Hey people, what you think about this?

Hey people, what you think about this?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-20-08-31-37.png (720x1280, 200K)

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As a Canadian I considered America to be a national security risk to Canada.

Sure, but china will long term just be siphoning off your companies trade secrets and potentially even military secrets since you decided to buy Hauwei backhaul routers that had chinese backdoors built in.

They're just upset that it's not their backdoors and spyware in huawei phones.

But to be perfectly honest, I would prefer China spying on me than the US. China simply has no cause to give a shit what I do, nothing would ever come back to bite me.

it's not about phones, it's about their enterprise routers and and shit used on backhaul networks, so it gives china potentially access to HUGE amounts of data, not at all comparable to the information they could get from devices like phones.

In what possible respect?

Attached: 17235-2837.gif (320x240, 47K)

I don't care about trade secrets, they're very gay. Maybe we should go to China and steal our secrets back from them then we can share the secrets of research. How horrifying a world where scientific research that benefits society be freely shared, fuck man it'd be an endless hellscape of bloodshed.

FIVE EYES, which Canada is a member of.

Yeah fuck patents and being able to profit off your designs!

Seriously, you're a fucking moron.

The US and Canada develop technologies for other countries to then produce for us.
Just handing over the tech without them paying a dime fucks your economy.

lol america warning other countries about security risks. America even existing is a security risk to the entire planet.

I benefit as an individual by buying Chinese clones.

>proprietary fag
get a better business model, faggot.

Attached: J5H_B_MmEYHBG-7iA7wAoCUbrnXoFMl_jwv6Z2hhAuo.png (640x380, 361K)

There's this thing called a map and on this map you can see that the US is not even on the same continent as China. Russia isn't either. It's not like China's going to invade some country on the other side of the planet. Canada also does not border China but Canada does border the US...

>Yeah fuck patents
this but not sarcastically. "intellectual property" isn't property, and it should be much less protected than it is, not more protected.

>Just handing over the tech without them paying a dime fucks your economy.
This isn't a zero-sum game. It's not "if they win, I lose". Someone else knowing something doesn't stop you from knowing it, nor does it stop you from being able to profit off of it. This is a positive-sum game, the more people knowledge is spread too, the better off everyone is. Unless you're a lazy corporation who wants protectionism to keep out competitors, so you can keep gouging people, those guys lose.

yeah until your dollar is shit, no one has jobs because any good paying industrys you had have left for a country that respects their intellectual property.

Did Jow Forums realised huawei always won government contract in asia africa middle east and some europe continent? Almost every single government in the world network use huawei equipment.

But Google and Microsoft, both foreign entities, are bigger threats. Is it ok because they're American?

>buy cisco
>backdoor account found every week
Is there something like that for huawai?


Worse. You lose double the data for half the backdoors. That's how bad Huawei is. Albeit the only reason America is angry is because those backdoors are not theirs. Nonetheless, fuck any modern phone really.

You should not expect security while using a phone.

Attached: Screenshot_20180620-160235.png (720x1440, 71K)

A protectionist country is a less attractive place for a big company to locate in though. That just means more restrictions on them.
>Hey! You can't repatriate your profits to that other country, you have to keep them here!
>Hey! You can't bring in workers from anywhere else, you can only hire from here!
>Hey! You can't import materials and components from anywhere else, you can only get them here!
Protectionism makes your country a smaller market with higher costs and more barriers to entry. It reduces competition, which reduces the strength of your economy and the living standards of the people in the country. Protectionism literally makes you poorer.

>what you think about this?
This and only this. I bet half of the replies would be an equivalent of thinly-veiled anti Russian propaganda like in Rocky IV. Oh, and who prefers China or the US to spy on them of course (when we already know why to avoid Huawei phones).

>or does it stop you from being able to profit off of it.
actually it does because competitors will release better and cheaper products and noone will want to buy the garbage that the original patent hoarder made

Except in this case, so long you come to America, and you will, you will face even less competition. Shitholes like Brazil operate the way you mentioned. It's all about doing it properly. Some people believe the U.S. is going to incur some sort of backlash from Germany for taxing other countries higher, but if you understand the current State of german finances, you know they are scared shitless of doing so, because they got caught in a really bad time. Take a look at how investors are treating Germany and you will know Trump is absolutely right in doing what he did. He smelled weakness and he took advantage out of it.

