I'm thinking of paying $600 for community college for networking basics, website, coding.
is this a good idea? start next month...
I'm thinking of paying $600 for community college for networking basics, website, coding.
is this a good idea? start next month...
Why not just read some books at home?
You ONLY need institutions for certification and access to otherwise expensive resources.
would this work? save $600....
Do it. Don't listen to these fags. Just sort your life out and get it done. Whatever route you take doesn't matter. If schooling appeals to you then do it.
Yea, I have read some books while at home and learned things.
what's Jow Forums?
>Jow Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Computer_Science_and_Engineering
>Jow Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Programming_Textbook_Recommendations
based epic oldfag btfo'ing all noobs
Potentially a good idea man, depends on your motivation levels and if $600 is a lot of money to you.
I taught myself how to program and never did paid courses of any kind (have bought textbooks though). I would've probably learnt more with the structure of a course, sometimes I just lose motivation and don't do shit for a week or two. Do something though, start now
Similar information from a more reputable source.
Note: this stuff won't get you a job any time soon, do a 'bootcamp' or study similar content if you want work quick
>more reputable source
Fuck off, the /sci/ wikia is LITERALLY the same textbooks used in college/uni.
And the Jow Forums wiki is an aggregate.
>some Jow Forums kiddie wiki
Are you a spastic? Actual textbooks from universities vs. some shitty website.
As for Jow Forums wikia they're normally also commonly used textbooks in the recommendations to read.
Although, you'd know this if you weren't some insufferable newfag.
In fact, that shitty site recommendations the same textbooks, but doesn't recommend as many.
So if anything, it is a more limited resources.
>Argument, not detected.
Try actually making some counter points, dumbo.
rofl I don't have to. You already lost.
Where exactly? Point it out. I know you can't, because I haven't.
i wonder if you have any idea how insufferable you sound
Yeah, for you.
Friendly reminder not to give serious answers to dumb threads, just redirect them to sqt.
Time is finite and a concise list has more value to me.
>There are plenty of resources out there, but some are better than others. You don’t need yet another “200+ Free Online Courses” listicle. You need answers to these questions:
>Which subjects should you learn, and why?
>What is the best book or video lecture series for each subject?
>This guide is our attempt to definitively answer these questions.
The last step is the most important.
as op... I like thank you all so much.... will read....
Are there any books on acsension from newfaggotry to oldfaggotry
>will read....
We all know you wont, don't worry.
0a learn how to use a computer
*snap* (2)
how to be a loser and learn a bunch of useless bullshit thanks chief
Community college is fucking useless if you want to just make websites and know basic networking.
I was looking at the college courses and I already knew everything included in 6 years worth of courses..In my first 6 months.
The curriculum are too fucking spread out when it comes to "computer science" or "programming" especially at shitty colleges for dropouts. The only benefit is having human interaction and getting used to working in groups/with people/getting a piece of paper saying you did it.
Pick a language you like, pick a subject you like and just fucking learn it. Read docs, read books, watch youtube, watch udemy courses, do things like freecodecamp/codeacademy/codewars and just fucking grind it every day 8+ hours, then make shit when you feel like it.
Make your github look like a can of green paint just fucking exploded on it.
Why do you even browse Jow Forums, you retard? You clearly have no interest in the technical aspect of tech. Why not just go back to /v/ already?
i don't play games. how about YOU go back to /sci/ with your theory and math bullshit you fuckstick
>Mr. Plug-n-Play
Lol, dumbfuck can't into calc so he gets buttmad and people who actually want to understand their tech.
Die, scumbag.
you are more than welcome to return to your shit board fag
Both Jow Forums and /sci/ are my boards. Why don't you retreat back to /v/?
because i don't play videogames
That image is retarded. It might as well just say "just learn everything lol".
Tafe? Fuck that
It's for someone dedicated to the field. You should learn your field in full depth, don't be a lazy Paj.
Fine then, fuck off back to Plebbit.
or its for turbo-autists like you. let people learn what they want to learn, a ''guide'' filled with such a wide scope of information and insinuating they need to follow it all as if it's some pro tip is retarded
is this where I meet suitable waifus?
>Paj, the reply.
is it really that hard to believe i do not give a single fuck about math or science but enjoy technology? it's how 90% of this board is
It isn't how it used to be, and it isn't how it should be.
It has always been 90% kids who want to post screenshots of their phone screens
>screenshots of their smartphones
Fuck off.
get on with the times gramps
Lol, nice argument, newfag.
Learn how the technology works, you piece of shit.
You don't belong on Jow Forums.
you don't belong anywhere
That's not what your mom said.
>arguing with kids who roleplay as oldfags
>samefagging to try and back yourself up
>All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
hey whats that supposed to mean wise guy
He doesn't do any work, he's a play'n'play.
>wise guy
I dunno, Aldo, what does it mean? Are you going to have me whacked?
>>arguing with kids who rollplay as oldfags
videogames are just not fun once you hit a certain age. i think it has to do with just getting so much of a positive reaction from them so many times that you just grow numb to it, so playing videogames just feel boring or a waste of time after a while
It comes and goes. You just have to be in a certain mood and get into the game.
t. boomer
idk. i still refuse to do the whole 14 year old gamer '''''build''''' my own pc when i only use 2gb of ram at max, so that limits me from playing much of anything anyways
just play baldurs gate
i dont have time for this ugly shit looking game
please go back to /v/ with your rgb and cherry mx setup you underage faggot
rgb makes you code faster
I don't think you understand reputable means.
actually, blue makes you code faster. rgb covers blue light, but you're only partially coding faster with rgb
Thanks for the quick tech tips!
no problem, buddy
>university textbooks
>not reputable
I don't think you do, buddy.
Just like your comment then
Wtf did this samefag just diss himself?
allitebooks dot com with adblock. enjoy
No, just study JavaScript; HTML; CSS and/or PHP. You can get started through Sololearn for free, then invest in some higher-grade books.