I want to write code in modern languages

Just graduated CS, looking for employment, gimme a project idea to start.

Attached: 0f9.jpg (600x456, 81K)

lern solidity

Needs to be something employers are actually looking for. Think Javascript, Java, C#, possibly AWS and Rails related

Write an OS kernel like 22 years old Linus Thorvalds did.

how the fuck do you graduate CS without knowing a language? fucking idiot, stay unemployed and die.

That's the type of project that will get a
"While your skills are impressive, we've moved farther in our hiring process" response.

OP is an entitled female (male)

ORG 0X0000
ORG 0X0005

this literally happened to me
>while we can't offer you a job at this momentwe would love it if you became part of our talent network

suck my dick

yeah, solidity and be a freelance ico programmer.

Write your own game modification library and sell cheats to 12 year old kids

What does that even mean? Did they ask you to become something like their side bitch that they would call whenever they needed a quick dickwetting?

Every reply has either been b8, or an obscure programming language no employers care about, Reddit has officially infiltrated Jow Forums. I will say I was a Redditor but that was 2012, I've been here since, and the quality of posts has become diluted to a glass of wine with melted ice cubes.

by the way, i'm an entitled faggot with no useful experience with employers. please spoon feed me things my entire degree couldn't

t. contract hired programmer that can't get a permanent position anywhere

Unironically... Python.

Attached: net admin.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)

Install gentoo
Lean GNU/Linux with BSD on the side.

write a kernel

write a chip-8 emulator

Whatever project you do...
Use C

All these people who believed the meme job market myths. Rule #1, there's no such thing as 'junior developer' jobs. You always had to con your way into some kind of job, since the beginning of time, by just bamboozling your interviewers and turning in 'acceptable' code so you wouldn't get fired. If you couldn't get in as a programmer, you got in as customer support and then conned your way into programming, mainly taking a position when some guy left. Rule #2, 80% of real jobs are never posted. You have to know people in order to get hired somewhere. They recommend you, you get hired. Everything that is posted, is bait and switch, or a fake ad because in order to satisfy foreign worker visas most countries require the company to 'attempt to hire local first', so they create all these always hiring ads which in fact just waste your time because there is no position for you, they want a pajeet at 1/4 what they would pay you. Rule #3, having a job sucks anyway, in the end you'll just end up a contractor so might as well start out as one too.

This guy's on the ball!

you should have no problem getting a job if you have your bachelors in CS

unless youre a retard