Ultrawide Monitor Thread

> 3440x1440
> 21:9

Why don't you have one yet, Jow Forums?

Attached: SwfMvwE.jpg (3226x2419, 731K)

I wait for the LG 34GK950G. If it doesn't support 10 bit I won't buy it tho.

>not using superior 3840x1600 monitor

I am broke af, but i am saving for an LG 25UM58-P

Do want

Nice keyboard tray, how's that posture doing?

It's on sale now, $999
Not great, thanks for asking.

Believe it or not 2560x1440 is wide enough for me
I've tried 21:9 and didn't care for it
I'd like more vertical space truthfully

Because it's curved.

I just put the last $40 I had filling the tank of my car, in order to go to work for the rest of the month. I stopped paying for internet and got it cut, I've been eating rice with eggs for the past 3 months. Thanks Tatiana, to think I used to love you.

But user, it's more immersive

It's the same amount of vertical space as 2560x1440.

>costs 2x as much as UHD

i'm good thanks

it's alright but I'm going back to 2x27" soon

lol forgot pic

Attached: meep.jpg (1278x958, 262K)

he's saying he'd like more vertical space, quit trolling.

Then why would he prefer 2560x1440?

thats a sexy ass desk man

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Attached: h3ntf5e4.jpg (640x480, 105K)

Why are you going back? I use 2x25" at work, and would rather have one large monitor. But, it's a preference.

I _rarely_ use both screens in a full-screen mode. I'd rather have one, central window, with extra applications or data on either side. Maybe 3 monitors would be best for work

You mean ultrashort?

it's awesome for productivity, but I literally have to move my head to check corners when gaymen, which is annoying in FPS games.
I plan on getting a 27" 1440p for productivity and a 27" FHD 144hz for games when the time comes.