/vlg/ - Void Linux General

/vlg/ - Void Linux General

Out of the Void and to the Stars Edition

This thread is for those who are interested in Void Linux, use it, need help with it or want to try it.

Benefits of using void:
>no systemd
>xbps package manager
>xbps-src to build natively from source
>not based on any other distro
>rolling release
>libreSSL instead of openSSL
>nearly 10,000 packages and growing daily
>musl or glibc

>No systemd
Void Linux uses the runit init system and services supervision. It has the benefits of fast boot and shutdown times as well as simple and easy to write init scripts (in addition to having hundreds of pre-written ones).

Powerful package manager with dependency resolution. If your desired software isn't in the repository, build it with xbps-src and consider adding it.

soon moving to www.voidlinux.org



>IRC (irc.freenode.net)
#voidlinux - general chat and help channel
#xbps - development and package maintenance

Contribute packages, wiki entries, guides, &c. It already has a logo but there's plenty more to do as the distribution is stilyoung.

New github: www.github.com/void-linux

Attached: splash_void.png (640x480, 311K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We don't need a thread for a /mlp/ distro

Is Aryan distro.

>believing April fools jokes

Anyone running void on an x230? Any obvious trouble?

I am, in fact. No trouble at all.

You just need to edit your /etc/acpi/handler.sh file to include the hardware buttons.

Here is my handler.sh, all my hardware buttons work, hastebin.com/opuyefiwud.bash

Attached: linux.png (1366x768, 1.32M)

Thank you very much user!

Sry I am a retard. Does centos use systemd unlike this. What is the major benefit I get from not having systemd

if you don't know then you don't care. stick with CentOS.

CentOS 7+ does use systemd.
Pretty much this
Except the case where you want to try something a bit different.
Main differences are package managers, init system and services. If you use CentOS for servers, stick with it; if you're on a desktop/laptop, might as well try void.
.t long time sysadmin, daily Linux user

Why would I switch from debian to void when i could just switch to Alpine and get ahead of the curve?

Alpine for server
Void for desktop

d-*chuckles*-did they find the dev? ..*snickers*

Attached: 1510161624035.jpg (310x310, 18K)

Attached: 1528913964812.png (381x431, 334K)

>No systemd
>No project leader
Void is D E P R E C A T E D

But it just werks

Attached: 1519748128256.png (1440x1938, 494K)

Daily reminder this distro is dead

I just did a fresh install and everything is working fine, but after running xbps-install -Suv twice, I reboot and get a blank screen after logging in. And help would be appreciated. I'm sure it's a video driver bullshit (Gtx 970)


Nope xfce 86 64

>xfce 86 64
that doesn't answer the question

>>xbps package manager
>>xbps-src to build natively from source
What so special about it, other than you need to type in another command for every other action it to work?

No it's not musl

Did you check Xorg.log? What if you run dmesg in one tty and try to start X in another tty?

You have to provide us with information if you want help.

I always thought void uses firefox which uses alsa and not pulseaudio
But whenever firefox plays sound, all sounds played by alsa programs (mpd, mpv, etc) pause
Does anyone know what's the issue?

i figured as much. i just reinstalled void and am now running it without updating. i tried this twice and got the same results. one of the updates of dependencies really borks the installation. it works fine running vanilla (live cd).

Im a complete fucking casual user of linux hence dont know how to do the latter thing you mentioned.

ded general bump

Project leader?

Attached: 1529131800508.webm (960x720, 90K)

>all sounds played by alsa programs (mpd, mpv, etc) pause
That's default ALSA behaviour. You need alsa-utils (and, maybe, dmix) to work with multiple audio sources.

What does xorg output in the TTY?
Also, I assume you make local install?(otherwise there would be no updates available).

>What so special about it,
Partial updates, ability to install into chroot, very fast, internal shlibs checking.

Very easy to use, can commit to upstream directly.

>imagine being this much of a cuck that the most important part of any organisation to you is a 'leader'
Leaders are the weak points of any group or organisation. When Spanish conquistadors came to the New World and met the indigenous population, they asked to see their leader, not because they wanted to negotiate, but because a people who have a leader are subservient and all you have to do is remove the current leader and replace them with one who will do what you want to gain control of the population.

It was about a month after xtraem's disappearance that the other devs made an announcement he was gone. Until that point no one had noticed anything different -- updates went as planned, new packages were introduced into the repo, the kernel got updated, etc etc.

And now, 2 months after the lead dev leaving there hasn't been a single issue with Void (other than control of git and domain, which has been sorted out).

