/pcbg/- PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Learn how to build a PC
>How to install older Windows with USB 3

If you want help
>State the budget for your build
>List your uses- e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work

>Delid 8000K
>Use Precision Boost Overdrive & BCLK increase for Ryzen 2000X
>Use a real stress test & trustworthy temp software- e.g. IntelBurnTest & Core Temp

>2200G- Bare minimum gaming (dGPU optional)
>2400G- Consider if close to 2200G price
>2600/X- Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>2700/X- Best mixed usage
>8700K- Best for gaming, but most expensive platform & delid necessary
>Threadripper/used Xeon- VM work/streaming/video editing

>Don't buy A320 (All Ryzen are unlocked)
>Only Z300 Intel boards can utilize memory over 2666MHz

>8GB- Enough for most gaming use
>16GB- Standard for heavy use
>32GB- Too much for most users
>2933MHz is ideal; 3200 CL14 is B-die

>StoreMI can make HDDs better
>Consider getting a larger SSD instead of SSD+HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 might be SATA or PCIe
>PCIe/NVMe for intensive use only

Video cards
>SLI & CrossFire are unadvisable
>1050 Ti, 1060 3/6GB, or 570/580
>1070 or Vega 56 for 100+ fps
>1070/Ti, 1080, or Vega 56/64
>1080 Ti for 100+ fps
>1080 Ti

Power supplies
>Fully modular is very convenient
>80+ Platinum is overpriced

>Explain purpose- e.g. photo editing, gaming
>G-SYNC only with high budget/GTX card
>Consider FreeSync with RX cards/APUs
>Low refresh rates benefit less from better CPUs


Attached: __kaname_madoka_and_kirino_ranmaru_inazuma_eleven_series_inazuma_eleven_go_and_mahou_shoujo_madoka_m (775x1069, 413K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.de/Samsung-LC27F396FHUXEN-Monitor-Reaktionszeit-schwarz/dp/B01BCF09R0/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1529684722&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=curved monitor
microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294966996 4294963449 4294957467 4294823993 4294884154&NTX=&NTT=&NTK=all&page=1&sortby=pricelow

Thanks op

>>Only Z300 Intel boards can utilize memory over 2666MHz
is this actually true? like you cant use 3000,hz on anytthing else?

Yes, only Z370

Attached: intel-motherboard-chart-100754377-orig.jpg (1128x1147, 453K)

H310, H370, and B360 don't have XMP so they aren't able to go past native CPU support which is 2666 on Coffee Lake

Attached: illust_24343290_20180622_112023.jpg (768x1024, 552K)

Newfag here. Want to make the jump from console to pc gaming.

My goal is 1080p 60fps for games like the witcher 3
This is the monitor that i think i will be buying.
amazon.de/Samsung-LC27F396FHUXEN-Monitor-Reaktionszeit-schwarz/dp/B01BCF09R0/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1529684722&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=curved monitor

Currently not sure if i should build or buy a premade gaming pc.
My budget is ~1300€
But i am trying to get the best price possible. Currently, a little overwhelmed with information.

Bls giv advice to this pleb

Attached: 1466412350355.jpg (640x640, 122K)

>Not certain why I need better mobo or ram. Just chose the cheapest. Does it really matter for performance?
Cheap mobos have horrible VRMs and often can't supply the higher end CPUs with enough juice. Expect a low overclock with high mobo temps.

Better ram is because you're spending a lot on a CPU for just games (I assume 1080p) just to get limited benefit from the actual CPU.

Holy fuck they removed xmp? Why what the fuck are they doing

>what the fuck are they doing
Forcing you to buy the more expensive mobo.

how do i not spend money on Windows OS

>forcing you to buy the more expensive mobo
You can get a z370 for less than $100 lol

Which is still typically more expensive than the non z370 boards. What's your point? I didn't say Z370 was expensive. Just more so than the non-z options.

It's still more expensive than any of the other 1151 chipsets and a lot of B350 motherboards

>tfw your mobo doesn't have built in wifi when thought it did

Who else fucked up today?

second attempt

Attached: newone.png (830x854, 273K)

Should I buy an 8400, 8600k or 8700 to pair with a GTX1080 and 1440p 144hz screen?

Try a better motherboard.
You are missing a heatsink.

>8600K or 8700K

I want to play ps3 emulator games on linux, which is the cheapest card capable for that purpose?

