Do we have the technology to prevent the temp increases in the next 2 decades?
Can we stop it or are we doomed?
Climate change
Literally FUD being spread by corporations. Study physics and stop being a parrot.
thought that's a poop stain
Global temperature will definitely increase, it's too late to change that. But we don't know if we're doomed or not. It will probably vary depending on where you are.
Yes, google sulfate aerosols.
The solution to climate change is actually very easy: all we need to do is to build two giant air conditioners on the North and South Poles.
There, all happy.
I did too I came here to post like
>wtf user I’m at WORK on a WORKSAFE board do you understand the words that are coming out my mouth
Then I zoomed in
>browsing Jow Forums at work
user pls, you are supposed to hide your power level
"we" on a global scale is irrelevant. Anything the west does will have a negligible effect when places like China and India don't give a fuck.
The reality is we have the tech to adapt to changes in the watcha climate and that's what is important. Live in some poor as fuck low lying country like Bangladesh? Enjoy getting fucked. Live in a rich country? You will be fine.
we don't even have the technology to predict temp over 20 years
The solution is called global thermonuclear war.
>Do we have the technology to prevent the temp increases in the next 2 decades?
Yes but it won't happen, the mass is retarded and politics greedy piece of shit.
Nope. As long as there are people on earth, we will have man made climate change. We were fucking up the earth's temperature well before the industrial revolution just with deforestation and burning wood.
This is why i vpn phone post
This basically.
The west can reduce emissions by 40% but India will still dump waste in rivers and shit in the street with 12 children per family.
It's all part of their plan though.
We're 3 decades too late to reverse the course, it's time to adapt and overcome the upcoming changes and prepare for the eventual wars.
It's sad people in the West refuse to accept this, virtue signalling is more important than reality for them.
that's quite a pronounced labia
Trying to reverse 150 years of carbon emissions is going to be nuts, it's just easier to adapt. Bio-engineering and GMOs will help with food supply and cities will need to be retrofitted to adapt to sea level rise. It'll be tough, but it's not going to kill humans.
Supervillain route: drastically decrease the human population of the world. Favor highly developed populations with low but stable ~2 for each family birthrates.
Yes. We will give all our money to AlGore and he will take care of it.
What's wrong with their face?
I'm not sure if I've become more sensitive and more aware with age or if the atmosphere is really damaged, but I used to be able to go out on a hot summer day and just be hot and sweaty.
Now I can actually feel the sun cooking my skin when I'm outside during the mid-day. It's weird as well. I feel like somebody is burning me with a magnifying glass over all of my skin that is facing the sun.
Not just you, man, it's actually gotten worse. It actually makes me sad to think there's children out there who will never find a sunny day pleasant in their lives now.
Yeah. Just launch a shitton of mirrors into space then deorbit a few before we become snowpiercer. Then shoot anyone who can't be taught calculus. The fact that nobody with authority is even considering the first step just goes to show how the people in charge either don't care or know the truth is something different from what they tell us.
No, there's probably nothing we can do. However:
1) The common projections people bring up are based on flawed assumptions about patterns and rates of fossil fuel consumption. In particular, most of these models assume that we're burning way more coal than we actually are. Even in the coal-friendly US, natural gas (which has about 1/4th the emissions of coal per unit of energy) is being substituted instead because it's cheaper.
2) Developing states are falling into a common trap - they're getting old before they're getting rich. China already has a terminal demography which limits the capacity for domestic consumption and means that Chinese demand for fossil fuels will likely plateau soon before diminishing. India isn't really aging, but it's a ridiculously poor country that subsidizes electricity consumption, so its current consumption is likely going to stay flat over the next 20 years.
So things are bad, but probably not as bad as you think.
yes, we just need to implement it. It's pretty hard to get people to stop burning fossil fuels
Physicist here, you're a retard.
>Global temperature will definitely increase, it's too late to change that.
Just because it's too late to prevent any warming at all from happening doesn't mean we can't affect the amount of warming. We still have a lot of control over how bad things are going to get.
>"we" on a global scale is irrelevant. Anything the west does will have a negligible effect when places like China and India don't give a fuck.
That's bullshit..
Per-capita the west still dominates emissions from China, and India is barely on the list at all. And even if you think per-capita emissions isn't a good metric (why?), the USA is still the second-worst offender. Pretending that's "negligible" is simply wilful denial of reality.
>Trying to reverse 150 years of carbon emissions is going to be nuts, it's just easier to adapt
Adaptation would require us to first stop making the problem worse. We haven't even done that yet.
