Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code? And why?
Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code? And why?
VS code since it's easier to install new themes/extensions. Text editors all get the same thing done though so i'm not really anal about it either way.
VS code with VIM bindings.
If you're using either to begin with, you might as well be using Vim. The only legit reason to use any editor other than Vim/Emacs/Nano is if you're using a language that requires an IDE.
What languages require an IDE?
Java, C++...
This. Seriously, what has Jow Forums become?
Fuck you OP.
I'm trying to transition from sublime to vim but sublime is so much easier for me right now. i haven't quite got the hang of vim yet.
Java if you don't want to kill yourself.
VSCode for big projects with multiple files, sublime text for long single scripts, vim for short to medium length scripts, nano for editing conf files.
Exactly my choice except for Vim, never used it.
Could you explain why you make these choices between vscode and sublime? why is vscode better for big projects with multiple files and vice versa?
Because of VSCode extensions. And it's autopredict function . Helps if you have fuck load of functions and classes
>proprietary botnet or electron garbage?
C# and Java
sublime. vs code is in electron, therefore it's only for pathetic numales
Visual Studio Code
>Written in TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS
Sublime Text
>non free spying garbage
Try geany
Light Table
id skip out entirely on using sublime and just use vim for those as well