Can I build a linux PC that can run oldschool runescape and high quality video with only 90 watts? It won't have a GPU, it'll be relying on the chipset

>1440p 144hz
>8400, 8600k or 8700

Attached: AMD-Ryzen-7-2700X-vs-Core-i7-8700K-Gaming-Performance.png (680x271, 55K)

Looking for constructive criticism

What a meme monitor.. imo 27" demands 1440p.
If gaming is the only thing you do on your PC Intel is an option, otherwise go for AMD.
Building PCs is very easy, watch some videos and decide if you want to or not.
If not you have two options: 1. buy a prebuilt from for example XMX or One or 2. pay 99€ for a build service with custom parts at Mindfactory.

Can you reccomend a mobo or what specs I should be looking for? heat sink I'm getting from a friend.

microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294966996 4294963449 4294957467 4294823993 4294884154&NTX=&NTT=&NTK=all&page=1&sortby=pricelow

I have a dillemma.

I got someone else's PC years and years ago and upgraded a few components of it. Back then I didn't know much about building and I stupidly put a 3570k into a motherboard that doesn't support overclocking. I have a GTX 770 but I've noticed in a bunch of games like the Witcher 3 I'm getting bottlenecked by my CPU.

My performance in games has been getting poorer over the years and I have money saved to build a computer. The problem now is what to do. At first I thought about going all out into a 1440p 144hz build, but when I borrowed a friend's 1440p monitor (viewsonic xg2703-gs to be exact) I noticed it was a bit too big for my desk, I couldn't push it back far enough and it made me uncomfortable. I could get a new desk but I'm living in a different apartment next year and it's gonna be a pain in the ass (and a bit cramped and awkward) to bring said desk with me.

So now I have a choice that I can't make because of how autistically indecisive I am. I could upgrade to a 1080 144hz build, but there's a part of me that feels like I'm being wasteful going for a 1080p build when I have the money and opportunity for 1440p. I could just wait for a while until a better time to upgrade but I know I won't be able to run a bunch of games coming out soon and the ones I play now are running bad enough as it is. Or I could try fishing around for a compatible motherboard that lets me overclock, but I keep reading everywhere that second hand motherboards are a big no no for some reason. Any advice?

ASUS Z370-A or F.

1440p and 144hz? Yeah good luck with that.

650W PSU is a bit overkill, but you're mostly gucci, threadlet

I'm looking at all online stores and the cheapest z370 mobo is at 99.99 euros.

What're you talking about?

I really like his/her fluffy twintails, don't stop posting

Remove the paste, AS5 is obsolete this days anyway.
240GB SSD+ or dont get one.
2X4GB RAM instead 1x8.
Seasonic 520W or 550W PSU, you dont need 620W.

the only one that is actually higher is the benchmark

What's wrong with single fan gpus? Is it that hot or loud? Also I went with 1x8 so I can add another 1x8 stick in the future.

You won't reach 144fps on 1440p in a lot of games

They last less, lack VRM cooling(Which is important in any card that isn't a low end card) and literally 0 overclocking potential.

If you want your card to last more than 2-3 years get a normal card, its only $10-20 more.

My friend recommended the Z370-A too. Guess that's good enough for me.

Do I go from i5 8600k to i7 8700k for $80? Or is it not even worth it if I am just using it for gaming.

Whether it's 8400 or 8600k they're already getting limited in most intensive gaming scenarios. They're bad buys, the same way i5 6400 to 7600k were bad buys, it's just that people haven't caught onto it yet, but in a year or so from now you'll start hearing about it.

Go for the 8700k else you'll deeply regret it, trust me. Goes for anyone in these threads wondering if they should go with an i5 Coffee Lake or not. Just don't, and if you don't have the money for the 8700k then go Ryzen 5.

8600k IS TRASH.

What's better value R5 1600 or 2600?

>Whether it's 8400 or 8600k they're already getting limited in most intensive gaming scenarios.
>8600k is trash

Attached: bait.png (625x626, 67K)

There's no single GPU that can push 1440/144hz without reducing a fair bit of settings. Multi-GPU configurations have horrible scaling as well. It's still possible, but it's a huge GPU demand increase vs 1080p/60hz.

k is trash
Trash compared to everything else in the same price bracket. It's more expensive than Ryzen 2600/x. It's worse than the 2700 overall and it's it still requires a decent Z370 board if you're going for 5ghz. Which you are if you're grabbing a 8600k.

At what point does getting a 8600k make sense?

5ghz 8600k can barely load 1070 in ac:o's alexandria with all cores at 100%.

Inform yourself before calling something bait, stupid ignorant.

>Game known for using every single CPU at 100% for DRM somehow is a good example
Get the cracked version, CPU usage doesn't go over 60%.

>Get the cracked version, CPU usage doesn't go over 60%.
Last I checked the cracked version just tricked Denuvo into thinking it was validated. It didn't outright remove it.

8400 literally hugs 100% from beginning to end, and it's only a 1070. 8600k OC to 4.7 is always above 85% usage, also hitting 100% from time to time... on a 2016 game.

