Why is Aron Swartz getting no hate for >pic?
Why is Aron Swartz getting no hate for >pic?
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he's dead
Why is moot getting no hate for this?
Are you suggesting we piss on his grave?
Who is the jew
he just created it, it's newfags who ruined it
You have your answer right here, OP.
Just found the alpha normie!
That's not true
I'm here since 2006
where is my badge
Jow Forums is not what it used to be
>tfw helium tank arrives tomorrow
reddit was fine before a bunch of queer jews ruined it.
Are you having a party? Can I come?
Nah, I'm just laughing at based frogposters funposts.
Reddit was killed by it's community.
Aaron Swartz left reddit shortly after the site was bought out. He donated the money he made from the sale to children's charity.
moot is still /ourguy/
I miss snacks though
Hiro is doing his best
Yes. It's a... sleepover
The site itself is guaranteed social poison and hate. The very design of it , the way it works.
And I'm not so sure it's popular anymore.
A lot of subs are slow moving or almost dead.
Instagram , twitter , probably facebook also are where all the "normies" are.
Almost every time I visit reddit I seem to get angry lol. That place sucks.
Reddit makes me angrier than this shithole ever could. At least people here are self-aware enough and realize this site is one big pile of shit. Redditors, however, are too far up their own and each others' asses to know left from right.
>. At least people here are self-aware enough and realize this site is one big pile of shit. Redditors, however, are too far up their own and each others' asses to know left from right.
Exception: Jow Forums
The format of the site is terrible. It's way more complicated than it needs to be. In my opinion, Jow Forums has the best format of any image board and or topic based discussion forum. Jow Forums is streamlined and simple.
Somewhat true. I've been lurking there since the 2016 American election season, and I do find myself leaning significantly more conservative than I had in the past, but some Jow Forumsacks are just as paranoid and batshit as their SJW bogeymen.
Top Yee
moot was the biggest clueless newfag if you will
Jow Forums sure exploded though. He must have done something right. Given that he was so young and that his team was relatively small, I'd say he did pretty good. Sure mistakes have been made, but compared to other failed chans, he had the right idea.
He still DJs :)
>Hiro is doing his best
lies, he let the /ck/ mods kill al/ck/
I don't know the details about that. I'm far from a food guy. I can't even seem to make top ramen correctly. Mods are based so there had to have been a good reason.
He just build cool things, but manager and community fuck it.
He built cool things. He is also the creator of creative commons, an expansion on copyright. He also created RSS feeds. He could have made huge money working in tech. Instead he chose to use his abilities to make a difference and bring about real change to issues plaguing technology. He was a bright shining talent, the likes of which haven't been seen in sometime. The US government killed him :(
>an expansion on copyright
I mean't a reformation on copyright. He sought to curtail the gray legal area that copyrights created, mostly related to academia and the fact that JSTOR for example basically owned the wealth of human knowledge through their copyright. I don't agree with that, and any freedom minded individual shouldn't either.
I hope he knows based anons still miss him and that we could use his leadership and lulz
how's that shit still running
what a loser
(I wish he'd come back though, moot had been relaying an abnormal level of faggotry the year he sold out)
What, were you expecting him to control how people think and behave? He certainly cannot do anything about the state of leddit now, considering the fact he is dead af.
>Dr. Crobar
All of my oscillating sides
I'd venture to guess that had he not sold the site, and still be alive, the state of that god forsaken place would have been a lot different.
>At least people here are self-aware enough
>realize this site is one big pile of shit
He did not start reddit.
He started a failed startup with the same venture capitalist as reddit (Ycombinator), and because he is part of the chosen people, instead of simply failing, he was "re-allocated" to reddit.
Showing two things: it's good to benefit from Jewish privilege, and venture capitalists really treat startups like employees and not like entrepreneurs.
Hating moot used to be one of the most common pastimes on Jow Forums.