How come everything is getting significantly better, food, athletic records, scientific discoveries, chess masters...

How come everything is getting significantly better, food, athletic records, scientific discoveries, chess masters, fashion, videogames, EXCEPT for technological breakthroughs?

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Why do you think there aren't any technological breakthroughs? Machine learning is pretty damn big. Boston Dynamics robots were science fiction 30 years ago. It's an exciting time to be alive right now.

That guy’s law about tech development doubling every year or something
It flattens at the top and progress over time gets exponentially closer to zero

We have fully electric cars what the fuck are you talking about

>everything is getting significantly better

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Even memes are getting better

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I agree, it's just that society is fundamentally too fucked up collectively to use it wisely.
Take "cyberbullying" for instance, when i grew up you had to actually put in effort to be respected online and naturally people called you a stupid cunt.
People went online to do something, largely because they just were interested in the tech.
Nowadays it's everyones get-rich/famous-quick grand plan.
I mean there are good people left, but they are eventually gonna die out and we are left with a generation that doesn't know better because they grew up not with technology as it was evolving but with technology already neatly packaged and ready for consumption.
To this day it still amazes me how naively people give their whole life information away to corporations for simple digital goodies.
The power these corporations are gonna have is astronomical, just imagine that they gonna have a track record of the future population, from literal birth to death.

>and naturally people called you a stupid cunt.
Don't apply your specific experience to everyone else. Some of us were the ones calling you names.

Literally none of what you just said has anything to do with technological progress.

And they're all shit

>Videogames are getting better
>Hottest current releases are candied-up versions of releases 30 and 20 years ago (DOOM, Unreal Tournament, CoD, Quake)

Not that I mind, the old ones are just as much fun as the new ones, but they are just as challenging too. One could argue those games are the most challenging because the people playing them have had 20+ years to git gud, take for example UT99, if you go into a UT99 server now it's like playing against AI bots all set to godlike, and UT4 and DOOM is kind of the same way.

Those people that gravitate to those new releases played it as teenagers and some of them are hilariously good at it right now, there's no more learning curve with new weapons and maps it's legit, jump in and hope you don't get steamrolled too quickly.

The aliens haven't visited the Pentagon for a while.

2017 computers beat the best go players pleb

How do I unsubscribe?

>Refugees Welcome
god damn commie scum.

Not to mention a lot of older games still hold up. I find myself buying older games I played on my N64 on Steam more than I do new AAA titles (Duke Nukem, Turok, UT99, etc)

Idk why but this made me laugh

>MFW when they still haven't made a better RTS than AOE II

We had those in the early 1900's... you dolt

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Here is a talk from this week that brought up a very interesting point.

In tech, complexity is cheap. It's easy to copy paste general-purpose ARM cores everywhere instead of designing ASICs. On the software side, just glue together off-the-shelf open source parts, perhaps whole containers for bonus points.

In the past, a low-effort solution would have been simple, and perhaps even innovative. Today, we spend our lives digging in disorganized heaps of shit that no one fully understands.

Naturally, the industry grew a layer of fat. It's hard enough to have a good overview of tech as a developer, so the Gen-X/Boomer management stands no chance at all. Well, I'm off to our standup. The PMs, scrum masters, and "UX" want to "collaborate".

Those are all based on the progression in technological breakthroughs.


>everything is getting better
where can I get this mindset, please tell me.

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Are you retarded? Videogames have been getting worse since the late 90s / early 2000s, and everything else you listed (and our society in general) has been declining since the late 60s early 70s.

just lie to yourself.

Videogames have gotten worse since the PlayStation in 1994, but society has gotten way better since the 70s.
t. Born in 1969

Is everything you listed wrong or just most of it?


It's up to you

Stupid cunt

I have gigabit internet access. Wasn't that long ago we were using dial up at pathetic speeds while dreaming of ISDN speed.

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We have flying cars, AI that can potentially kill us, soon to be tunnels underground that can transport us thousands of miles. I'd say were doing pretty fine from a technological standpoint.

In terms of human history, we've never before seen the type of technological advances as quickly as we've seen in the last 100 years, much less the last 30

You are such a fucking tool, OP. There are technological breakthroughs but those technological breakthroughs aren't for YOU. They are for those who own the means of production. Don't you fucking get it? You don't control society. You don't control shit. Technological breakthroughs should make it so that you don't have to work as much because technology should be able to increase efficiency and make it so that less effort churns out the same amount. But the thing that you cannot comprehend is that technological development is being used to keep you in the factory, the McShits, the office, the autofuck, whatever, for the same amount of time or even more because of the big G. Greed. Greed that is justified, often, by a protestant God. Gs, my fucking pondscum specimen, is what this world turns on. You have nothing that amounts to control because you are too busy jerking off to chinese cartoons to pay attention.

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what the fucking are you smoking? this is the greatest time to be alive in regards to technology. alphago is a fairly simple one and is incredibly recent. natural language processing has come a long way and natural language understanding is starting to come online.
you are probably looking at shit like iphones and only seeing the small changes that happen every year. not to say that apple isn't doing some pretty cool shit because they are. cutting space in half and keeping functionality at the same level or exceeding it is incredibly difficult. Also large amounts of tech advancements are being made in the software side and those changes are a lot harder to see.
you don't think that progress is being made because you don't understand what is challenging to do. start reading peer reviewed articles, even if its just the abstract and you will see just how many breakthroughs are being made.

because most of the breakthroughs happens inside of a corporation thats why