What has been your tech career path? Share your story.
What has been your tech career path? Share your story
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Good thread
>study electonics
>start smoth
>get health problem
>drop out
>get a job that have nothing to do with tech and don't require a diploma, but it paid very well and was in a big company so it look good on my CV
>start studies again, this time to be a project chief in IT
>internship pay in peanuts, but working condition are great
>Degree in English Lit.
>Internship to document data warehouse. End up learning SQL in the process.
>Get job as DBA, learn Python and R.
>Get job as Data Engineer helping autistic Data Scientists learn to write production-level code.
>Not bad for a guy who majored in Shakespeare.
>5 semesters of electrical engineering
>drop out because of personal reasons
>become neet, borderline hiki, for 3 years
>start working as kitchen help in restaurant
>get promoted to cook after a month
>quit after 8 months because of health reasons, extremely overworked due to 70h weeks
>start studying CS while working as bartender on the weekends to finance it
Hopefully gonna get my Masters in Cyber Security a year from now.
nobody cares
Wow, rude.
Java Developer for 5 years
Ruby Developer 1 Year (worst decision of my life)
Scala Developer 2 years
The end
>Went to community college
>Joined career path that focuses on programming
>Learned more relevant technologies compared to the CS program
>Also was required to do an internship
>Got hired right out of my internship
>Making good moneys and paid off my debt in like half a year
>study mechanical engineering
>do really well, though only enjoy the programming and electronics side of this vague-as-fuck field
getting an msc in control systems / mechatronics, wish me luck Jow Forumsentlemen, I'll probably end up doing a suicide if I have to run stress simulations on brass pins in a shitty cubicle on some forlorn industrial estate somewhere
epic dude, gives me some hope
>Start in research, do a PhD
>Field implodes 5 years later, taking my career with it.
>Move to electronics production, close to build to print.
>See everything outsourced to Eastern Europe, then China. Job implodes.
>Move to software.
>Bosses starts looking to India, guess why.
>Bosses think I earn too much, everyone with advanced degrees are kicked out.
>Too old for software
>Join a start-up
>Experiences an early crash, leaving no traces.
>Move to IPR
>Now working as a patent atorney
>See a lot of Indian firms selling themselves in
>Now having influence, stop ALL outsourcing dead. Life is good.
Instagram, mah nigga
>picked up a sysadmin position that was a fuckng mess. Nothing was documented, people had to wait weeks for fixes, the network was a fucking jungle, etc.
>slowly get it up to shape, by the end of the second year things are well in control, reached a point where it's almost 100% monitoring with minimal breakdowns
>"user we noticed the computers are all working, we don't need an IT department anymore. We're now outsourcing it and moving you to the production department"
Lesson fucking learned. Next job I have I'll make sure to never fix everything at once
Our approach
>Work in a small branch of a large company
>Baaaad IT. All issues are "solved" by rebooting. Oh and the servers run SunOS.
>Policy is reboot first, inform afterwards
>Lose a lot of work to these jokers
>Get some old PC parts and put it together into one working machine with big disks in RAID. Install Debian with all the services used on the servers, copy all files across
>Put the Debian box on net masquerading as an office PC
>Colleagues notice lack of swearing from us when server goes down, people start migrating
In the end most of our colleagues were using this one server running flat out but working well while IT clowns were rebooting compulsively. Lack of anger was interpreted as improved satisfaction. They never knew why.
desu i camehere for tits
My career didn't even start, I'm on my 4th year of PhD studies, I'll have to extend it another two years, because the progress is slow and I'm looking for part time job in IT, because scholarship and grant ended and I want to be able to work in the industry if I have to. I went to one job interview and if they don't contact me soon, I'll look for another opportunity. I need a programming job because I keep forgetting how to program, when most of my research is so theoretical it doesn't even need any simulations except for a few scripts in Octave.
Which field?
My studies are in Computer Science, but the research area I work in is quite far from it, it's quantum information
>be german fag
>still have to go to school
>have to work with pen and paper
>nothing digital in school
>6 hours per day; 5 days per week
>got back pain because of it
Why did the ruby one suck?
> bachelor in software engineering
> prefer tickering with hardware and electronics
> take a job where hotline, fixing computers is required
> learn a lot and enjoy job
> 8 years later the company has been bought by a multinational company
> be a sysadmin with $40 000 base salary + bonus
> still enjoy my job
>Study Philosophy for year.
>Nope the fuck out when asked to do a PHD. I'm stupid but not that stupid.
>Live in extreme poverty.
>Find a government paid course in IT. Why not, I like computers.
>1 year of helldesk.
