friendgroup which lead to a girlfriend, then another when that ended.
Put effort into something worthwhile, not collecting pictures like a middle-aged spinster woman, or you'll end up middle-aged and lonely.

oops wront theead

Attached: mess .gif (377x486, 29K)

is there any way to use tags without having to install some weird hentai-tagging network?
i have a lot of folders.

I put them ~/Pictures/sort and when that drive is full i move it to another harddrive as SortN and tell myself I will deal with it later.

cursed image


I save everything into one big folder and properly name it with tags. Then when I click on choose image and the folder opens I just have to type "dog" for example and it jumps to all images inside the folder that start with dog. Having a ton of folders you have to click through to get to an image must be hell.

Attached: dog look3.jpg (400x400, 68K)

by waifu type obviously

Attached: Capture.png (334x189, 7K)

The social network used by lonely grandmothers? No thanks. I'd feel mean making fun of them, as they didn't do anything to deserve loneliness, it's just a pitfall of aging.
Neckbeards invite loneliness and scorn, so are fair game.

I just delete the image folder every few months, seems to work for me.

Pretty much any image viewer with a thumbnail viewer allows tagging.

Delete all and get a wife

Attached: 1529007662146.gif (1400x2015, 1.43M)

I try to sort by its source i.e Jow Forums stuff, anime stuff, video game stuff etc. Its been ages since I've actually sorted it out properly though and I really should go back and do it, but I can't be bothered.

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