Where were you when you swallowed the red C++ pill?

Where were you when you swallowed the red C++ pill?

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A thread died for this.

A post died for this.

how about actual code generation instead of increasing compile time on every occasion?

>C:\Users\Frank Castle\
kill yourself

y-you don't mean to say you use ceplesples for everything?

Why does C++ still need fucking header files in 2018?

Sick game Frank, time to Google your name and make fun of you on Facebook.

There's modules support coming soon. I'm not sure if it's in C++17 yet.

I would rather compute things compile time than realtime.

> using a struct template when variable templates have existed since C++14
> using a template at all for this
> not using a normal constexpr function
> using fp to store a moderately sized factorial instead of a BigInt library.


>variable templates
What do you mean?

A DOS prompt with TURBO C++



>factorial function returns an int
Back to CS 101

even if you extend factorials to the reals, OP's version is parameterized on int, dummy

So? Z+ -> R+ is totally fine for factorials.

yeah, and it as also "fine" (and equally stupid and unnecessary) for:
Z+ -> C
Z+ -> H
Z+ -> O

you're too much of a dumbshit to be an effective condescending pedant.

>>variable templates
>What do you mean?

> en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/variable_template

unironically this

Because the C++ standard committee is busy working on meme features such that people can do what OP did

>header files
>not just convention

In haskell it is a one-liner
>factorial n = product [1..n]