Who's hungry?!
I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a NEW Quarter Pounder with cheese made hot from FRESH beef, hot fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!
Who's hungry?!
I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a NEW Quarter Pounder with cheese made hot from FRESH beef, hot fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!
SAGE and report
I'll take a chocolate sundae and a large chips to dip into the fudge.
It's beyond me how someone can pay lots of money for dumpster-quality food.
>lots of money
Whatever is on the menu, you can make at home for half the price or less.
Objectively untrue, at least in the US.
Why, are 150 grams of beef $2?
>heading down to
>not getting it delivered
Go to hardees and pick me up a mushroom swiss burger and beer battered onion rings with a diet soda.
Where I am (down under) McDonalds is not that cheap, burger and fries is the same price as a meal from a restaurant
You know when you shill on Jow Forums you really should try to be a bit less transparent about it. You must be a rookie marketer.
I'm a catholic, and every friday I make sure I have a McDonald's Fillet o' Fish.
Right? Absolute pleb
I'm an atheist and Fridays during lent I go to a proper restaurant and order a nice juicy double cheeseburger or philly steak because limiting yourself to seafood, especially McDonalds seafood, is absolutely retarded. Go somewhere proper at least and get shrimp or whole belly clams if you insist on seafood.
>I'm an atheist
Stopped reading right there.
Where I live 300~400grams of beef costs fucking $9.95 USD
I can buy a fucking burger without fries and a small drink at McDs for $1.66 USD
It costs me more to make a grilled cheese and ham sandwich than to buy something at McDs.
I always get:
>2 Double Cheeseburgers
>Mocha Frappuchino.
>when poor people don't realize you're paying for convenience
Eating sludge is not what I consider a convenience.
Lol scrub trying to push the ol “fast food is cheap” line.
Anything you can buy at a shitty fast food place can be bought at a supermarket or Walmart for significantly less. The only reason you can find a mcdonalds or whatever form of hamburger place on every other street corner is because if it wasn’t so easy to stop somewhere on your lunch break or on the way home people would realize they’re better off packing a lunch.
Don’t fall for the fast food meme. Homecooked food tastes better, makes you feel better, and saves $$. Normies can keep getting fat and stupid, but we’re better than that.
It comes out the same way it went in.
/ck/ is that way, senpai
>quarter pounder with cheese
>when the 2016 reddit refugee trailer dweller doesn't realize that McD's marketing threads are a meme
>caring about how healthy food is rather than how good it tastes
What an effeminate thing to do. NO wonder no one irl considers you a man. Queer.
You mean a royale with cheess, right?
>Test. falls off a cliff from fast food malnourishment
I take it your mother never truly cared for you and all you ate was mac'n'cheese and scrambled eggs.
Mr. No-life has time to prepare his own meals. Isn't that a woman's job anyway? Why would you be doing it?
Its about $7 for a quarter pounder meal. You could buy a pound of ground beef and buns at the grocery store for that and make like 5 cheeseburgers.
>it's a "office slave working overtime pretends to be a busy businessman" type of post
Alrighty then.
Yeah, you're definitely a faggot or a woman or under 25.
Don't forget the onion, jar of pickles, cheese and condiments. Then make sure you do all that in the hour you have for lunch before you need to get back to work.
>it's a "NEET pretends he's in a position to judge literally anyone" episode
I noticed you didn't address why you don't have a female to cook for you, fag.
Can you teach me the secrets to advertising
>tfw cheeseburger with big mac sauce for $1
Not bad every once in a while
Do you really place so little value on your time?
just water for me :^)
I only get paid 9-5, so yes.
>cook for you
I'm not a powerless married man, I use women for sex.
Yeah just let me go home, grill a burger, and clean everything up during my lunch break. Or I could just drive to shake shack or whatever and buy one.
>i can't use women for sex AND cooking!! >:(
Look how brainless you appear to others, incel.