Also, no. Cutting down on emissions is significantly cheaper than trying to manage the long-term consequences of those emissions - the pulse residence time of CO2 is somewhere over 100 years. Adaptation is only "easier" if you only care about short-term costs.
>1) The common projections people bring up are based on flawed assumptions about patterns and rates of fossil fuel consumption.
The common predictions cover a range of different emissions scenarios.
>In particular, most of these models assume that we're burning way more coal than we actually are.
That doesn't sound right. Do you have a source for that?
Chemical engineer here, you are even more retarded if you really believe climate change is being caused by human interference.
Climatologist here, you're a retard
Just Bogandoff.
Cosmetologist here, your haircut is shit
>Physicist here
more like
>Brainwashed liberally educated "intellectual" here
And where does the west get everything produced and dump all our trash?
underrated post
Only third world countries will suffer.
Hope y’all like mass immigration.
Nuclear powered Air Conditioners so that they'll last longer.
There's no such thing, we're only doomed if we fuck up our economy for this dumb bullshit.
>do we have the technology?
Yes, probably. We could male it up if necessary
>does the global economy want to make it happen?
It would cause reduction in profits, so fuck no
Reduce the global population. Most humane way: Massive investment in trap technology. Convert 50% of the male population into traps.
I have a background in environmental science.
Long story short, we will certainly be (and already are) seeing irreversible damage to the environment. Every year that we have net positive CO2 output above the amount safely absorbed by the earth, climate change will accelerate and the problem will get worse.
Even if we stopped all output right now, and poured "clean" energy into CO2 sequestration (capturing and storing), we would still see a lot of negative effects come about. If nothing happens and we continue with current outputs, decades later we will see consequences ranging from really bad to catastrophic.
Demographic expansion is driven by the number of childbearing age women. Men are irrelevant.
Surely none if these are bait.
The main issue for the West will be if we are able to give up on human rights early enough to just kill off wannabee climate refugees before their number becomes unmanageable. Basically Jow Forums retards will become the only reasonable option.
>then i zoomed in
Feels good living in NZ knowing when the world goes to shit we’ll weather this storm
deny and do nothing, especially try not to prepare for it and then get caught with your pants down
except government is the fearmonger
It will come back down again on its own, don't you worry about that.
Better be worrying about an escape plan for when it gets cold!
It's not just you. Wear sunscreen.
Physicist here, Anthroprogenic Climate Change is very real.
Astrologist here, your horoscope isn't looking very good today.
>think he knows anything about chemical reactions
Try harder next time.
>climate change
>chemical reactions
ok americuck
fuck reducing emissions, when's terraforming
Are you retarded? The whole bullshit media has been spreading over years is that the Earth's temperature is increasing due CO2 emissions, which is bullshit. CO2 plays a small (very small indeed) hole in temperature, since our atmosphere is basically composed by H2 and H2O.
Easily. No-one ever talks about geo-engineering because it hurts the 'hurr durr let's go green narrative' which allows for billions in profits on dumb shit that barely works touted as moralism by the guillible.
The global temperature would go down 1-2 degrees C if we just painted all the roads and roof's white/grey. This is the most basic thing we could do, there's huge amounts of sophisticated ways to lower the temperature like flooding the stratosphere with certain gasses or shooting lasers into clouds and shit.
So you geniuses. It is real, yes. But how dangerous is it?
Pro level question: would it be more harmful to prevent anthropomorphic climate change, or is it more harmful to let it be as it is a) for humans b) for overall environment?
>The reality is we have the tech to adapt to changes in the watcha climate and that's what is important. Live in some poor as fuck low lying country like Bangladesh? Enjoy getting fucked. Live in a rich country? You will be fine.
There's no reason India can't start geo-engineering by themselves, they don't fucking need America's approval, and they sure as hell aren't going to wait for it when they get hit harder and sooner.
Small time, this is way cooler
>literally firing lazers at god to stop climate change
Climate Change is a vague and ambiguous weasel phrase. If you mean global warming, just say it... otherwise, we're talking Ice Age, here we come.
Actual Physicist here, we are completely and utterly fucked so hard you wouldn't believe.
Well, YOU are, I'm in northern Canada, I'm just going to have to take a couple of layers off.
Physicist here, yes we did fuck the climate. And now, even if we stop, chain reactions will make it worse and worse, so yes we are doomed. And yes, murritards are uneducated also.
Philosopher here, everything is bullshit and you're retarded if you think otherwise.
