Want help? >State the budget & CURRENCY for your build >List your uses - e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g. photo editing, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs >R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming (dGPU optional) >R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale >R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs >i7-8700K - Best for 1080p gaming, but most expensive when factoring in delid, high-end cooler, etc. >R7 2700/X - Best high-end gaming/mixed usage on a non-HEDT platform >Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT
Motherboards >Only Z300 series Intel boards can utilize fast memory
RAM >8GB - Enough for most gaming use >16GB - Standard for heavy use >32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this much >Current CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal
Graphics cards >GPU prices have gone down 1080p >RX 570/580 /w Freesync or 1060 6GB are standard 1080p 60fps+ options >1050Ti or RX560 for lower settings 1080p, or older games >GTX 1070Ti/Vega 56 if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU + monitor to match 1440p >Vega 56 or Vega 64 /w Freesync, 1070Ti if you already have Gsync >GTX 1080Ti if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU + monitor to match 2160p(4K) >Titan V
Storage >Consider StoreMi >Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD >2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB >M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard
Monitors >Always consider FreeSync with AMD cards >Lock to 72fps on 144hz non-Gsync monitors to prevent tearing on more demanding games >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING
How is this? This is my first pc build so be gentle senpai. pcpartpicker.com/list/MQfH3b Add an Nvidia gtx 1070ti
Liam Diaz
>750W Are you sure this isn't completely overkill?
Adam Taylor
Is it worth upgrading from a R5 1600 to a 2600 for gaming? I have a 150€ voucher for a pc store that expires in 2 weeks If it's not i'll just get a big ass SSD
I just got done cloning my old boot drive (the 850 Evo) over to the new one (the 970 Pro). The 970 is actually noticeably faster just launching simple applications, where it might have taken a second or two before it's now instantaneous.
Next upgrade is the RAM, gotta get some sticks that actually play nice with this board and will do more than 2133MHz.
What's wrong? Did you add better parts, or did sales end?
Always buy parts on sale immediately. This used to be in the previous OP from a long time ago but there's not room. >You can save money by buying parts over time as they're on sale individually, over buying all at once
>pcpartpicker.com/list/MQfH3b get 550-650w PSU. Get better cooler lmfao. hello? Or get a non-k cpu and cheaper motherboard. Seems pretty substandard. Do you even have a gsync monitor? just seems like you're memeing.
Only really worth it if you get 2700X. Would OC and wait for the 3700X or 3600X. >Big ass SSD Good idea. 1TB SSD is comfy and they're often under $300 now days for decent performance one.
I had a 7970 which is nearly identical, slightly better performance than 1050ti. I had to play most newer games on medium-high. Though they look good on those settings.
Neat. Wouldn't recommend for gaming still, though, due to the memory latency. Amazing for a dedicated decoding/reencoding box, home server, etc, though.
Michael Jenkins
Why are MSI's b350 mobo such garbage? I cant overclock my ram and if I set an xmp it wont boot lol
Noah Perry
Don't lower end MSI mobos have shit VRM?
Landon Moore
I cant even change the ram voltage wtf MSI
Carson Cook
Because really not manufacturer took b350 boards seriously. There was one good b350 board, iirc, the Strix. pro4 was okay sometimes, but not amazing; good for the price. You can see X470 are much improved over x370. They're a lot better than equivolant z370 boards. Hopefully b450 sees the same.
I'm glad I only spent $50 on my b350 board. Hopefully I can get X570 in mATX next year.
Damn, that's fucked.
Lincoln Diaz
Well, at this point I'm ready to die. Before my build was 1,079, now it's 1123 dollars. Fuck me.
Josiah Mitchell
>Well, at this point I'm ready to die welcome to the club (though I'm afraid our reasons differ)
Connor Phillips
Just got a 980 ti from evga b-stock for $300, how badly did I fuck up?
Ryan Kelly
What's the cheapest way to slap together a NAS/HTPC? I don't need to decode 4K bullshit or anything, I just want lots of SATA ports (at least 6 so I don't have to buy shitty expansion cards at $75 a pop down the line) and the ability to decode 1080p and serve it up through PLEX. I've tried scouring craigslist but all the boxes are either WAY too old for serving media, or they're scraped office machines with 2 SATA ports at best. I'm trying to do this for under $100, $150 tops, since I want to dedicate most of my funds for this to storage, cause thats kinda the main point of it.
Ryder Foster
Plausible if he's playing on 1600x900
Luke Wood
I already wanted to die before, now I want to die even more
Kayden Bell
In terms of value for money you should probably have just bought one of those 70 dollar 980's on aliexpress or some shit.
Daniel Moore
Ok I guess. Aren't those refurbished? Seems expensive for a refurbished card that's between 1060 and 1070 performance. Hopefully you can overclock it well to be closer to $350 of value.
each SATA port is 1 PCIe lane so 6 is easy. You could even just get an embedded board.
