Intel Core or AMD Ryzen?
Intel Core or AMD Ryzen?
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I'll take the processor that doesn't have 15 hardware security vulnerabilities please
AMD my dude
are you poor?
if you want best performance and want to buy a motherboard and ram that will last you 10 years get a 8600k and overclock it to 5.3ghz
if you want a budget machine and don't think you will keep it more than 3-4 years get ryzen.
The cheapest one that does the job well for you.
Go check benchmarks that emulate the kind of job you're going to do with it then make the most sensible purchase.
Is it vidyia? Is it CAD work? Video editing? Just shitposting on Jow Forums? etc.
I would even go to the extreme of telling you there's pretty much no bad CPU in this gen and you will have to worry more about a good motherboard and RAM than if a 8700K or a 2700X is the right one for you.
anyone who says otherwise doesn't care about good performance
Been using Intel my whole life. Maybe it's time to change things up a bit.
>Stock manipulating shills
Been fucking women my whole life. Maybe it's time to change things up a bit. Said no one ever.
Buy a Ryzen™ if you want to meme like AMDBros
you'd be surprised
AMD = stand with America
Intel = stand with Israel
This is the age of Ryzen, my dude.
Don't. I used both, you can't compare it. Intel is the real deal, but amd will keep you warm in winter tho.
>inb4 use a better cooling system
why spend 40$ more when i can buy an Intel with that money
AMD is like the Linux of processors. You may want to try it at some time, but then you'll realice that you made a bad choice.
For vidya, unironically AMD
>slightly lower max framerate
>in exchange for much higher min framerate and significantly less stutter
It's not something you'd think would make that much of a difference
But it do.
nice work op
bait was so juicy everybody bit
> 7700 non-K
I think it really depends on where you live. If your government gives you free electricity and you have money to blow on refrigent chillers on top of an expensive AIO solution then by all means go with intel. Else AMD makes more sense.
I have a 1700x with a 1070 and I really like it
America is also a jewish country
shhh he thinks trump is the god emperor that hates jews.
His daughter isn't being bred by one either.
Neither they try their best to fuck around with countries that hate israel.
And so on.
Buy AMD if you have a large penis
i5 suck more cocks at a time then g mods and the i9 runs hotter then the jannies bumbum
Get a 1700 and oc it
if you had to build a gaming PC today with 2000$ for the following, which processor, graphics card would you go for?
Vega 64
32gb 3400
1tb ssd
>Vega 64
AMD Awesomeness or Intel Dildo In Your Ass?
Fuck that intel security shit go with amd
Better then a 2 year old 1080 and unironically has better drivers.
398.18 is fucked right now
>the vegapoo is better than the 1080ti.
Why not both?
Intel's shit aside their CPUs scale badly run hotter than the surface of an angry mods asshole with janny jizz all over it
1080 is old card.
Barely quicker than my 390x in dx12 2.5k and cost double the price.
Only sidegraded for dx11 games.
Come 2020 nvidia will have its shit rekt
Whatever fits your budget and your use case. Check out Logical increments (google it) to get a rough idea of what you can get with your budget.
>Moving the goalpost
Nice meme CTS labs
>Thread about intel.
>user starts to shill AMD gpus saying they are better than nvidia ones out of nowhere
>Gets told
>Proceeds to post wojak edits and damage control because there's absolutely no benchmarks where a fucking vega beats a 1080ti
hmmm those ex intel marketing employees from tel aviv sure are working hard on AMD marketing division.
>FX is relevant în discussion of current CPU's
Unironically get a vasectomy
>why spend 40$ more when i can buy an Intel with that money
Because you'll need to spend $100 just to match AMD's stock coolers.
yes and remember to connect 8600K to an industrial cooler
Ce faci ba prostule schimba numele fisierului
Te fut țigane
Baga-mi-ai pula in doamna ma-ta
Băgați-ai gura in pula mea
Du-te ma si culca-te bou prost
Always go Intel unless there is a new refresh from AMD. I wouldn't want to have an outdated cpu
Am bac țigane nu știi tu cum e cu școală cu dastea
Weren't these "flaws" only able to be exploited in superuser?
