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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question. *Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage. *Many free software have active mailing lists. *Many free software has an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors
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Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
So i fucked up real bad. I was installing an arch distro and my sdc was failing to mount, earlier i had done and abandoned a luks encryption root but even after a dban wipe it still persisted, so i rm -rf'd it (rm -rf /dev/mapper/cryptroot) In my frustration i rm -rf'd sda* and now i can't format or access my disk, how fucked am i and how do i fix this?
thanks but i was talking aboutu what to do with testdisk? Make log? what options to use? I'm new to partitioning so i have no idea whether DOS counts as GP(something) or Intel or what?
Tyler Rivera
What are some good GNU+Linux/Free Software, etc. youtubers I should watch?
Well I finally got my computer fixed after it broke with a Linux OS. Biggest waste of my life ever listening to you guys about open source. Thanks for nothing. Now that Windows is reinstalled I can finally use the internet again. Why do you guys shill these shitty Linux OSes? Is it an inside joke on Jow Forums to get newbs to waste time on this shit?
Gentoo like everyone suggests. Fuck you. I had to bring my PC to Geek Squad just to get shit sorted out. Even they had a hard time getting it to work again. Stupid fucking Linux not only didn't work it killed the hard drive. Geek Squad had to reformat it completely they said. They also said its a good thing that I went back to Windows because Linux doesn't have anti virus. Why don't you guys mention these risks to begin with?
Jack Peterson
Okay Jow Forums I’ll bite. I’m going to install OpenSuSE Leap 15 on my Late 11 13” MBP. It has an aftermarket SSD and 16GB RAM. Should I go XFS or BTRFS?
Lincoln Nelson
Did you read the manuals or did you just fuck about without knowing what you were doing?
Start with Ubuntu next time, retard.
Nolan Mitchell
what do you want out of the operating system? as far as i know, btrfs is better than ext4 but i dont know how. also as far as i know from benchmarks is that btrfs is the slowest of all the filesystems. in my own experience crashes happen more often on btrfs than ext4 but that might just be some bug with firefox as per last thread (i hadnt crashed in tf2 with firefox closed so maybe this really is the problem, would have to test more). as far as performance difference in use, compared to ext4, i dont actually notice any difference at all for anything so despite "being slowest" it doesn't feel like it. never used xfs but from benchmarks it seems faster in several ways than most journaling file systems. i like sped i would counsider xfs but definitely do research to see which is better for you
Nicholas Bell
>buy 16gb usb 3.0 stick to put windows on >windows 10 iso is 4.7 gb >copying from disk to stick starts at 500 mb/s then gradually slows down to 25 mb/s >stops copying at 4.3 gb and get pic related every time >this happens even after formatting the stick why
How can I disable libinput's "disable while typing"/palm detection using an xorg config file? I can't find any documentation for this which seems pretty ridiculous.
Hunter Butler
>what is file size limit
Parker Walker
Format your USB to NTFS instead of FAT32.
Dominic Green
Any Jow Forumsentoomen here? Sorry for this shitty pic quality, but anyone know why this might be happening? I added a boot splash theme cause why the hell not, but when it hits about 50% or so it goes from centered and nice to the screen wrapping around like this, like I guess it's the graphics driver kicking in or something?
how usbs work is they flash the atoms in blocks using a tiny light. this filesystem must have a hard block limit of 4k. the easiest fix is to just take the usb out every 2 gigabytes or so just to refresh it
Ayden Brooks
I prefer exfat for USB sticks personally, but yeah FAT32 has a 4GB file size limit. Do not listen to these nerds
Charles Turner
actually worked not sure why it didn't work before formatting tho, is it fat32 by default?
Kayden Barnes
Good one. Almost got me.
Jaxon White
I'm looking to add a fancy but modifiable bootsplash to my Arch build. I'm trying Plymouth but it doesn't seem to want to work for me.
Any ideas for alternatives or for a better set of instructions to install Plymouth than on the Arch Wiki??
if you have any halfway decent router then you shouldn't need a firewall on your machine at all.
Brody Ross
Common laptop usage for work and some development - maybe watch some videos and play some light games/emulators during wee times. I’m a Unix and Linux consultant so I’m quite familiar with operating system but my knowledge is somewhat restricted to servers. I know very little about Linux desktops. I went XFS for everything but /boot which traditionally I use EXT2 and a TMPFS /tmp. It is still installing. I want FDE on this thing so I’ve created the physical volume (not the vg or lv) as encrypted. I hope its the right way to do it.
What browser options do I have? I hate mozilla and google but I need a capable web browser.
Nathaniel Cook
You already have a firewall: iptables. You can configure it manually or using ufw.