Easton Ross
>so 6 is easy To find just a *board*? Yes, trivial. To find a *full system*? Much harder. I refuse to believe that there doesn't exist somewhere some super cheap, basic box with a reasonable number of SATA ports but I cannot for the life of me find one anywhere. The second I start trying to build one from scratch I immediately hit $200-250
Connor Johnson
My budget was 2k and my build is currently sitting around 2.8k. Please shit on my chest.
Wyatt Torres
Kept the liquid cpu cooler since I'm thinking of switching to an OC processor.
I kept the tower the same, since I already own it (from last build). Already own the storage.
>I refuse to believe that there doesn't exist somewhere some super cheap, basic box with a reasonable number of SATA ports This is basically what I said with an embedded board... low power cpu + some i/o on a board combined. Often comes with a
Lincoln Brown
Spend more than 55 dollars on a psu thats going to be connected to a 1100 dollar gpu
Jeremiah Davis
>This is basically what I said with an embedded board Such as? The only one I can think of that has actual SATA ports and not some "just use a lot of USB externals!" is OrangePi, which iirc only has like 2 slots
Evan Cook
4790k has micro stuttering After reseating the cpu, the stuttering does go away. Any fixes?
Bentley Jackson
Did I buy a gimped 960, Jow Forums? I'm getting massive artifacting on select web pages and most games give hardware errors on launch, and the others that do launch are glitching out so much that they give me a seizure. I've tried the latest drivers and the previous version. The cards not overheating or anything, and its socketed properly. It only happens at 1080p and 1440p, doesn't matter the refresh rate. Should I return it now?
I thought 600w was okay though? Also pcpartpicker hasn't given any warnings, although I recognize that it isn't the be all and end all when it comes to compatibility issues.
Connor Ross
This might not be the board or thread to ask, but what headphones do you guys use? I don’t like speakers as I have a young daughter and I play mostly at night while she is sleeping. I am currently using a HyperX Cloudcore which is budget tier but I like it. I do a lot of gaming and nothing ruins a game for me like bad sound. I want my gunshots to be sharp and clear, and I want explosions to be deep and heavy. Is what I’m looking for even possible? Recommend me stuff, budget is flexible right now so nothing is off the table.
You linked vaporware that's twice the price range, and embedded boards on newegg go for $75 with only 4 ports, which means I'm already back into $150 territory after sticking it in a case, getting a PSU, and a stick of SODIMM RAM
I mean if you don't know of something specific then that's fine, but I've been looking around at all this shit already and am just hoping I overlooked something because this seems entirely too expensive for what it actually is
Andrew Morris
uhh massive. But depends on you. Personally I can't stand anything less than 1200 vertical lines. Using another computer on 1080p bothers me. 1080p is tv shit, not for productivity or anything else.
Holy shit you really need to learn to read. I wasn't suggesting the Udoo. I said myself it's too expensive and not suited to your needs. Fuck off.
Ryder Sanchez
Nothing, you just fell for the amd meme
Thomas Ortiz
Alright, I'll go ahead and return it then. By the way, what would be the best AMD card that would be around the performance of a 960? I was looking at other AMD cards but none were as cheap as any nvidia card probably because of mining. Looking to pick one up on ebay for ~100-150 dollars. My monitor is 1440p 144hz, but I don't play anything demanding and I planned on upgrade to navi when that comes out.
Leo Brown
dont trust speccy, use something like HWmonitor, usually has more accurate temps in my experience.
Elijah Lopez
Building new Ryzen rig and need advice. My question is would it be better to get the x470 Mobos now or wait until the B450's release? What's the actual diffrence between the two? My budget is high.
Still working on my build I have a $3500 budget for it pcpartpicker.com/list/yTw7w6 is 16gb of ram enough? does it really matter what version of the 1080ti i get? Where can i get a cheaper version of windows? Any recommendations?
Grayson Bennett
>$40 mouse pad >3tb five fucking thousand rpm hard drive
listen buddy this is a lot of money to be buying shit when you dont know what you're doing. best advice i can give you is to learn more, read more and wait, especially since the new nvidia cards are coming out in like a month
Hey Jow Forumsuys, so I got an HP Z400 workstation for free. I'm trying to liven it up a little. I bought a WD Blue SSD, then I took a clone of the existing hard drive utilizing Macrium Reflect. I followed all of the steps in the YouTube video, and am unable to get the system to boot with the freshly cloned SSS. Can anyone see where I'm going wrong? Could this pc not be compatible with SSD's or something because it's quite old?
Is there any point upgrading from my Strix 980TI to a GeForce GTX 1080TI?
Apparently i can sell mine used for £570~ and get the standard 1080 for £544 brand new so i was thinking of maybe just selling mine and putting the extra towards a 1080TI.
