What cool shit have you made your Pi3/Pi Zero do? I've run out of ideas

What cool shit have you made your Pi3/Pi Zero do? I've run out of ideas.

Attached: 500px-Raspberry_Pi_Logo.svg[1].png (500x632, 51K)

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buy swivel-sweeper from tv shopping and turn it into a DIY roomba with ROS

ultrasonic sensors are no good for SLAM, as soon as i get my hands on a kinnect is going to be autonomous, in the mean time is fun to control as a RC broom via WIFI with the phone

Attached: IMG_20180624_162017.jpg (1366x1025, 216K)

I bridged it's GPIO pins to a SNES via a controller input, and then made it listen to an MQTT server that took in button presses sent to it from a twitch irc chat room. Had twitch play FFIII for a bit on a real SNES

I used it as a game server for a couple months which worked surprisingly well for it's specs
Now I'm just playing around with it seeing how much you can use it for music or web browsing. Quite fun to see how much you can push low spec PCs

caching dns server

I'll make it into an wireless accesspoint in order to increase the wifi strength from the router. Also just make it into my private web server and maybe media machine, but it's sort of pointless since i have a spycast

Cool software? PiHole?

pihole works
set it up with dnscrypt-proxy for max peen

Make your own Discord/Twitter bot

I just ordered my first. Plans are:

>iodine tunneling setup to use coffeeshop/airport wifi for free
>SDR, put the Pi and antenna in the spot with better signal then connect remotely

cool beans user
>raspberry pi original
are you in a 3rd world country? why cant you get a new RPi?

I forgot to add that I plan on making a robot arm that can play either chess or poker with my raspberry pi.


What kinda cool shit can you do with this, i have dozens of RPi3 set up with 3g Dongles across the country (~2000KM) and i was thinking of adding some environmental monitoring.

that's really cool

Hacked mossad

Currently using it as an OpenVPN server to evade my uni's web and port filtering and get more bandwidth (since their international link is way more overused than the national one)

1) HiFi server using volumio
2) Mini weather display using a zero and an e-ink display. The display had an extra button, so I also added on a mode that shows messages from fortune.
Sample output is to the right.

Attached: eink.png (200x288, 3K)

*left. Apparently I don't know my directions anymore.

for some reason the only video i have of it left is with fucked up dimensions. this was me testing it though.

Attached: img_1298.gif (192x109, 1.62M)

Do you have an online repo for the project?

Bro a software defined radio... anything. Any kind of RF replay attack, you can make a radar, shit idk you can send a 10 MHz signal at your balls because you like it

>Using CRT display
I see that you are an intellectual as well

Not right now. It's still a bit kludgy. I probably will after I clean it up / un-hardcode some stuff (wunderground API key, location, etc.)

I am using one for my master thesis

I have been wanting to work on a similar project, pretty neat UI you have.

Doing what?

Why are these little poop computers so popular?

disposable hack computers that are tiny

they're small enough and cheap enough that people use them for digital signage professionally, hack around and make webservers, learn to program and use Linux, host game servers, develop applications and custom hardware, even prototype wearables using the zero

>tons of gpio pins and enough 21st century ports
>low power

built a retropie for myself and all my friends. Easiest sell ever.

People are gluttons for punishment.

it's a good little trinitron

Attached: IMG_1875.jpg (640x480, 82K)

Thanks. That's partly why I started the project - I wanted to dick around with some low-res monochrome displays and see what I could make under those constraints.

Maybe i'm just a bit of a cock

But what is the point of these kind of "Smart Mirrors" and "Smart Displays" i keep seeing around, when AI Assistants have reached the level of capability they have today?

You could just say "OK Google, What's the weather today" and get pretty much the same thing

>A little trinitron with a mech keyboard and a SNES hooked up to it

Holy fuckin comfy

They can be fun to make.

I used to have a little A+ pi (when they had RGB analog video output still) hooked up to it. Cute doing /dpt/ and irc on it.