>2 years of only IT guy on site doing everything 60hours week, half unpaid. When I left, I've been replaced by three guys.
>Now I'm moving to another country with a great CV.
Four years ago I slept on the floor in an overcrouded appartment for months. Now I'm in my own place with a nice gaming rig even though I don't play that much and it feels good.
You're doing God's work, user.
Who is that cum drinker?
>Study Electrical Engineering
and that's it, let's what happens, working as a cook right now
haha nice.
>still have to go to school
underage go
>started getting into Jow Forums-tier stuff at age 15
>finished a shit-tier technical school at age 19
>knew some Linux, Bash and PHP
>got employed as a IT infrastructure monitoring operator at a company doing IT for credit unions, Zabbix in a very heterogenous infra
>got bretty gud fast, trained other operators
>promoted to sysadmin, did VMware mostly, internal automation projects
>switched jobs in September, became devops in large corp, doing mostly AWS and Ansible now, bout to get promoted to senior in a month or two
24 years old now
never went to uni, it's a waste of time in my country (Poland), they'll only make a shit tier Java/C# dev and all systems knowledge is outdated as fuck
feels bretty good
>started learning C++ for game hacking at 13 because school was stupid
>writing keyloggers and tricking people into downloading botnet clients for muh DDoS
>realize I can get paid for this shit
>major in English in uni because I like writing and the CS grads couldn't write a for loop
>all the while learning how to find vulnerabilities and write exploits
>now working as a pentester
>on track to manage a red team for a giant consulting firm
Thanks, college.
>quantum information
Sounds buzzword compliant, should get you a job with Google or MS. Just make sure to demand an outrageous salary.
NSA also employs but that brings various problems too.
cute whore
You will be joining a soon-to-be oversaturated meme industry. Salaries are already coming down in the U.K. I’m looking for an exit strategy.
>>major in English in uni because I like writing and the CS grads couldn't write a for loop
confusing computer science with the art of programming. lmao, not surprised by this level of Jow Forums retardation
>Child, learned html programming in second grade, never used it until neopets layouts and myspace became a thing with css
>teen, learned to build and fix computers, stepdad taught me linux and networking/os troubleshooting
>late teen, misguided, ended up working day labor until around 19 when the sun cooked me so hard i decided i was too smart to dig ditches.
>college, studied graphic design first semester, switched to computer information systems with an emphasis in security and finished. Remajored in computer engineering for a 3rd year.
>got a job as a data mining intern in school, learned C in a weekend before the interview. Got a gig scraping data for marketing use, learned how to code in Perl well.
>Finished college, removed windows, learned Linux by using it every day.
>Got job as an computer repair technician working on lots of laptops, was under the table and sketch so I quit after a couple months.
>Got job as an electronic repair technician for what is now a large chain, learned soldering, mobile repair, worked on laptops, desktops, TVs, tools, appliances, anything that broke.
>After 2 years of doing that and getting paid shit $14 an hour pay, switched to hosting. Work with LAMP stack. Help customers with wordpress issues, apache errors, mysql problems, and pretty much anything else an idiot trying to host their own website can find problems with. Approx $18 an hour as a tier 1, close to tier 2 promotion.
>Completed development internship at my hosting company, didnt accept a position because they only want to pay me $20 hourly to develop PHP.
>Have job interviews for development / sys admin / network engineering
Probably in $25 range now for 8 years of experience, I am choosy with my jobs and tend to go for better work over better pay. Trying to avoid microsoft helpdesk jobs.
Oh right, how silly of me to forget to ask the "art of programming" majors if they could write a for loop.
>take a longass time to get my bachelor in compsci cause vidya, mild social anxiety and fuck studying
>graduate at 25
>work for 5 years as java pajeet consultant in a insurance firm IT department
>dumb coworkers and idiot project managers, too scared of fucking up so we couldn't use 'modern and untested' libraries (ie. hibernate)
>deploy procedures are a pain in the ass and sysadmins are fucking assholes
>manually writing pojos from SOAP schemas all day erryday
>write a parser to automatically generate entire class hierarchies from SOAP/XML schemas using templates, increase productivity of all team 10x, no rewards
>learn android programming and web languages during dead days
>old time uni friend gets me job in company he's working in, small company but comfy, doing social data mining and reporting in rails
>now 34, product manager, fighting with API changes and GDPR everyday but pay is good
>also some passive income from android apps
Could be worse.
