Unironically STILL using Ubuntu and or any buntu based distributions in 2018

>Unironically STILL using Ubuntu and or any buntu based distributions in 2018

Defend yourselves right now Ubuntu KEKS

WHY in the fuck do you still use Ubuntu in 2018 Jow Forums?

Attached: PATHETiC.png (2000x2000, 2.04M)

Because it just works in Windows 10 subsystem for Linux

But I'm on openSUSE, OP.

No botnet, it used to be in some version, but not now. At least is what i want to belive.
Also works right ootb.
More stable than arch, for me, maybe not for you.
More up to date than debian.
No need to waste time ricing, just change some stuff to dark theme.
Systemd? I dont like it but is the norm, if you like linux soon or later you have to use it, its like using dvorak or colemak, good luck using another computer.

Xubuntu is still decent after a decade of Canonical shitting on the underlying pieces

huh? debian just works too ya know

Excellent thread OP. You definitely convinced me to stop using ubuntu

That's ubuntu based

Are you retarded

mint just has everything i want.

tried out a lot of different distros but always switched back to mint after a while.

however i did like manjaro.

Because Ubuntu MATE is not only one of the best beginner distros, but also a solid daily driver in general.

Attached: The-Ubuntu-Guys-Pirate-assistant.png (2100x3150, 1.26M)


>if uses windows or macos
>if uses any other than distros for neckbeards, animefags, retards memes or posting screenfetch htop and other bullshit
The state of freetards, everyone!

Attached: 1528112107553.jpg (439x322, 97K)

I don’t get this pic.


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I use Ubuntu and i3. Ubuntu only sucks because it uses Gnome/Unity

I can't wait until i3 becomes its own distro

Didn't even "just works" for me. Had to spend an hour finding an ethernet cable to attach to my laptop so I could download wifi drivers

I fart on your lap

There's a flavor called microwatt that comes with i3 and energy optimizations ootb.

million times better than ubuntu senpai

>letting windows touch your hardware
absolutely fucking disgusting

debian is the single best operating system ever to have been created by the human race. you are a fool

very informative content

Yeah, says the guy who post ebicmemesherk.jpg

Because proprietary software I rely on doesn't run elsewhere.

Ok, but you do that once, right user?
Or do you install it everyday, and spend 1h everyday to find your drivers

*buntu wifi drivers just work out of the box on live boot for my hardware, can't say the same for arch

True, however the os that prides itself for working out of the box should have the drivers already, mint did

Try manjaro.
t. kde-neon user and not arch shill

just fucking werkz 4 me laddie

Attached: itworks.png (600x515, 227K)