C++ IDEs

I'm looking for a free c++ ide with great to perfect code auto completion, and also works on win7.

I've been trying VS Code but the intellisense plugin crashs often and does not work nearly as much as it should when it does.

I just want the same thing as YouCompleteMe for Vim provides (check the gif), but the install process is ass on windows and can't be completed apparently.

No MSVS or linux please (bad font rendering hurts my brain)

Attached: YCM.gif (860x426, 1.27M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Vim with plugins is unusable

>using IDEs

Attached: 454F15D8FDFF4D9788F1F8C2BA110F8D.png (746x629, 157K)

nice input guys thanks, and very funny too. thanks for your time.

I came here to laugh at you I ain't leaving

Attached: 1520649955373.jpg (722x420, 65K)


There's none. No C++ IDE is really any good.
Clion is probably the comfiest, but it's not free (shouldn't bother non-shit tier developers).

font rendering, bad? are you stupid? you cant take Jow Forums seriously and most of us use linux, why are you here?

install ubuntu in virtualbox and change the font if you are not retarded

emacs with irony

it does not have autocompletion nearly as close as to what can be provided elsewhere unfortunatly. See the gif.
But maybe i am mistaken.


It does parse headers and autocomplete prefixes based on them.


How have you setup emacs for c c++ dev Jow Forums?

irony does not work on windows as far I know. It leads to the same YCM compiling nightmare.

I don't understand how it is so difficult to find a good IDE for c++ in 2018.
What are the paid IDEs options then?

the same way it does on the gif?

It looks very promising, i'll try that as soo as can.

May I ask how you learned about his IDE?

Qt creator. It support plain C or C++ projects, has graphical integration with GDB and autocomplete. It also runs on Windows as well as on Linux.

I know one of the devs, so I shill it whenever I get the opportunity.
I can't program for shit so I have no idea if it's really all that good or not, but I enjoy reading what people think of it.

I prefer Notepad++

Why don't you just use Vim?

visual studio doesn't work on win7 ?

CLion is free if you're a student

Qt Creator
Visual Studio

because the necessary plugins for autocompletion can't compile/install properly on windows.

Yes, you type the prefix in and it looks for matching identifiers.

Just use Visual Studio dude... I guess you could download geany which is good too but why


Why not install the linux subsystem for windows and then enjoy all the benefits?

Does for me.

the thing is YCM (and some other plugins too i'm sure) detect and provide you with completion option even when you haven't started to type one letter.

Look at the gif more closely, it detects what class/type the variable is and provides a list of the methods directly.

Hey OP, everyone else here is wrong.

CLion by Jetbrains. Just try it. The autocompletion is fucking amazing, and I literally cannot use anything else besides Jetbrains after experiencing it.

10 fucking internets to you man. This is the shit. I would suck your cock right now!

You don't know how long I have been looking for this crossplatform perfect IDE.

Also fuck google and every other nigger for shilling stupid clion etc shit and never ever showing me this.

Attached: 1375916320359.jpg (533x627, 110K)

Visual Studio is what you're looking for, if you're a faggot there is nothing to be done

>Hard disk space: up to 130 GB of available space, depending on features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free space.

Attached: __.gif (193x135, 1.57M)

>using freedom software
>shit tier

Hi Microshill
How's that Win10 linux shell working out for you?

Visual Studio with Resharper (c++)
It's not as good as the one for C# (widely regarded as the best) but it's better than built in intellisense

emacs, but unironically

Eclipse CDT with vim plugin. Pretty great if you ignore the debugging.

just look at how slow this faggot types, auto-completing ide's makes you retarded. but you're probably already retarded from the start since you considered using one.

irony does work on windows though

Glad to hear that, user. I'll be relaying your praise.
Beware that it probably has a few bugs still and that it's far from feature complete. From what I hear python scripting is coming soon (though it has been "soon" for quite a while now)

Oh, and please spread the gospel.

>written in Java
that explain why the compiling is so slow.

Why should vim with plugins be unusable?

I can see it is a little barebone in a few places like adding new .cpp files does not see the CMakeList.txt being updated automatically but frankly it is already miles ahead a lot of other IDEs that you find advised and advertised everywhere.

At least it feels the dev really his shit right.

Good actually. You can fuck right on off now linux faggot

Qt creator. It works with cmake and autocomplete and UI works great.

use vim/neovim with lsp

Vim is shit because of it's horrendous codebase and the community behind Vim and Neovim is just Vim repackaged as a different pile of shit.


Visual Studio

>I know nothing about computers: the post
Java isn't slow.

>I have to defend it even though I'm fucking dead wrong
Go ahead and compare the time to compile a simple helloworld with any other IDE and please don't come back.

That looks so easy-modo tier, it reminds me of when I programmed in java with netbeans. Has anyone answered OP's question? I'm interested as well.

I don't actually program, just edit config files and maybe add Bash aliases but this thread made me think that it would actually be practical if Vim would autocomplete the other end of parenthesis and brackets whenever I open them. I think that's all I would need, no need for suggestions and autocorrects. Can anyone spoonfeed me what I need to install for that simple feature?

unironically visual studio.nothing can beat vs for c/c++ programming and if you only install the c/c++ tools it only takes up 2 gigs.

Source Insight is pretty gud


>Void mechanism
>Disentanglement ("Brain Combing")
>The sludge
I want to read more

why not use Geany or Codelite?

But font rendering is better on Linux. Windows has the worst font rendering

But that's the opposite of correct.

Qtcreator is pretty good.

Is that a surprise? Office requires almost the same space than the OS and so does many Microsoft software.

People still defend the Microsoft environment anyway.

This, and while using Windows, you can get some builds like WinPython and Anaconda and have a portable C++ & Python environment with Qt as a GUI framework available.


Y-you guys do realize IDE has no influence whatsoever how fast the compiler is, right?

>But that's the opposite of correct.
But that's the opposite of correct.