Yes, they're trash.

Who the fuck cares if it's 100% cpu usage as long as you get better perfomance than ryzen lmao

Can anyone reccomend a good PCIe network adapter? I need my wifi

>Who the fuck cares if it's 100% cpu usage
It matters because the CPU will bottleneck the GPU like in pic related resulting in less performance

Attached: 16792856.png (1824x1026, 3.69M)

>Newegg has 2600x for $200 with coupon code
>2600x+Gaming 7 has a bundle discount for $20
>Can't use CPU coupon with bundle discount
>Call Newegg support and have them credit me the $20 bundle discount.

I think that means I got the 2600x for $160. Not bad considering the ram was $160 for 16gb CL15 3000mhz.

>who cares if you have no headroom
Because unless you upgrade your CPU every year next gen games will be bottlenecked by the CPU.

Fuck my math was off, what the hell. $180 not $160.

biased benchmark, where is the B-die ram, the custom cooler, the PBC overclock?!

Still, good deal user

>thread full of people asking legitimate questions they need help with
>children proceed to argue over game benchmarks

this is why people go to reddit

Does your €1300 budget include the price of the monitor, or is that €1300 budget just for the PC build?

Its easy, just ignore the people who tell you go AMD just because you got a Intel CPU or the ones that tell you go Vega.

>going intel in 2018

None of the above since you shouldn't be using a 1080 for 1440p 144Hz
2600 has better IPC, clocks, and memory controller so it's the obvious choice unless the 1600 is $40 less

Attached: illust_24360786_20180622_143524.jpg (700x968, 289K)

Not generally, if you get the 1600 in a bundle or a sale and that extra money is enough to get a better GPU maybe but the 2600 improved a lot

thanks it was $20 less than the 2600 so I'll just go for the 1600.

I mean go for the 2600 sorry typed that wrong.

Here's a great 1080p/60 frames per second build that comes in less than or around your budget. Ryzen motherboards offer an upgrade path since the CPU socket will be relevant for a couple more years as AMD releases new and better CPUs.


>the absolute state of Jow Forums

Do you think the 2700x is worth the money over the 2600x just for gaming use?

>I rather have 32 threads at 5% utilitzation but worse performance, than 6 cores at 100% providing more performance.
Wow, I imagine it's real easy to sell you CPUS based on utilization "look goy, so much potential, don't look at actual performance, think of the potential"

Because you can't understand how to analyze benchmarks to understand the exact worth of current CPUs doesn't make it a child game user. I'm not even an Intel nor an AMD fan, I simply want good products, so cut down handicapped CPUs with disabled functionalities like HT such as the i5 lineup shouldn't be recommended, that is all.

who literally gives a shit people in this thread need help with shit and you're worried about trivial shit
literally everyone here with an unreplied post is going to reddit if they aren't going to the stupid questions thread, this might as well be the fucking benchmark thread

>providing more performance
user, I...

Attached: 8c19106d54b3d1826cc93cf3afddf224.png (1338x1181, 70K)

Does anyone have a good suggestion for a cheap burner card I can buy for my build to use until the new NVIDIA cards are released?
I'll be running it with a 2600X, so I can't just use integrated graphics. Something that will push at least basic use at 1440p, maybe vidya on low.

Attached: 1512073515414.jpg (2560x1920, 1.39M)

Who are you quoting? I would never recommend threadripper for gaming. Why are you making an extreme example to try to counter my point? Did you buy an i5 and I'm hurting your feelings or something?
Jesus you people have to come from /v/ there's no other way.
>who gives a shit lol just get whatever man
You're below 100IQ and you know it. Keep it up with that "I don't give a shit" attitude to hide how much of an inferior human being you are.

Ah yes, the classical CPU vs CPU with higher speed RAM, manual timings, B-die, Custom cooler, higher quality motherboard and an overclock, getting slighty more performance at a much higher price.

>Strawmans and ignores all benchmarks comparing 2600/x and 8400

I'm not even an AMD shill, but do you really not see the problem with buying a brand new CPU that's already maxed out? Considering anyone that buys an 8400 is already on a budget they're going to have a maxed out CPU on a dead platform within a year.

At least if you get an 8700K you know you're going to keep that for a few years.

Actually, this build only comes in at less than 900€. That other 400€ of your budget will accommodate your monitor choice and a keyboard and mouse choice.

>reeee stop having more features that we have
retards everywhere

I never said get whatever, I'm saying your arguing is pointless when there's actual questions that need to be answered. Nobody gives a SHIT about your benchmark arguments.
THIS IS WHY PEOPLE USE REDDIT. I can ask a question here and get zero fucking replied while you goons argue about benchmarks, or I could ask a question on reddit, get 5+ detailed replies and an email every time I get one.