Brandon Davis
Eh I disagree. What if he wanted to use some kind of VPN or other kind of connection like stealing neighbors WiFi? For PC I would recommend having a firewall and setting the main interface as a trusted network.
Connor Ramirez
Not necessarily true. The router has an external firewall, but within the local network, machines can still communicate with each other freely. For instance, I can SSH into my raspberry pi even though my router has a firewall. But Let's say I'm at a coffee shop or mcdonald's, or any place with public wifi, then i'd need a local firewall, but only if i actually have some server software, right?
Hudson Jenkins
Thank you.
Cooper Allen
Every distribution comes with some kind of firewall init script nowadays. Isn’t iptables deprecated?
Evan Green
yeah, I didn't even consider using a pc in public environments
Xavier Peterson
How can I copy files securely with SSH? To my understanding, once you ssh into a computer, you have access to its contents.
But what if I want to send something to said computer from my main machine, and back and forth?
A > file > B(ssh'ed pc)
Hudson Myers
in my experience firefox IS the only browser. palememe somehow completely broke addons like a month or two ago, not even "legacy" firefox addons would install. maybe waterfox, if its specifically mozilla and not firefox you dislike. maybe try midori (gnome 3 ugly, has built in adblocker/script blocker though which is all i actually need) or konqueror (on qt5, also no fucking addons it could have been great while i used kde). as far as i know only firefox and google chrome can use sites like netflix but i could definitely be wrong, only tried those two
Mason James
Can I use a desktop environment as a base for a window manager? For example, using unity's applications while having openbox as a nupper layer.
Tyler Edwards
Parker Hall
Yes. Install openbox with your package manager, after that you should be able to select an openbox session at the login screen. This also works for other WMs like i3, but only of the WM provides such desktop session files. If they don't exist, you can easily weite them yourself or just start the WM manually from a tty.
Bentley Anderson
oh, will look into it.
Jayden Hill
scp. Or depending on your needs, if you're just a desktop user and if you want to transfer a lot of files back and forth between machines frequently, then you might even be interested in just mounting it. Then you could drag and drop files using your normal file browser. These days ssh servers also double as remote fileshares using SFTP. So you don't have to change anything on the server. Just install sshfs and mount the remote machine.
Thomas Reyes
Nice. Didn't think of mounting the machine as a share. Thanks for the tip.
Cooper Cooper
If you want it persistent you should look into autofs. It'll unmount it when not in use and auto-mount it when you access the mount point.
Dominic Richardson
scp, sftp, rsync
Juan Morales
Jason Powell
>>Isn’t iptables deprecated? well we do have nftables now but it's really just a new interface to the same netfilter subsystem. It does make it a lot nicer to write firewall rules in my experience though, and if you're gonna learn something might as well learn the new something.
Isaac Bailey
Not the guy you're responding to, but can I just use ufw either way?
Landon Phillips
>not him, but >>>/reddit/
Tyler Garcia
Please stay friendly.
Matthew Reyes
Yes. I believe ufw just calls iptables, which talks to netfilter. It's just a choice of what front-end you want, so if ufw suits your purposes, go ahead.
I wrote the actual firewall on my router in nftables, but I used ufw to make the VPN-killswitch script on one of my machines. I could have done it with iptables or nftables, but ufw's syntax made it easier for that purpose.
Jordan Ramirez
Is this your first day on Jow Forums?
Jason Adams
This is the biggest newfag meme ever. It basically amounts to nothing more than noticing a speaking pattern and implying it's cancer with 0 thought.
Please stop spreading that sentiment around. It's a very Jow Forums phrase and has always existed here and always will.
William Jones
Out of curiosity is there any OS that's as comfy as Bunsen Labs (light wight-ish (sub 5gb with everything working out of the box) and only a WM by default) by without the ancient packages? preferably without a rolling release
James Miller
archlabs is exactly what you're looking for
Chase Parker
So I've installed Slackware and it's really very nice. Everything is well documented and feels clean to use, setting up my initial system went pretty well.
But what's with the package management? I don't really care about the dependency resolution thing, I like being able to do it manually, but there seem to be like six or seven different options for augmenting the base distribution. Should I get slapt-get, or sbotools, or add the Salix repos (and are there other repos I should add?), or sbq, or, or, or. What's the best thing to do?
Dylan Hughes
>archlabs HOLY SHIT user, THIS IS SUGOI. Thank you user!
Robert Martinez
I want to make the sound output of my desktop go to a local adress so I can listen to it with my phone. Is there any straightforward way of doing this?
Andrew Collins
I've been using debian as my first distro for about 2 months now. I've had some annoying problems but been able to get by fine enough; however some problems I haven't managed to solve. Is ubuntu a good alternative to debian for a newbie?