>No-one ever talks about geo-engineering
What rock do you live under? People talk about geo-engineering all the time, to the point where it's widely suspected to be an excuse to avoid talking about any other kind of response to AGW.
>The global temperature would go down 1-2 degrees C if we just painted all the roads and roof's white/grey.
Yeah, no. I'm gonna need a source for that, because it sounds like rubbish.
>White roofs reduce summer air conditioning energy demand and change surface albedo. A conversion of rooftops worldwide to white roofs, accounting for their albedo effect only, was calculated to cool population-weighted global temperatures by ~0.02 K but to warm the Earth overall by ~0.07 K. Local ground cooling stabilized surface air, reducing sensible and latent heat fluxes and local cloudiness, increasing local surface solar radiation, resulting in local cooling smaller in magnitude than without the cloud reduction. Higher reflection also increased air heating by black and brown carbon in soot. Feedbacks of local changes to the global scale were magnified over high-latitude snow and sea ice, causing a net but highly-uncertain warming effect on global climate. The local cooling due to white roofs may reduce or increase energy demand and thus other emissions as well, a factor not accounted for in these simulations.
>there's huge amounts of sophisticated ways to lower the temperature like flooding the stratosphere with certain gasses or shooting lasers into clouds and shit.
And all of those have horrible side-effects, a ton of unknowns, or would cost a fortune. From the studies I've seen sulphate aerosol injection is by far the best of the well-studied approaches, and it's still firmly in the "last resort" category.
>all these larpers thinking phisicists study climate
lmao, that's all chemistry. Phisicists are too busy calculating how much time takes their fat moms to reach the ground from a 4 story building (*ignoring air resistance)
Not him, I majored in org chem. You're retarded
Feel free to prove me wrong.
>caring about shit that will not happen in your lifetime
Fuck next generation, they can go to Mars if they want.
That's a cute butt
> Environmental science
Just like social science, there's no such thing.
>zooms in
>oh, it's all fine, it's just underage anime ass in panties
> Climate fearmongers when any and every solution that's ever been proposed is mentioned around them
It's weird how some things appeal to them but others don't. Like apparently nuclear power is bad because there's hazardous byproducts, but the entire materials acquisition and manufacturing process of solar panels is fine because... reasons.
It's because at the top the climate change industry is about making money. People like Al Gore have made hundreds of millions by spreading fud, with the help of their friends in media, while at the same time being invested in "green" businesses.
That's a puffy vulva.
Why boys make the best girls, lads? What's their secret sauce?
That's a girl, faggot. Please cease your homoerotic fetishes.
Physicist here,climate change is a total hoax,only brainlets who think they are smart believe it.
>What rock do you live under? People talk about geo-engineering all the time, to the point where it's widely suspected to be an excuse to avoid talking about any other kind of response to AGW.
I haven't seen it mentioned once in mainstream media the past decade. No idea what you're talking about, the second anyone mentions it in any setting you hear people start shouting about playing god.
Holy shit. I thought I was the only one. I live in Miami and have Irish ancestors. Very pale. I never got sunburn as a kid even without sun screen at all. Like the UV radiation is up hundreds of times over what it used to be and nobody wants to admit it. I get sun burns indoors now. That's how bad it is. Everyday I curse the Republicans for pretending this isn't real. Thanks a lot greedy fucks. You got your coal and now I'll have skin cancer and my house will be underwater within the next decade. Fuckers.
>number of men regulates the population
Only on my phone because work tracks what you browse. And i turn that brightness all the way down
Cyanide can't possibly kill someone with only a couple hundred mg because the human body is mostly composed of H2O and carbon.
I laughed when Homer Simpson traveled to the future and said, "93% of the scientists on earth were right and I was wrong. What a coincidence."
Then I felt sad.
Strange. One would think corporations would want to deny climate change.
>my opinions on climate science are given to me by cartoon characters
>Do we have the technology to prevent the temp increases in the next 2 decades?
Yes: nuke USA.
>Le DAE corporations
Your opinions are identical to the HR department of every fortune 500 company in the world. You are not a rebel. You are a tool of global capitalism.
>our atmosphere is basically composed by H2 and H2O
Oh wow
>8 billion people
>who have helped produce a population of a billion cows
>inhabit every single continent on earth minus antarctica on a very large scale
>drive billions of cars
>ship trillions of tons of goods on millions of ships every year
>somehow this is negligible on a planetary scale
if not us, what? Volcanoes?