Cand am dat eu bacul tu invatai sa numeri cate puli sugeai zilnic
I game, so the faster intel cores do more for me.
My 2500k is doing just fine until this day
Yes. and also the flaws affected all platforms that used particular Asmedia manufactured chipsets which were used on Incel platforms.
Linux > Windows
Evidence of Intel's brainwashing that TIM holds up better than solder
The absolute state of Winblows fags
Is this legit? Not bad.
M-a învățat mă-ta
>Power consumption is proportional to the square of the frequency
>Wow shit goes crazy when I put something at 5 GHz vs 4 GHz
>ryzen runs hot
nice meme. least i don't have to delid my cpu to get acceptable temps
I wonder too, Ryzen is extremly efficient. Keep in mind it has two additional cores. The 8700K gets inefficient since it has to leave its sweet spot with only six cores.
See Heh, nothin personnel kid
AMD Ryzen. My 2700X arrives next week
>0.30 vs 0.71 vulnerabilities per product
What are you implying?
But USA is literally a jew puppet state so makes no difference.
"But Apple is more safe"
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>can't use a cheap dongle. Have to use the $75 they sell or else it won't work
>battery literally glued in place
defend this bullshit.
>because there's absolutely no benchmarks where a fucking vega beats a 1080ti
hello rabbi
I won't because its retarded.
There are, but I only care for 2160p. 1080 and Ti aren't much of a difference on low resolutions, but in 4K it can be as big as 50%.
Buying a 2700 next week to replace my 4690k. Intel has gone backwards in thermals and competitive pricing for me to even care. Not to mention the pile of exploits constantly coming out for it.
There's basically no reason not to buy Ryzen at this point. It's actually pretty retarded how open Intel left themselves to getting completely run over.
1800x is like $240
Do it for her
> Not to mention the pile of exploits constantly coming out for it
b-b-but amd has exploits too! See this evidence? We totally didn't pay this literally who company to fabricate flaws with our competitor! They're totally legit!
Not gonna lie i almost died laughing when I saw the dude in the yamaka in the youtube video.
they were ASMedia chipset flaws and INTEL uses these chipsets aswell in their X299 and Z370 etc
ASMedia = USB 3.0 controller etc
funny stuff. AMD patched these in 2 weeks with ZERO performance loss after CTS-Labs said they didn't notify AMD because "there was no way AMD could fix in less than 6 months"
CTS-Labs was trying to crash AMD stock, but it went up instead lol
Intel corporation: cheating dipshits
Intel CEO: cheating on his wife (with whom they have two daughters together)
Like company, like CEO
>AMD patched these in 2 weeks with ZERO performance loss after CTS-Labs said they didn't notify AMD because "there was no way AMD could fix in less than 6 months"
So Lisa knew about it 5 months and 2 weeks in advance yet told nobody.
no, CTS Labs didn't notify, they just published on the internet without telling AMD (but they briefed mainstream media and that cucked faggot stock crasher who is under investigation by interpol)
AMD fixed it weeks after the story broke, they didn't know anything until CTS-Labs went public
I don't think you read that correctly...
This was something huge everyone overlooked as well, Intel uses the same Asmedia chipsets and controllers, but NO ONE mentioned it affecting them. If it's a problem with the chipset/USB controller, it has to affect Intel as well.
It was clearly a hit job on AMD meant to attack them in a similar way that meltdown affected Intel.
Not to mention the incredibly unprofessional domain "", in which CTS labs has been quoted "we reserve the rights to make changes to this page as we see fit, as do we reserve the right to not update the page in light of new information".
So in essence, this fake news page can remain indefinitely with this domain name