Love to suck those tits
MSP engineer for 10 years. Now digital forensics analyst for Kern County over the past 3 years. Study study study
>start learning programming on my own in junior high as a hobby
>being arrogant, I figure out I can learn that shit on my own and I don't need to go to college for CS
>decide to major in mathematics as a challenge
>turns out I'm in over my head, but I ultimately managed to push on and get a bachelor's degree in it
>been acquiring coding skills throughout that time, mostly in some programming classes
>decide to get a masters in CS, left against all my friends and went alone to get it
>huge spike in difficulty of programming tasks, met some talented people who I hated being around
>by then everyone had a job except me and like 3 people out of 40 there
>one guy who copied my homework recommends me at a company
>end up working with those talented people, came around and they feel almost like family now
It's been 1,5 years I'm working there. Never thought I'd make it. I reached my goal I set out for myself years ago. Now if only I had a gf.
>dropped out of electrical engineering at 24
>scrape by working on embedded systems and software projects on the side
>finally get a breakout contract from a multimillion dollar firm
>now 28, hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in contracts swamp me, have to start a business soon
college was a waste
>late teen, misguided, ended up working day labor until around 19 when the sun cooked me so hard i decided i was too smart to dig ditches.
this is where i'm at now, having fun standing in the sun all day
For the last 23 years I have been putting pixelated blobs in video content. You have all seen my work.
I got health problem too :'(
outsource your work to a deepnet, then chill out
>started programming last summer
>got 150k job at blockchain startup
lmao. you guys are doing it all wrong. just go into crypto. the ico teams have millions upon millions of cash that they have no idea to do with and not enough devs to find.
>Baaaad IT
>Can just copy everything from the servers unrestricted
I can tell.
Sad part is this is what seems to keep an idiot board happy. Hey if I see the IT staff running around in panic that must mean they are hurrying to fix things, right? If they are only monitoring then they're a bunch of lazy slackers.
>Nope the fuck out when asked to do a PHD. I'm stupid but not that stupid.
Why? Here you get paid quite reasonably, so you would be pretty stupid to pass it up. For something stupid like philosophy you would probably get paid better than average starting wage.
too fucking true. listen to this man
And how does one "get into crypto?" Would I need a math major?
So did you get your computer engineering degree or no?
> Black kid who grew up in a family of chefs
> Did semi-well in high school and got into a tech school
> Discover I have ADHD while in a school.
> Not failing, but definitely not top of my class (~3.0 gpa)
> Working as a sysadmin in my library
> Currently have 2 internships under my belt
> Produce EDM on the side cause I like that a lot more than cs.
> Mostly relying on getting a job because I'm black and not an absolute retard
Have you ever considered not making garbage?
>study electronic engineering for 3 years +1 year as an intern at some startup
>dropout because personal reasons
>start working at the nearby factory in the assembly line
>actually not working with autistic people now but dumb people
>the job is shit and i cant handle night shift
>quit after 6 months
>become mailman because why not , sounded like an easy job
>due to the lack of workforce I have to work overtime
>work 70 hours a week for 2 months
>decide to fck it , not gonna for from day to night for minimal wage
>currently searching for job also I decided to try and maybe finish my degree because my life as intern was really good compared to these jobs I experienced
>having time to eat a warm lunch at your job is a luxury in eastern europe
I've played the double bass for forever, as well as the electric bass. I just don't like playing rock and jazz anymore. I enjoy making flume/odesza type music bc it's very free and hella relieves all muh stress.
But for the must part, I like dubstep and making beats for the kids at my school who think they're gonna make it big and pay me $100 to throw together some 808 samples
>math degree
>any job I want
>300k starting
Is this a pseudo-resume thread? Pfft. - linkedin.com
Drop ur soundcloud, fagboi. I'm more of an ambient/glitch/idm type of person when I do venture into electronica.
Coral Sharon
Boobies are overrated.
I havent uploaded any shit, but if you shoot me a message ill show you some unreleased stuff. I just have a habit of hating my music and never finishing em
no. just learn ethereum's solidity language. i know devs that are making like 300k+ for doing jack shit just because they know solidity. The really high paying shit is if you are an expert in c++,rust,c or some other low level langs. There are hedge funds paying $1 million+ for devs to help on their "blockchain solutions" lol. Though to get those jobs you need to have some qualifications. like masters and above. But if you are just a norman pleb like me best you will get is probably ~200k. the next "big thing" will be developing smart contracts on eos which is C++, after i finish this solidity gig i am learning that.
Sorry I fucked up
>addicted to heroin at 16 out of rehab at 19
>went to college, but was afraid of big crowds so i started skipping lectures.
>selling weed behind the girls dorms.
>failed but paid off what debt i had.
>being a drop out degenerate for years.