Attached: puter.jpg (768x1024, 227K)

>Pi3/Pi Zero
shill pls go, nobody bought a pi3.

my pi zero was glorifed znc when i used kikenode

This. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand


I think all RPis (except for zero) still have RCA video, is just bundled on the audio jack (instead of mic input is RCA output)

I use it as music player, remote controlled by phone, vnc and http
and pihole, of course

Attached: vlc.jpg (1366x768, 63K)

well, wrong pic, but related at the same time

Attached: rpi.jpg (1041x728, 99K)

Oh interesting I didn't know that, still a bit of a hassle without a converter or something i guess, i should try that with my new ones.

*adapter, converter is an active device.

Attached: raspberry-pi-a-plus-b-plus-composite-to-rca-adapter.jpg (600x600, 54K)

you can install google assist on an rpi
buy a usb soundcard for like $1.5, some microphone and speakers and you're done

That gif made me physically ill. Unironically nice work.

i just got a new 3 B+. right now it's just raspbian + PiHole. looking to make it into a very simple sever, most likely just for starting torrents/downloads when i'm away at work.

Whoa I used to have that same TV, it even cracked in the same spot. Good times

get a long screen and make a stock ticker

There are some websites without RSS, so I created some scraper to generate xml. I saved those xmls on my web server, so I can use them with my RSS aggregator. Python is good for these small projects, but still have a bad taste in my mouth.

We've been trying to figure out for years, good luck.

Using reinforcement learning to adapt to user thermal preference in office conditions (Mechanical Engineering).

Used one as a DNS server with pi hole . It's pretty good and most ads don't go through your network thanks to pi hole. It's really easy to set this up.
Also used one as a BitTorrent client to download some shit to an external HDD while using little power .
I want to do a simple weather or automation project and I'm discovering GNU Linux . It's pretty good.

I am considering one for that particular reason alone. do you just leave it running on 24/7?

why do we have this same thread every day
why is this thread only started popping up after I got a RPi

We were waiting for you, now hurry up and build something with your RPi.


I have a orangePi, running a gitserver (gogs), nextcloud and emby.

Attached: Orange-PI-PC-Plus-4.jpg (729x600, 50K)

Yes I leave it on all the time . It only cost 3 dollars a year to run it so I'm not concerned about the cost.

So I can watch Intel crash and burn?

I'm thinking of making a pregnancy tester

>handing your repos and metadata to the chinese

Big brothering my neighbours to make sure they behave

it's eating beans

pi hole is the only legit use outside retro gaymz

maybe a server / torrent box if your electricity bill is driving you nuts

Microcenter are selling v1 Google AIY voice kits for $5 at the moment.

The included speaker is worth >$5. So you get an arcade button and DAC card for free.

Google assistant is pretty lame, but voice controlled projects are fun.

Attached: Google_google_aiy_explodedc.png (611x407, 100K)

I have iodine running on my Pi. I'd only use it for IRC on airplanes desu. These days, a lot of DNS servers rate limit the amount of requests you can make per minute so you're pretty much fucked

Would a class 4 SD card effect the speed or responsiveness of a TeamSpeak/Mumble server?

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you can actually browse Jow Forums with it just fine

did you sell it on E-bay a long time ago? If so we are basically trinitron bro's

I use my phone as RPI screen.

VPN only network.
That way I can avoid accidentally fucking up OpenVPN and get masked IP on every device

Class 4 sd card wouldn't even boot.



I've been using one for kodi for years

Attached: 1509637819321.jpg (348x342, 37K)

Then my bad, I guess.
I've tried using slower than c10 cards and it wouldn't even boot up.

I'm booting from Sandisk Ultra fit 64 gb. They are cheaper than microsd cards.

Attached: SanDisk_64GB_Ultra_Fit_Flash_Drive_USB_3.0_SDCZ43_064G_3__48911.1428411646.220.220.JPG.jpg (220x179, 6K)

omfg once booted I guess you can't touch it anymore because of how hot it must get

I used it with an old class 2 temporarily. But I don't recommend it.

Hey user, I've been looking into setting up a Pi as a HiFi server for my setup, I was going to go with this kernel here: 24bit96.com/hifi-music-server/bitperfect-linux-with-mpd.html

but looking into Volumio seems pretty cool seeing as it's tailored for the Pi. I did actually email the owner of this website and he said their kernel would work fine on a Pi, what do you think would be the advantages and drawbacks of each though? I'm still learning about the concepts of having a dedicated audio streaming kernel.