Logan Gutierrez
Well half the battle is going to be figuring out how your phone is supposed to understand the information it's receiving and play it as audio.
Do you already have this part figured out? Do you mind downloading an app for it? Or do you want your desktop to host it as some kind of simple web audio stream that your phone can visit like a website without having to do any additional work?
Colton Anderson
Yes, Ubuntu is recommended for newbies.
Nathan Foster
any solution is fine, I came around this script plus #!/bin/sh case "$1" in start) $0 stop pactl load-module module-simple-protocol-tcp rate=48000 format=s16le channels=2 source= record=true port=8000 ;; stop) pactl unload-module `pactl list | grep tcp -B1 | grep M | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 start|stop" >&2 ;; esac but it's throwing You have to specify a module index or name 21 (or some other >20 number) Using 0 or 1 as source throws the same error user@debian:~/.scripts$ pactl list short sources 0 alsa_output.pci-0000_00_05.0.analog-stereo.monitor module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz SUSPENDED 1 alsa_input.pci-0000_00_05.0.analog-stereo module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100HzSUSPENDED
Jonathan Hall
i have this annoying issue where when an audio source starts stops or switches my speakers make a "pop pop" noise before they play the audio. apparently this is an issue with sound power management (some people on windows appear to have this issue) but i cant find any of the settings for this on debian cinnamon.
Tyler Nelson Demand a video with GNU/Linux! Demand a video with GNU/Linux! Demand a video with GNU/Linux! Demand a video with GNU/Linux!
>Use Gentoo testing >Become expert software developer by having to read bug reports and manually patch source code every time a kernel upgrade breaks Virtualbox guest additions which is literally every single day >$300k starting Thanks Gentoo.
Hey speaking of that I have a question. I was thinking of trying Gentoo. Can I switch between the stable and bleeding-edge shit on a per-package basis? Like lets say I want to run ordinary stable Gentoo, but switch to the most recent kernel. I can do that, yes?
Gabriel Morgan
I really need help.
Is there a 64bit version of heimdall? Or if I wine odin how do I get it to recognise my phone?
Blake Robinson
>becoming a programmer by applying things written by other people Nice leeching, retard. I bet you feel pride when you post a screenshot of your desktop.
Brayden King
You could try doing it with PulseAudio, Termux has a PA package.
Anthony Foster
does this use it's own repos or the arch linux ones?
to build onto this, why do so many forks of distributions start their own repos instead of using the bigger ones? and even usually show pride in it. its always more outdated and for seemingly no purpose at all
Brody Roberts
hey, going to hand in my computer to repair and sell it later.
i wanna wipe the hard drive. it has windows 10 installed. I have gparted if it can do the job. if not, what should i use?
Jaxson Powell
Mpd + MALP
Charles Roberts
"not him, but" shows that OP feels lost in anonymous posting; the lack of names and proper reply chain makes him feel so uneasy that he reclaims his identity: "not him, but"
OP would obviously feel better posting on reddit.
Daniel Butler
forgot about this thread, so please excuse my doublepost
i was installing gentoo and ran out of inodes when handbook told me to install kernel sources
i realize that ill have to start from scratch again, so is there a way to increase number of inodes when i partition/create fs? root was formatted with ext4, btw
yes, if you try to install a specific non-stable package version like "emerge -a =gentoo-sources-4.17.2", it should tell you what you need to do to enable it
>I had no idea how to use linux so I went straight into one of the least user friendly distros available. >this is somehow anyone's fault but my own The post. I hope this is just shitty bait, but being Jow Forums it's 50/50.
Colton Ortiz
hmm maybe i forgot to add -T small thanks for the link
Elijah Rivera
>being this much of a brainlet Pretty sure you're the redditor here.
Owen James
try to lose some Fat.
William Williams
did something happen to i915 graphics in recent kernel updates? I can't get any livecds to boot without nomodeset
Blake Reyes
hm. now I am having the same problem with the ubuntu 16.04 livecd.. so it's probably not a kernel update I had arch running fine for a while (even with X), did a pacman -Syu, updated my kernel and now I can't get anything to recognize my display
Matthew James
My laptop's gpu failed so no video output. Can I install a text based os without needing a screen?
William Young
you can install a headless system you can ssh into, but no, gpu is needed for even text out
William Gomez
DBAN or just a live session of any Linux distribution and use dd to write zeroes on the drive.
Josiah Morris
fat32 has a file size limit of 4gb
Aiden Nguyen
Yes this is what I want. Can I even install without gpu?
Jason Bennett
you can but it will be awkward one option would be to get a livecd that reads output to you (for blind people)