>got a job as a bar back. worked up to bartender. love getting people drunk
>one night dudes are talking about a networking issue
>phonecalls on the intranet suck, they don't know why though because the QoS'd SIP
>I audibly LOL
>"SIP is the session not the voice traffic thats UDP you retards"
>they're surprised the bartender knows that shit ask how
>been linux autist since early years thanks to engineers granddad and father
>get hired, shitty support job for a company that rapes the gplv3, it sucks customers suck.
>2 years. no raises. no anything. hate my life. quit without a job and somehow by gods grace get hired at a startup that is doing "cloud shit"
>it pays off amazingly (skill-wise) and the boss is a fuckhead that shortchanges all of us.
>i'm the workhorse and one day i say fuck this, it's repeat of 2 years with no thanks for it. quit without a job again
>big city datacenter hardware provider seeks me out personally for some reason. 120k + 10k bonus for metrics i get to set. work from home, but the office is beatiful (and empty). $1000 a year to maintain my PC, amazing benefits, the HQ is nothing but beautiful women who are happy to see you.
>pace of work is more or less set how i want. some weeks i grind because im caffeinated an want to, but then some weeks i do nothing but play dwarffortress and smoke weed.
>wake up at 10:30am, take the meeting in bed, always.
>coworkers are lovely, but not as skilled as me so i get to decide the technical course of things.
>first major project coming to a smooth successful close, CEO and CTO personally called me out as a major company asset.
I'm finally doing alright Jow Forums after a long time of not doing alright.
^ he gets it
Hell yeah dude. Glad you got yourself together and are probably doing better than most graduates
good for you man
Thanks user that means a lot. I hope anybody who has it rough knows they can keep going, even if they don't know why or have no reason.
You never realize how strong you are until it's just staying alive that is right in front of you. When it comes to that moment you look in the mirror and find yourself as a man and you say "If I can't be alive and happy I then I will take being alive." and you fuck your life into what you want it to be.
I'll shoot you a message on the weekend.
how do i get it job ?
>have a+ cert
>have network+ cert
>about to graduate with useless it related associates degree from community college
>learn how to make websites in 5th grade to make pokemon fansites
>learn php in 7th grade
>stop making websites for a few years
>learn visual basic in grade 12 programming option (looking back, I have to wonder why they chose VB)
>major in computer science, learn c pretty well
>drop out after 2 years because I don't want to put any effort in to english and math classes
>get 2 year software development diploma instead since it's almost entirely programming
>get job doing enterprise java web services
>barely do anything because I'm never given any tasks, turns out the company is run by a pack of idiots
>entire dev team gets laid off after I've been there for 4 years
>unemployed for 2 years, don't really do anything, live off savings
>get another job 6 months ago doing enterprise java web services for a huge national company
>make 40% more than I used to even with the gap in employment
>all the guys I work with have been there for 10+ years, seems super comfy
I wish I was paid more, but this looks like it'll be a good ride for 3-5 years at least. I'll just try to weasel my way in to a big raise when I get promoted to senior level. I'm not American so I don't have a crazy salary, but it's pretty high for my cost of living.
30 btw
I actually know it pretty well, but I haven't touched it in a year because the pronoun bullshit from the mozilla tards was getting to me. Are people actually using that shit in production? Google trends seems to indicate that nobody knows about it outside of san fran.
Can I really buy into it?
Bless you
What are good places to work for in crypto?
>2 years learning to code C and SQL also learn some project management
>employed at small company as software developer and small project leader, good salary, comfy people and learned a lot about DevOps, best time of my life
>after 2 years the company kicks like 20 of us because pajeets are cheaper
>company goes to hell in a year (fuck them) >got another job as C# code monkey on another company, the job is pure shit, but it pays the rent
>fed up i leave the company, 3 years working coding and with a boss that was a complete jerk
>start CS with savings and a part time job, learn Java, javascript and start learning making games
>back to parents home, fucking embarrasing, still have money and shitty part time jobs, but not enough to pay the rent
> Get an internship to the Netherlands, this was great, learned more in 6 months than on 3 years at home uni
> Still have 1 year left to finish my CS
In the moment i finish my career i will save or search for something abroad, my country is worst each year and i fucking hate living here
>In community college doing a degree similar to CS, but less math and more programming focus.
However I'm about to start my junior year and I still have been doing nothing but retarded common core
I don't know how this is going to go. I'm just gonna keep applying to internships, and after I finish my bachelor's, I'm gonna go to a real college and go for a master's in CS.
Is this a good idea, Jow Forums?
>study degree in Information Technology
>take 2 year break due to professional music career
>burn out in music and just do it casually now for the $$
>finishing degree this year with faculty commendations
>considering going back and doing CS as well just coz
oh and also I struck big on Bitcoin and cashed out 90k AUD in December.