>You need alsa-utils (and, maybe, dmix) to work with multiple audio sources.
I have alsautils installed and dmix isn't in the repos

Oh shit nice, I still hadn't gotten around to this

Why is Firefox so slow on Void

For any other buttons, you run acpi_listen, then press the button/s you want to define and it gives you their identifier which you can then put into handler.sh.

> How do I enable automatic wireless connection? On Arch I just used wifi-menu to create the connections and then netctl-auto did the rest.

Personally I used networkmanager and nmtui

Boy, this is comfy af.

Attached: neofetch-2018-06-16-12-00-20-23629.png (1600x900, 2.04M)

>st on dwm with slstatus on void
Literally me. The comfiest

Used void for nearly exactly one year but there were constantly small random problems that I need a fucking looking glass to solve. Eventually I did an update and the entire system crashed and would refuse to boot so I just went back to debian. Fucking systemd. Other than I did quite like using xbps and the package support was great for such a small distro.

If you enable the dhcpcd service and have it start at boot
ln -s /etc/sv/dhcpcd /var/service
then it will start wpa_supplicant at boot as well and connect automatically. You have to edit wpa_supplicant.conf and add all your networks. You can add multiple networks to the same .conf and wpa_supplicant will connect to the one it finds, or the one with the strongest signal if it finds more than one.
Mine looks something like this:


+ more networks

Nice. Can you post your terminal colour scheme / .Xdefaults?

There's a reason why it's called void

Not at all. Simply enable acpid. No need for a copy pasta script

Void or Devuan?

void and devuan


acpid still needs to know what to do with the events it captures

do you know where you are? devuan is always a version behind debian and the fact that you can run debian with sysvinit without any issues renders devuan redundant.

So what's the status? Last I heard the owner jumped ship.

the systemd thread told me devuan was good

fuck me, why cant there be one distro everyone agrees on

/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {

/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#202020", /* black */
[1] = "#b91e2e", /* red */
[2] = "#81957c", /* green */
[3] = "#f9bb80", /* yellow */
[4] = "#356579", /* blue */
[5] = "#2d2031", /* magenta */
[6] = "#0b3452", /* cyan */
[7] = "#909090", /* white */

/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#606060", /* black */
[9] = "#d14548", /* red */
[10] = "#a7b79a", /* green */
[11] = "#fae3a0", /* yellow */
[12] = "#7491a1", /* blue */
[13] = "#87314e", /* magenta */
[14] = "#0f829d", /* cyan */
[15] = "#fff0f0", /* white */

/* special colors */
[256] = "#101010", /* background */
[257] = "#d2c5bc", /* foreground */

* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor
static unsigned int defaultfg = 257;
static unsigned int defaultbg = 256;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 257;

* Colors used, when the specific fg == defaultfg. So in reverse mode this
* will reverse too. Another logic would only make the simple feature too
* complex.
static unsigned int defaultitalic = 7;
static unsigned int defaultunderline = 7;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;


In case as passwordless networks, can I simply ommit the psk field?

Yes, you can also add key_mgmt=NONE to the network block. I'm not sure if it's necessary or not, as I don't have any unsecured networks in my conf.

install void

>constantly small random problems that I need a fucking looking glass to solve. Eventually I did an update and the entire system crashed and would refuse to boot
>small distro
That's par for the course with small distros in general and why I tend to stick with popular ones.

Thanks man.

Isn't using wpa_passphrase recommended?

Dmix should come with alsa-lib.
I suggest asking on a forum, since this is strange. I can play from browser and mpv at the same time no problem.

Can you elaborate?
Been running for 2 years on my laptop and can't recall any such problems.

You can, but I don't. All wpa_passphrase does is generate the network block in wpa_supplicant.conf, but if you already have the entry in the configuration file the wpa_passphrase is just an extra step.

It mainly replaces the password with a generated key. I have no idea how the wifi protocols actually work so I don't know what the practical difference is, but it's not just there to autogenerate the network block.

Right, it hashes the password and ssid into a 256-bit PSK. But if you type:
wpa_passphrase ssid password
into the command line all it will do is generate a network block. wpa_passphrase is useful when you want to connect to a network and not change your wpa_supplicant.conf, so you do:
wpa_supplicant -B -iwlp3s0 -Dwext -c

Thanks user
I could resolve the problem after looking into the void wiki
I had to create the file /etc/asound.conf and add
pcm.dsp {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmix"

Everything works now