>meanwhile, pic related

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this is the future libertarians want
>i don't trust le gobmint
>but i trust YOU muh Jeff Bezos ceo waifu :333

I want to end the kikes on both sides
there's no difference between a big government and big corporations.

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this. let's start a anarcho-communist society, finally.

the only form of government that works is an ethical monarchy with a king that has prosperity as his main goal. It also has to be ethnically homogeneous.

so you want another form of corporatism, and you think arbitrary chosen individuals will give us "prosperity"


"democracy" doesn't work
A society ruled by a philosopher-king is the only one that can prosper. This has been proven time and time again throughout history.

I propose a technocracy instead, but instead of only having "expert" economists, have a mixed group of hard and soft scientists, and those should be prohibited from ever being part of a profit scheme other than receiving wages from their own government.

As an American with a doctorate, I completely disagree
Science and technology only draw the lowest of degenerates to them.
I would be more than happy with minimal "progress" if it meant that no disgusting foreign ideas could invade and destroy my country.

I would be OK with a dumphone if it had whats app since I need to talk with normies ( don't remember if they pulled java support already), and a good can. These are the inky things that make me stick to android

A benevolent ai taking care of everything would be the best option

I ditched all that after school
The only communication device I keep on me is my pager because I work at a hospital and I need it for codes etc.
Any technology beyond what was available in ~1995 is cancer and WILL result in the degeneration and death of any society.

>muh conservative society

I wanted to ditch that too outside the cam. Too bad girlfriend and friends need this shit to talk.

a hole that doesn't respect your wishes isn't worth fucking

Ancom society would probably work if it weren't for the ancoms themselves. Bougie heroin addicts need to be purged along with their lumpenprole pets.

>Science and technology only draw the lowest of degenerates to them.
whats wrong with that? ^_^

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We need to scrap all regulation and create new regulation that makes it 10fold times harder to operate as a huge corporation, and let small little chinese supermarkets thrive

Only useful idiots identify as commies.

china is going to collapse on itself. I don't give a fuck about china.
If the entire american social infastructure doesn't change, specifically in regards to how it interacts with technology, america will be gone by 2050.

is this a joke? how is this even possible. its literally an oxymoron

> government spies on people
> Amazon is to blame

kek. amazon is no where near on the same level as the gov.

ssshhh, it is, but don't tell those who think communism = big state

I work in an Amazon warehouse and I wish I got 55 hours.

It's dead switch to newsboat.

The problem is men die.

I welcome our cybernetic android overlords.

Position? I worked there as a picker. Now I'm a lift driver in a different warehouse.

Read his literature, at least his manifesto. It explains and describes what is happening and why in great, exacting detail, and he hasn't been wrong in the ~20 years it's been published.
The world is fucked, and we missed our critical transition period to bring down the system. The only thing left is mindless orgiastic consumption and hedonism. Dive in while you still have your individuality.

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