Paying more than $10 for a phone

>Paying more than $10 for a phone

Attached: 1527902632015.jpg (556x418, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>owning a phone

Attached: 1499053961009.jpg (894x894, 368K)

>paying for a phone instead of having your employer pay for it

>Paying for a phone instead of stealing it

Attached: 421566_110052819134743_1827862103_n.jpg (501x373, 39K)

>not building your own phone out of mud and sticks

Attached: 1387234225396.jpg (426x571, 31K)

they cover damn near my whole phone bill too

Give it back, Tyrone

>not yelling louder

>stealing instead of robbing

Attached: consider this.jpg (504x415, 20K)

Why do I keep seeing these retarded threads?
What motivates you into making these?

i paid 15 but only because i wanted one of those leather pouches to carry the phone on my belt

pussy magnet confirmed

>robbing instead of downloading

>paying more than .01$ for a phone

Give it back Jamal, Jaekwon, and Tyrese.

>having an employer
>not being a NEET and getting a free Obamaphone from local DHS office

Being alive.

I have one and it’s riddled with bugs

Of the CIA nigger kind, of the pajeet software kind, or of the ant kind?

>Paying more than $-100 for a phone

what job do i need to get to have that benefit? am i supposed to work in tech?

Spending more than 5 good boy points on a phone

Attached: 1f81d74v55011.jpg (546x613, 76K)

Existing on the same dimensional plane where a cellular device exists