I'll be interested to see how many freetards have uptimes of over a week.
Uptime thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey, dumb /v/ kid, did you know that by default Windows 10 with fast boot enabled only goes to a pseudo-hibernation mode and counts that downtime as uptime?
Now you know, now fuck off back to /v/.
>he turns his computer off
You freetards are literally pathetic. One would imagine since you're too cheap to pay for shit you could afford electricity, but apparently not.
>home edition
Anime website senpai
Nice counter reply, just as expected.
>How hilarious, you've just set off my trap card!
Calm the fuck down, Yugioh. It's not that serious.
My NAS is the only thing I don't reboot regularly
never seen that cpu before
What is a "freetard"?
A desktop user of Linux
In the US, people with poor cognitive development (like the OP) are allowed to roam loose and operate without supervision or regulation. These are freetards.
It's the main reason I got this board, thought it was pretty neat that it has SMT
It’s an IoT board like a raspberry pi with mips hardware, aka it’s just for showing on Jow Forums and he doesn’t do anything useful with it.
can I please have that wall paper.
I use it for rtl-tcp, been meaning to use it to check out 6LoWPAN but I haven't gotten around to getting any other compatible hardware. I've got a project in mind for it but that's winter stuff
holy fuggg :DDDD
what's the point of leaving your computer on? Even hibernation on a laptop is retarded as it kills the battery even faster
Hibernation drains no more battery than being turned off, because it is off. Sleep is what you're thinking of.
Someone who takes software freedom seriously.
Ahhh, fellow men of culture I see. Louise is best girl.
>IoT maymay
Do you actually do anything with that board or does it just sit in your desk and collect dust?
i disabled kernel support for all of those because they are only annoying
I can't imagine not having hibernation on a laptop, that must suck
i dont really need it. it lasts long enough when the lid is closed
Oh snap!
Free-range retards... the US is "special".
Land of the Free-range, Home of the Special-needs.
oh yeah, thanks. Always mix those up, because i am a nazi who doesn't know english that well.
Ooo, I might have a burger delivered from Five Guys.
| Type | Percentages | Total |
| INTx | 2.1, 3.3 | 5.4% |
| ENTx | 3.2, 1.8 | 5.0% |
| ISTx | 11.6, 5.4 | 17.0% |
| ESTx | 4.3, 8.7 | 13.0% |
Thinkers -> 40.4%
That estimate is way too high. Also, it doesn't account for phase of life, level of development/health, experience/ability/skill, etc.
How to add the uptime and screenfetch to PS?
Download the binaries and add them to your PATH.
this site was nice web.archive.org
Just cuz u pay to get buttraped doesn't mean linux users are poor.
Geez, what do you guys keep your computer on for?
I remember I used to leave my computer on overnight eight years ago when I had 256 kbps download speed. But now that everything's fast, what's the point??
I have ascended
>run windows
>have unbearably slow boot time
>be scared to reboot because updates will break system
>pretend its a good thing and brag about it on Jow Forums
hi bros
very uncomfortable wallpaper
>best girl
>no vag
I see no reason to turn it off, it uses the power of a one 60w lightbulb during idle unless you have a dedicated graphics card, which in that case maybe 90. My server uses 75W maximum under load.
There’s no point of turning it off unless you’re a penny pincher and care about a few bucks a month on your bill at best, or if you have a laptop which in that case you can just close the lid. At worst, you should just use Sleep, no point in turning the whole thing off.
probably won't refuse anal then
p4, nice
Ten days ain't a lot, but nice Louise paper I'll post some for yous.
This guy gets it.
Plex server and seeding torrents
Louise a cute.
The RPI swarm was up for 70+ days previously.
Got a higher res?
Sauce on wall paper plox
thanks, i'm glad you like it.
>wasting electricity
>wasting resources
>wasting money
>just to have a bigger epeen on a mongolian throat singing bbs
>no outage of electricity in more than a year
solar panels/personal nuclear reactor?
first world country with a UPS
nobody gives that much of a shit about you u god damn fucking shit eating autist why would you blur out part of the kernel too
HTPC, disabling windows 10 updates ftw
I turn my desktop off frequently, but my home server has managed to get a bit of uptime.
$ uptime
20:58:54 up 78 days, 9 min, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.05
This is your fault Jow Forums!!
hdds could break and it costs over 100€ to replace it
just have underground cables
It's my edit so I have the transparent and the gimp file, but it's NSFW.
Here you are.
What distro is that?
? wtf
no 1st world country has a stable elecricity for over 400 days. UPS lasts only a few hours.
it's a fucking pedocartoon, retard
i have it here. power outages are only a thing in those places that still have old wiring that shit can fall on.
It’s still good to have it, they’re like what, $60 at best to cover the wattage you’d use on a standard home server? I’d rather my server do a graceful shutdown during that very rare power brownout than just straight die.
> he hates cute drawings of girls
U gay ?
Lot's of western yuropoor countries have. Over here in frogland I haven't had a single blackout in years. Not even a rolling one. I honestly can't even remember the last time it happend.
>My 2tb from 2010 feels like a ticking time bomb.
I have 4 hdd I run Linux and windows 10. I put my PC to sleep or turn it off. I have yet to have any hardware failure.
Maybe I'm just lucky.
Ya, Im in burgers land and I get one every year or two.
Damnit. Been working on reorganizing my server room and consolidating as many services onto whatever machines can handle them and this was the first machine I brought back online.
Arent windows users like forced to reboot on a weekly basis because of forced updates and shit even against their expressed wishes and settings?