I dare you to name a better laptop.
I dare you to name a better laptop
Mac book
cooking book
Your mother legs :
Fast to open
With watercooling
Osborne 1
Very but bad thermals and worse internal hardware.
Maybe the refresh will de-throne the new blade 15.
Gigabyte aero 15
I'm going to go out on a whim here and say any laptop with a dedicated gpu which isn't at least 2 inches thick is trash.
Any laptop that doesn't have rgb
Very ugly
>Hates on RGB
I too dislike the "gaymer aesthetic" but choice>no choice idiot.
Anything that's not LGBT RGB shit.
>choice>no choice
Let me know when they offer a version without rgb then, I don't want to spend money on gimmicj features.
Powerbook G4
>Shitty Audio chip
my x200
My thinkpad
tfw want to get one of BSD and Muh Privacy
thinkpad x220
Dell XPS 13/15
>hardcore gayming laptop
No, my one