I want to buy an e reader, for reading ebooks pirating them mainly. Should I go for a kindle? I do want to be able to read it in the sun and have a good screen but videos etc arent that important what should I go for?
I want to buy an e reader, for reading ebooks pirating them mainly. Should I go for a kindle...
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get a kobo and install koreader
thank me later
Which kobo and what is koboreader?
cheap used paperwhite is the shit man, long lasting battery, backlit e-ink screen and decent library management with calibre. Plus you can send your pdf directly to your kindle through amazon servers and they convert it into epub format in a few seconds (if you ever tried it would take ages to do so on an average machine).
Get whichever model you like the most and adjust to your budget. Every e-ink reader can be read in the sun, that's what they are good at, if you want things to look nicer get a HD model. Most readers also come with backlight these days.
Koreader is here koreader.rocks
Actually it works with kindles too, but you have to jailbreak them.
PaperWhite + Calibre + Libgen = the tits
Nobody regrets buying a PaperWhite
pirating is bad, would you download a bear?
Which paper white model do you recommend? The latest one? And how easy is it to use pirated ebooks from libgen?
Keep in mind that e-readers work great for epubs, not so much for pdfs.
Can't you just convert most pdfs?
depends on how big it is/resolution, if you can view the page at 100% (not zoomed in) and still have it be readable then the content should be unaltered.
Works decent enough if it's 100% only text, but as soon as theres diagrams/pictures/ forumulas it gets wacky.
Depends on your tolerance towards broken formatting.
> depends on how big it is/resolution, if you can view the page at 100% (not zoomed in) and still have it be readable then the content should be unaltered.
Which rarely happens on a 6-inch screen. Some pdfs are readable in landscape mode, especially if there are multiple columns, but most are not in my experience.
very very easy
you can email the books to your kindles own email address and it automatically adds the files to your library
I use a Kindle HD Fire for books and PDF's just programming stuff, basic use. It's decent with Adobe Reader for Android, but not with its native PDF reader (imho bc of the way the pages go sideways, hate that). For eBooks, it's good. Out in the sun, never tried it, but I would say a paperwhite is probably better. This one is probably not so great out in the sun.
The Kindle Fire HD may be a bad choice if you want to pirate, because it even blocks for-pay PDF's I've downloaded thinking they were free and playable, maybe it was a scam site, IDK. Happened only like three times.
IDK the price of paperwhites, but if they are comparable to the cheap price of this Kindle Fire HD, I might want to jump ship. IDK, have them both. I'd think the browser appearance on a paperwhite might look like shit, but don't know, never seen.
Kobo with or without koreader.
Only buy kindle if you can get a good deal on a second hand model and are comfortable jailbreaking, otherwise you are stuck converting epub to azw3 and all the formatting issues that brings. Amazon stuff is locked down worse than apple, and isn't worth dealing with when there are better alternatives out there. If you are in Europe I wouldn't even get a second hand kindle - overdrive libraries in Europe offer epub, not kindle format.
Can you recommend a kobo?
Install moon+reader on your fire. I used moon+ on a fire and it's the best Android reading experience imaginable.
After using it I went out and bought an onyx ereader that runs android so I could have an eink device with moon+
I got an oldie kobo glo and dont complain
>converting to mobi
I recently bought a Kobo aura one from a Japanese seller on Ebay. It was kind of expensive, but it's quite comfortable to use.
I simply drag and drop files do the main folder of it, to load books into it. It's much more hassle free than I though.
PDF work fine, I don't understand why people say they don't. I've got one of those Manga Guide To books on it in PDF format, and it's great.
Another thing I noticed is that it runs really slow. Much slower than an android tablet. I guess it's the same with all e-readers though.
Now if only my lazy ass would import a good cover for it, I'd take it everywhere with me.
I bought kindle paperwhite in eu, I wonder if I should jailbreak it to have easier time with the formats.
just now read about the Kindle Paperwhite $119 and the Kobo readers. $119-$279. Me, with my Kindle Fire HD experience, I think I'd now opt for the Kobo Clara HD for $10 more and bypass all the Amazon crap. The Amazon crap is really annoying with their devices. The Kobo Clara HD could have more storage, but with pdf's I've found the 8Gb on the Kindle to be more than enough, and it would kind of orient me away from using it as a web browsing device, ~like I really need more of that.
You can be happy if it doesn't explode trying to open a pdf
Looks good, guess as long as I got the Kindle it'll help, but now want the Kobo Clara.
Should I get the kobo Clara HD for 150 then?