Also recomendations on the brand, my Strix has horrible coil whine so when i look at skyboxes in games or even when edditing i get a slight buzz thats too noticable so i want to get rid of this piece of shit,
Current build: ASUS STRIX GTX 980 Ti Asus Z170-DELUXE LGA1151 850W PSU Noctua NH-U12S Intel Core i7 6700K 16gig ram
[spoiler]Also what do you guys think about water cooling? My Noctua might need a change of paste.[/spoiler]
If I'm a special snowflake that wants RGB, is a H7 Quad Lumi a piece of shit?
Aaron Robinson
Who the fuck told you that you can sell a 980TI for 570 LOL....
and it's not even in good shape?
what the fuck planet are you on
Eli Barnes
Nvidia is the only choice for gaming. There is no completion. Vega sucks and it will suck even more when Nvidia sponsored games come out later this year which is nearly every game from bf5 to monster Hunter world. And that's not even mentioning current pricing for AMD cards.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Explain yourself or throw yourself through a window
Ayden Gutierrez
might aswell upgrade if you got the cash, water cooling is alright but no need if you have noctuas
William Morris
So my 390x took a massive shit and was past warranty. My fiance got me a 1070ti as a suprise, i have an overclocked 4690k and 16gb ddr3 ram. Am i going to bottleneck super hard? Gonna look into upgrading my mobo and processor in the next year but its not vaible for me right this second. I use a 2560x1080 untrawide and am just hoping to get a steady 60 on most games on best settings, not looking for 100+ frames or upgrading to 4k
Dominic Perry
Nvidia shills are fucking retarded, amd is the only thing that matters.
Robert Parker
Should be fine for 90% of games however games like bf1 or really cpu heavy games like a.c. origins when in the cities will rape the cpu. I have a OC 4690k and normal 1070. I get 120-144 fps in bf4 but 50-90 fps in bf1. Mostly around 60 but with annoying drops and stutter because of 100% cpu usage.
Nice going convincing me to buy vega. Not even adoredtv recommends Vega and he made 3 (THREE) videos calling it a flop including his review. I'm not going to sacrifice my performance in games just to make you or this guy happy because they annoyed you with something they did in 1998.
Jayden Johnson
Reeee buy my AMD parts right fucking now!
Jonathan Russell
>>le corporate shit which doesn't even affect me Except it does. It affects everyone when a company pulls anti-competitive shit as Nvidia and Intel do on the regular. Intel got caught in multiple countries bribing computer manufacturers not to use AMD CPUs. This impacts choice in the market and eliminates products competing on their own merits. As to Nvidia, Nvidia has sued competitors into bankruptcy because they felt threatened. And people buy Nvidia regardless of whether they're actually better or not. A good example of this was the Radeon HD4000 series against the Fermi cards. The Fermi cards were late, hot, power hungry, and couldn't compete on performance, but massively outsold the AMD cards because morons like you refused to actually look at performance.
>performance is all that matters I call bullshit. You're buying a badge.
How dense are you? Did you even read my post properly? Are bf5 and MHW 2009 games that I'll be playing on a hd4000 gpu? Fuck off retard. Fyi I had an r9 390 just 1.5 years ago.
Justin Russell
pcpartpicker.com/list/rQc4gw I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Also what to pick as a cooler. Or anything I picked... I assumed with an 8tb external the ssd would be enough.
Thanks, been planning on looking through stuff over the week then order on the weekend. If you have anything better fow under 2k feel free to say something it only ended up that way because I was looking for an upper mid build that would last a while.
William Richardson
Fuck that they can have my money. AMD gpu are the ones who won't ever get my money again after the car crash that was the r9 390. Piece of shit couldn't even overclock 60mhz without artifacting (extremely common issue) and the catalyst drivers at the time were already abortion tier breaking games like gta 5 on release and they made it worse with the follow up crimson drivers which required hotels drivers after every release because they broke even more shit.
Eli Morales
Ryan Morales
>bitching about overclocking it's called the silicon lottery for a fucking reason user
Justin Watson
Benjamin Reyes
just get a 2700X
Xavier Nelson
Is it to the point that any time you're on the lowest settings and more then 4 people show up in a Bethesda game it starts stuttering? If not its fine deal with it and save that money for later. Play stalker or something while you wait.
Joshua Peterson
Are you retarded? The r9 390 was already an overclocked r9 290 and was almost tapped out even at stock. Very few people could actually overclock it past 50/60 mhz and some of the more beefy 390s like the msi ones came with a +60mhz OC from the box when used with msi OC utility and mine couldn't even hold that 60 mhz. It was a fucking trash overclocker meanwhile everyone else I knew was reaching 980 performance with their OC 970. The 300 series was a failed abortion (such as yourself) and only shills defended that. AMD actually banned publications from fury x review samples because they called AMD out on this shitty series of GPU.