Go back retard.

Do people only recommend ryzen because of politics or they actually believe it's better than intel?

>Why are you making an extreme example to try to counter my point?
Because if you don't make it obvious how ridiculous the logic is when applied on a larger scale, you will go on to justify it being used on a smaller scale.

>but do you really not see the problem with buying a brand new CPU that's already maxed out?
>a 4 core CPU running at 20Ghz is at 100% utlization and delivering amazing performance for stuff that uses 4 cores
>60 core cpu that runs at 1Ghz is utlized only 40% on 4 cores and 1% on all others, runs like shit
WOW , why would you want to get a CPU that's maxed out.
LOOK at that utilization stat! Unless I have at least half cores sleeping doing nothing my CPU is worthless.

By your logic, delid on intel CPUS is a feature to help extreem overclockers have an easier time replacing the paste with liquid metal.

>trying to make Jow Forums usable so nobody ever has to use reddit again
>lol just go back

Combination of both. Ryzen certainly is better for certain tasks, but not so much for gaming at an equal price point. Of course shills and retards coping can't handle that so they must build this narrative that AMD is best at everything.

I don't want to believe you're older than 18.

I'm considering the MSI B350 PC Mate mobo for a R5 2600 cpu, but according to pcpartpicker "Some AMD B350 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Pinnacle Ridge CPUs. Upgrading the BIOS may require a different CPU that is supported by older BIOS revisions." Is this something I should be concerned about or is it just a minor inconvenience?

>benchmarks doesn't matter
it's a privilage for you to delid and apply thermal paste to our overheating and overpriced cpu
think about this like taking girl's vaginal virginity
don't mind the fact that her anal virginity was took by a horde of niggers
no Ryzen is simply better than intel

>it's a privilage for you to delid and apply thermal paste to our overheating and overpriced cpu
See, this is what your AMD fags sound like to everybody else.

can we stop with this meme already?

Attached: i5-8400-gtav-1080p[1].png (849x685, 58K)

Yes however sometimes the motherboards are flashed with the latest BIOS before being sent. Or you could use AMD's BIOS update kit where they give you a cpu to update the BIOS and send back.

>google benchmarks for x and y
>could use my intelligence to make a decision for myself
>argue about it on Jow Forums instead

Attached: file.png (500x533, 151K)

>and pic related is me
not my problem that inlel jews out on everything and you mongrels are swallowing it like fresh cum

Your hypotheticals are trash user
>CPU with higher speed RAM
The RAM used was 3200 but it downclocked because of this >B-die
$30 more than non B-die
>Custom cooler
An AIO was used but the same OC is doable with a True Spirit 140 or 4.1GHz with the Spire from the 2600X
>an overclock
You're talking an unlocked CPU vs a locked CPU

Attached: 16765983.png (1824x1026, 431K)

>no u

>desperate amd shills
Reminder that no one with a brain buys amd.

Attached: 1528794094549.png (203x180, 112K)

LOL those benchmarks don't include the CPU we're talking about

Attached: 1527018719304.png (1338x1181, 70K)

>by u i mean me
yes just stop posting outdated benchmarks about cup's that are not produced anymore

Seriously I'd go with 400 series (ryzen 2000 series CPUs) just to avoid the headache. Once you have a 400 series board (X470 for example. Not sure there are B450 boards yet) you can update the bios in a year or two when you want to upgrade to Ryzen 3000 or 4000 series CPUs

>missing the point
no one is failing for your 2666 vs 3200 ram scam

Still adds up to about $100 more than i5 8400 setup
Also who actually overclocks when playing games? The extra power consumption is not even worth it

>not my problem that inlel jews out on everything and you mongrels are swallowing it like fresh cum
It's like you didn't get the message at all. Fanboys form either side are fucking annoying because they ignore all the negatives and preach nonstop that their company is perfect.

>being as bad as them

>a 2666 RAM and a 3400 mhz are the same in price performance

>only 30$ here and another cooler there, guy look how small the invididual prices are, they don't add up to anything

>Custom cooler
>An AIO was used
are you...
>claim a custom cooler was used
>agrees that a custom cooler was used
>but you can do it anyway with another custom cooler

>You're talking an unlocked CPU vs a locked CPU
This is actually a legit perk in terms of AMD, sadly a lot of shit like RAM, cooler are thrown in, thus not making it a good comparison between the two CPUS.


Attached: Truth Lies beyond the bait.png (1131x1133, 62K)

>be me
>accidently put fan on wrong way
>remove it several times
>reapplied thermal paste is fragmented across CPU and cooler.

I'm worried. Does this mean I fucked up?

just clean it and re do it?