>'Your interview went great user, Just one last thing'
>*two guys starts rolling the whiteboard*
'Your interview went great user, Just one last thing'
What is the white board for?
the pros and cons of apuposting
It's a trick question since there are no cons to posting apu
What's the issue with whiteboards? If you know your fundamentals it'll be easy.
>What is the white board for?
Inflicting pain and suffering.
It's like the casting couch equivalent of tech jobs.
Imagine if someone from Jow Forums did this, held a fake interview where they wheel in a white board and get them to do algorithms and then upload to YouTube
>We're pleased to offer you the job at x! You asked for $y starting salary, but we've decided to start you at $y+5000. We just need to do a background check first
Fuck you you fucking assholes for withdrawing my offer. I was convicted of possessing fucking WEED you fucking tools. FUCK
Fuck you, now I want to see this.
shouldn't have done that then get fuckt fag
>he can't invert a binary tree
>He hasn't read Cracking the Coding Interview
Do you even want a job?
guess you shouldn't have broken the law
Yeah because you've never broken a law you fucking larper.
I'd probably off myself if that happened; just the thought of being a social outcast with no opportunities for the rest of my life depresses me
>his interview doesn't start with a blank whiteboard and being told to "impress" the manager by coming up with a completely new product on the spot (one which you will never ever seen a dime from because it's their whiteboard therefore their IP)
I'm not dumb enough to get arrested for it though
Why are you worried unless it's cleared work and you lied on your clearance paperwork?
Companies don't give a shit about that nowadays. Don't worry about it user, you'll be fine.
>*two guys starts rolling the whiteboard*
>"Great! It's my moment to shine!"
>they routinely hold these 'interviews' and steal millions of dollars of IP with no intention of ever hiring you
>how would you solve this problem (which our engineering team cannot solve)
fukken YOINK
Although I'm not the one you replied to, I told the absolute honest truth about it when they brought up the background check. They said "it might be alright, we'll see". Then they withdrew the offer. So some do care.
>having anti weed laws
Nice third world country you have there.
>living in a country where companies can access your judiciary past
Holy shit, what kind of shithole is this ?
what are we gonna do on the whiteboard?
Just about every country that cares about deterrence has public conviction records. At least they got rid of public punishments.
Could be worse. They could be assuming things depending on your CV.
>I can't program without stackoverflow
>somebody makes a thread that gets lots of replies
>faggots spam threads with the exact same premise as the original thread for months
I hope everyone who uses this site kills themselves
Pot smoking degenerates deserve to hang
Fucking karma farmers amirite?
move to canada m8
I actually got hired at a place that couldn't be bothered to make up their coding test for the job. They literally copy-pasted it cause I was able to google the answer. Made worse from the fact that the email I got was Times New Roman but the test pulled was another font.
I quit the place a day later (for other reasons) so I do wonder if they even bothered to look at my solution. I didn't copy-pasted the solution, I actually sat down and made my own working solution.
>LAND OF THE """"""""""FREE""""""""""
>I actually got hired at a place that couldn't be bothered to make up their coding test for the job.
im scaredy tell what this is
I guess this is America, land of the public pedophile lists (not necessarily that bad if those people have proved themselves to be a danger). But I'm not sure if they can access the criminal records themselves.
In the Netherlands they file a request to the government to get you checked for certain things. Like: "we want to know if there's any reason not to trust this guy with handling cash or working in a food production facility". You have to first approve of this background check and then they just give you a piece of paper that says you are allowed to (or not I guess).
So at least here it's pretty specific and it won't reveal anything. Does anyone here actually know how it works in murrica? I wouldn't be surprised if it's not this sophisticated.
>You see, there's a lot of... competition for your role
>You're going to have to prove that you'll be a "good" employee
>*slowly slides down whiteboard*
>*cheap porno music starts playing*
Yeah I really want this now.
>unironically justifying being punished twice for same misdoing
>unironically justifying misdoing
>unironically thinking weed is a misdoing
>unironically ignoring the point phrased crystally clear completely
>unironically taking a shot at the sky to simulate argument and avoid any kind of thoughtful confrontation
>unironically being this much of a freedom hating authoritarian statist
The live coding interviews questions I've had were all super easy. If you're afraid of coding interviews it's either because a) you've never been in one so you just don't know what to expect, b) you're a brainlet, c) you never took a proper undergrad-level algorithms and data structures class.
It's literally just a $30 online payment that reports everything you've ever done in your life -- criminal history, school records, credit score, etc. I FUCKING DESPISE THIS COUNTRY. And I can never leave come to yours because of the label they put on me.
"misdoing" yeah bitch mean while you do what that contributes to society?
I shouldn't have to prove that I can't program! #ListenAndBelieve
This is why I'm glad I had basically no record and never did anything stupid during highschool/college.
Literally have just a parking ticket to my name.