Any solidity fags here?

Any solidity fags here?

Need advice on smart contract stuff.

I need an entity in the blockchain (an object) that keeps having digital signatures added to it over time (just via private key signing stuff I guess). Basically a DB entry updating but on a blockchain.

I ethereums blockchain ok for this. I' guessing it's immutable.

This has nothing to do with any money transfers.

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Ugh, op your choice of women lessens my faith in everything.

whats wrong with her you fucking noob

why would you put digital signatures in a transaction that's redundant

Noob? Nigga, that chick looks like a 12 year old boy that got punched in the balls once a month since birth. I wouldn't hit that with my worst enemy's dick.

yeah but it's a girl.
I mean an actual girl.

basically different people sign the object.
when the all signed this object the object is "completed".
So you can't have anyone just signing it. You gotta prove who you are. So I though they sign it with prv key.
You understand what I'm saying?

Yeah, I know.

that's even worse you goddamned idiot


why tho? throw me a bone
how I gonna prove the people signing the object are the people who they say they are

Are you dense
Smashing girls that looks like dudes pretending to be girls is woke
Younger just makes it more based.

If they have tats too... w-woah..

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because they generated a private key already for ethereum.
the 'database of digital signatures' is reduceable to only containing a digest of the 'object' and an empty function you call to 'touch' it.

okay okay cool. use their eth key.
so what's this digest of the 'object'? sounds like something fundamental I missed?

i hope a tsunami purges SE asia

>t. a low-T faggot

that's some intense mental gymnastics you have going on there

least I know how to use my brain retard go back to your anime figures

I see no evidence of that in this thread

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leave dummy

the fact that doing what you describe is nontrivial says a lot about solidity as a failure language.

i'm not convinced it's non trivial
it's just I don't know the right technique to employ at this point.
thanks for a bit of help anyway Jow Forums