
4 years on Jow Forums, 4 years on Jow Forums.
I have come to this

GNU/Linux, UNIX, is very good for programming, networking, open source stuff, getting mostly free from the botnet and having CONTROL over your computer.

MacOS is very good with production software (music, video editing. graphics etc), anything from adobe because Adobe and Apple have worked closely together. So. if you just want to get shit done quick use a macbook cause it works really well with everything adobe related.

PS4 or Xbox one. Just buy either of these gaming systems if you like gaming. It's literally made for gaming.

Windows: Bug ridden, close source piece of fucking cancer. Everything about it is fucking shit. The only reason people use this shit is cause boomers use it. Like actual fucking boomers, i'm not even memeing about anything. It's absolute shit, you should have fucking grown out of windows and moved on to MacOS( I don't drink cum, i hate apple products desu) or GNU/Linux (the right choice). Honestly, steam, origin what ever the fuck, all that is shit is a clusterfuck. Just buy a fucking gaming system ffs.

If you want to play fucking games, but a fucking GAMING SYSTEM.
If you want to get into programming, networking, opensource stuff USE GNU/LINUX or UNIX

If you are interested in video editing, audio, graphics etc etc JUST USE A FUCKING MACBOOK BECAUSE ADOBE AND APPLE GO TOGETHER FLAWLESSLY. Yeah you can use windows but that shit is FUCKING SPYWARE, i mean MacOS is too but fucking still WIndows 10 is literally botnet central.

Attached: Dennis_Ritchie_2011.jpg (503x662, 201K)

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good post

Attached: lain_lisp.png (1520x1080, 1.93M)

>muh open sores

Normal people don't care about the political status of code, stallman.

I'd install MacOS if Hackintosh wasn't such a meme.
Same with Linux, I'm fine with change, but of what you listed, MemeOSX would be right for me.
Just leave people to their own devices. If they want to fuck their privacy off, let them.

Okay cool rant and everything, but what if my 13 year old sister wants to get a computer and she

A. doesn't have $2000 for a Macbook laying around

B. she didn't computer science for 6 years at university and knows the in-depth of how an operating system works, and how to operate GNU/Linux

what should she buy?

>prefering a locked down gaming platform with no option for future upgrades vs a open, user driven system with tons of options and games, and place for future upgrades.

Been on Jow Forums way too long; this is what i've learned.

Just by a macbook pro.

You can upgrade your PS4. You're just too much of a brainlet to know how.

t. computer engineer

>4 years on Jow Forums
6 years for me, faggatron. Neck yourself. Can't even triforce, I bet.

t. pajeet pretending to be smarter than he actually is

FTFY faggot, now go kys and stop shitting on the streets