What does this do!
How do I use my pirate epubs on a kindle?
I can't say get it, bc I don't have one. But can say, I've had it with Amazon heavy handedness, hardsell, and restrictions, so what other eInks are out there? That one, and it seems pretty good. HD, yeah, battery life, yeah.
Use Kindle Previewer
1. Install Calibre
2. Convert to .azw3 (not .mobi)
3. Transfer to kindle
Why azw3 and not mobi?
Azw3 is more advanced by supporting more styles, fonts and layout. There are usually minimal or no differences when converting from epub to azw3. If the chapter titles are stylized for example, azw3 preserves them while mobi converts them to a generic font.
Neat. Thanks.
Why even mention the kindle fire HD, its not even a e-reader but a tablet.
The amazon e-readers dont have any "amazon crap".
>ads on the lockscreen
>forced to download and read azw3/mobi, or convert e-pub and put up with awful formatting
>locked down ""ecosystem""
The absolute state of Jow Forums recommending walled-garden Amazon products.
Why koreader ? Does it offer anything useful for stuff that's not PDFs ?
OP I would recommend the Kobo. You can't even jailbreak the latest paperwhites. I am not saying it's bad, but looking at what koreader offers Id rather buy a Kobo if I had to do over.
takes me less than finding the cable and plugging it in
Epub to mobi conversion is near flawless though, never run into formatting problems (converted more than 150 books already)
epub2mobi is atrocious if you are converting retail epubs from a publisher who puts effort into their ebooks. epub2azw3 is better but still nowhere near flawless (converted over 4000 retail epubs for my father - he loves his Amazon shit and refuses to use anything else). If you are converting epubs from MAM or mobilism, or from the publishers who put out garbage quality (too many of them fall into this category, even from huge publishing houses) you probably wouldn't notice any difference because they are a mess to begin with.
>tfw STILL no decent ereader that runs a free as in freedom OS
If you happen to be German get a Tolino. They are drm free no registration required.
Various onyx readers run android and come Google free or can be degoogled.
There is an open sores alternative firmware for kobo ereaders github.com
Which kobo?
Are the old kindles with the keyboard worth anything?
Doesn't matter whether the ebooks are pirated or not, make sure the device supports epud, mobi or pdf formats (all of them or at least 2 of them would be great), these are the only formats you'll ever see for ebooks, pirated ones are more likely to be epub since it's a new trend, personally I always search the pdf version first since it's more customable (as in zoom, rotation and similar features).
>epub since it's a new trend,
It's an open standards and Amazon kf8/azw3 is a bastardized version of epub. kfx (the latest Amazon format) is a different beast altogether
Which reader or app supports scrolling down to read? I'm allergic to having to turn "pages" every screenful
Moon+reader does, as does fbreader iirc. Both on goolag playstore.
>Get a kobo that you can swap microSD card in (Kobo Aura Edition 2 I own I literally popped open with a credit card from the top of the back plate).
>Install Koreader on it
>Backup 4gb microSD to .iso image
>Put 4gb in safe place
>Flash 4gb iso image onto larger MicroSD with image writing software.
>Extend partition with partition managing software.
>Enjoy Kobo with large memory.
I literally just did mine with a 32gb microSD I just had lying around. Now have tons of room to put whatever books I want on there. With Koreader you can easily mount it as usb from the launcher options, copy what you like on the card, then unmount it from the launcher menu, start koreader and you can start reading it.
You can also use a library manager to organise your ebooks and convert. I use the one others have mentioned in the thread. But say you grab a book from humble book bundles for example (if you want to get some books legitly on the cheap. Theres other ones dedicated to cooks put there too). You can just download and copy over the epubs and it looks great on it.
I meant other stores dedicated to selling ebook bundles.
But I'll also add you can convert amazon format books to epub with Calibre too.
Make sure to use the email to device feature and it's perfect
>download moon+reader
>instantly crashes on startup
>using magisk and not using the magisk hide feature for the app you just installed
>having to hide magisk from a fucking EBOOK READER
What the fuck is the world coming to
That said it worked, thanks. With AfWall I don't care too much about botnet so I'll give it a go.
Yeah it's dumb, and it only started happening a few versions back. Using magisk hide is always the first thing I try whenever an app crashes repeatedly after install, nine times out of ten it solves the problem.
For reading I use a tablet that is blocked at the router so don't care about bother either, moon+ pro being one of the few non foss apps I use.
The epud format supports minimal formatting.
A paper with equations and graphs is probably already too much. For that you can get a cheap used ipad.