Suggest watching china uncensored on youtube to keep up with the latest chink plans

And so...?

they want to protect Apple by not just banning Chinese phones in the US but also in "their allies"

Piss off 50 center. China wants to economically dominate and its already militarizing the south china sea. Those grubby hands need to stay in the mainland

Well that certainly benefits the consumer, who gets the product for less money.

For the original company, well, maybe they should figure out how to make their product more featureful, more reliable, or better in some other way, if they want to get more money for it. Or they go out of business, because they can't, and some other company is making the same or better products for less money. Whether the other company is next door or around the world is completely irrelevant.

It infringes on my civil liberties as an individual and reduces national sovereignty.




>Nonetheless, fuck any modern phone really.
What? They are also making phones? I thought this was about network equipment.

>Someone else knowing something doesn't stop you from knowing it, nor does it stop you from being able to profit off of it.

>Oy vey, buy OUR spying devices you filthy goyim, this is like anuddah shoah!

So why are there so many companies in China and the EU, both of which are wildly more protectionist than the burgers? Neoliberal econ is such a cargo cult.


China is Canada's bro

You're joking...right?

nice counterfelt meme faggot

America is being fucking stupid under Trump.


This isn't new. Virtually the whole of the US government banned them ages ago with a vague but pretty definitive "it's a security risk".
Telling Canada is just them trying to expand it into the other parts of NORAD.

That's because we are and there's literally nothing you can do about it which is why your bitch leader is begging our Congress to intervene on his behalf since he can't do shit about the dump Trump is taking on your country.

We're doing you a favor anyway. Maybe you'll vote someone competent in in your next election once it becomes clear what a bitch your leader is.

Attached: tfw having dinner with a terrorist.webm (326x303, 824K)

Kek now you've mentioned five eyes, New Zealand is more vulnerable than Canada.

ok retard

You know there's no reason to steal patents right? They're all out there for everyone to see.

Who the fuck cares, Canada isn't even an ally anymore. We stopped trading steel with Canada for national security reasons.

You realize there is a difference between a patent filing and internal research and development papers which give step by step instructions and other potential information.

>for national security reasons.

Look up "submarine patent".

look up nuclear reactor patent filings.

Further, make your own from said filings.

I'll wait.

As an american I wholeheartedly agree with your decision, I wouldn't want us bordering my country

molte volte żeżuncja

My fuckin university has a partnership with Huawei

Any Ravens here?

are you fucking kidding me
huehue way is in bed with israel
who do you think runs the US

It's true but you might want to look up Finlandization

>be an apple homosexual
>be part of google's Android botnet
>be part of China's Huawei botnet

Attached: yunophone.png (157x130, 26K)

shitty troll is shitty

I bet you're from Ontario too.

Android botnet > aplel > huacuck

yeah except the US didn't just replace half their command and have a complete lack of camouflage

My father wanted to gift me a phone and asked which one i would prefer. I told him to buy Huawei because of pic related.

>US tells Canada to watch out about some Chinese company
>because they're spies!
>Trump lets another Chinese company back onto the US market
>after it was banned for spying
This has to be the most retarded of all the possible alternate realities right now.

Android security is a joke in itself

I don't agree with the "fuck patents" sentiment, but after learning a lot about how patents pertain to software, I have to say the US system of patent law is absolutely fucked up.

It's easy to patent simple things (though the most egregious examples, like swings and strings and tin cans, tend to get struck down after a few years), and there's too many folks who have entire business based off of squatting on those kinds of patents and extorting companies with them.

No arguments given

What a faggot

Yeah, no shit sherlock.

Of course you do. We're bigger than you, we're higher on the food chain.

>I bet you’re from the largest province in Canada
Quality prediction user

>choosing between being called a faggot by Jow Forums or taking literal botnet dick.
Who’s hard choice