>"fuck you, its not even a problem"
>lawsuit after lawsuit
>"fine, well fix it (under very specific conditions). please continue to buy our poorly thought overpriced shit"
fucking pathetic, mactoddlers are a disgrace
when we getting new macbook pros? i wanna buy one but not gonna buy until they are updated
>Repairs may include the replacement of one or more keys or the entire keyboard.
If they're replacing individual keys, that's obviously not going to correct the problem and more will fail later.
I'm guessing september-october?
waiting as well.
ugh still far away. i was hoping august :(
>wants to buy a macbook pro after all this bullshit
i've had issues with many laptops from dell, hp, lenovo, microsoft, asus
at least apply are doing something about it. i had battery issues with a dell xps 15 that dell did nothing about.
how many laptops have you bought
what kind of issues
I usually buy a new laptop every year. in the past few years I have had a MacBook Pro, X1 Carbon, XPS 15 and an Asus ZenBook Pro. Oh and I have a 12" MacBook which is great for an super-ultrabook but a bit on the slow side.
I bought a Dell laptop a few years ago and apparently if you pick it up the wrong way, it cuts off suddenly and you lose everything you haven't saved. This is a problem Dell knows appears on multiple of its products and has yet to do anything to fix.
I'll take a stuck key over that shit anyday. I'm literally afraid to move my laptop.
HP laptops are absolute trash.
>failing keys
>display stripes
>weird random reboots
>throttling to hell and back
>non-existent battery life
Utter garbage.
I'd have bought an XPS if it wasn't for Dell's attitude of not giving two fucks about coil whine.
i had a thinkpad that did that if you picked it up with one hand a certain way. fucking annoying.
Nu-Applel was a mistake*
iBook G4 from 2005 here. This consumer laptop has outlasted literal millions of "Pro" macbooks, and will probably outlast more.
Get fucked Apple.
why don't you like the x1 carbon?
hdr screen response rate is poor. awful audio hardware (speakers and sound card) with poor shielding so you get EM interference leading to static when using headphones.
also i use a mouse a lot and the fan exhaust is on the right side of the laptop so blows right onto my hand when working :(
I hope they permanently fix this macbookpro 13" (2015) is on its last leg.
>buys consumer shit
>buys consumer shit every fucking year
Some people never learn, i guess
Stop buying pavillion walmart crap
Can't be fixed without yet another total redesign, which isn't likely to happen because apple never admits their mistakes
>which isn't likely to happen
>without yet another
why do you shills love to contradict yourselves?
the fags at apple redesign their shit every few years/quarters almost without fail
I doubt that they will suddenly drop the shitty keyboard that they have hyped as ingenious.
Remember the magsafe fires?
i also doubt they will drop their horrendous keyboard
and yes i do remember the fires, that's partly the reason they dropped magsafe (huge mistake) and now use shitty usbC for charging instead of superior magsafe
you're trying your hardest to contradict your thesis that apple doesn't address (incorrectly, but that's besides the point) some of the issues the public demonstrates they care about by redesigning their shit
Stop being a fanboi
Also Jow Forums isn't just one person
How was the trackpad? I want to get a carbon but if it has a shit trackpad then I wont
How? I just got one off eBay that runs great and looks brand new.
i guess you're incapable of following a conversation
typical autismal
They're beyond too late. I didn't even buy the defective product. I already bought a Surface and put Linux on it instead.
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
LOL ye
after countless class action lawsuits they are finally willing to fix there shit keyboards. Bet apple regrets using rivets to hold the keyboard now that they are the ones who have to replace them.