>have a knack for fixing computers growing up
>build my first PC in high school
>build PCs for friends
>make a few bucks fixing computers around town
>go to college because that's what i'm expected to do, enroll in computer technology path because i have no interest in programming
>figure out real quick i have zero interest in most of the coursework (ASP.NET? lol)
>get job on campus doing tech support for one of the colleges
>do that for two years, quit and get another job doing web server support
>somehow make it to my senior year
>need elective, take computer forensics course
>holy shit
>this is awesome
>quit shitty tech support job, get bachelors, immediately enroll in grad school
>fuck around for two years, get masters in computer forensics
>immediately get job, now make six figures doing forensics consulting because corporate types have no idea what kind of info is stored on their machines
i love you
I think I'll have to get a computer forensics degree.
Good for you user
>decide to go for BS in cyber security at small university
>most classes are complete bullshit, ie "here's an ebook, read it and do a quiz"
>have professors that don't even teach anything
>graduate with BS without learning a single fucking thing
>no professional experience
>forced to apply for desktop and IT support jobs
>get turned down for even those
>30, jobless, live with parents
>have to start paying back student loans in a few months
>lay in bed staring at pictures of cute girls to escape the pain of my existence
>love cyber security
>ended up studying psychology for wathever reason
>finished degree with average grades but a lot of projects under my belt
>no one cares
>4 years unemployed
Life's good, yo...
Me too, and I'm afraid I'll go into disability
how are you living cunt?
Comp sci
2.3 gpa
Employed for 3 years
Started at $50k
Now at $70k
Life's decent
Are you me.
But seriously, my favorite part of work is scripting the repetitive tasks. The mechanical side is quite dull.
hope to god you know how to do something useful
>started making amateur games with my cousin when we were around 10 (we were/are nerds)
>we used some game making program that used a GUI but also allowed code if you wanted to do it, it was like babby's first OOP language.
>got into web dev around age 15, just client side HTML/CSS/JS but I got pretty good at it
>went to college and got a business/IT degree since I was afraid of dev careers being outsourced to poo-in-looistan
>end up working as basically a junior software engineer/consultant in a professional services department of a software firm, grossly underpaid
>find a job as a developer at a healthcare "startup" that turned out to be a total fucking disaster run by a bunch of Indians who probably wiped their asses with their hands
>pay was good though
>put up with the Indians and their shit for about 9 months before having enough
>ask my boss to give me a 20-25% raise, he tells me it's impossible, that's what the senior guys make
>find a new job that pays 20% more than my current job
>I get the raise at my current job, it's 20%
>quit anyway, boss takes it personal cause he just fought to get me a huge raise only for me to throw it away OMEGALUL
>now work as basically senior software engineer on my team over a few rookies, kicking asses and taking names, working with sick technology
I've had a p. good time
We have a similar life
Comp sci
2.3 gpa
2 years in a month
Started at $67k
Now at $80k
Life's pretty good but I struggle with drinking
> Atari 800 in HS
> Epson 8088 PC with 20M HD in College
> Grad with CS degree in 90 with 2.0, sucked at calc
> Win 3.0 Dev, used Petzold C as Bible
> Okay Dev so moved to Unix Sys Admin on Sun/SGI devices
> Got Job at SGI from 1994 to 2012, managed service, HPC, post sales services guy
> Jumped in 2012 to a startup
> Start up bought by Microsoft 2013
> On Surface team, wont say much more, $300+K last year.
> MSFT stock is blowing up, good times
Never thought I'd go from SGI to MSFT but happy to be on the device side. Not bad for a 2.0 GPA CS degree.
Is MS as much of a mess internally as everyone says?
>BS in CS
>Get internship, work for two years there full time after college
>Shit becomes awful, product owners never stop asking for shit even though the prior work ins't done
>Leave, head to bank/fintech
>Work is easy and stable, but the code quality is piss poor, literally 80% of my coworkers are Indians who just want to look good so they can keep their visa
>Just got accepted to Bezos Land
hopefully this time it'll be good, boys
>on and off learn programming starting at 12
>make some fun projects
>shove on git and personal website
>go to good uni for CS because what the fuck else to do
>work remote because classes are a fucking joke and I never have to go 20/hr
>summer internship 30/hr
My career trajectory is really great for a 19 year old. Just gotta work out my personal issues, and I'll be golden.
What uni
>sucked at calc
Didn't study enough
>because classes are a fucking joke
Was it a good university?
haha true. for math that goes all the way back to algebra 1 in high school. its clearly a building block subject. CS was easy as it was all new learning to be a dev but math is different. have my kids in mathnasium now.