<wdg/> - Web Development general

Prev thread: >Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS

Attached: wdg.png (824x553, 734K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for you can actually find this one with ctrl+f

Second for "how do i into $100k web dev"

This question gets asked every single thread so I'll try and head it off now.
Yes, some high-profile bloggers etc have senior developer jobs without every going to university/college. They generally invented significant technologies though, or founded successful startups or otherwise made contributions that are recognised across the industry, especially by the big players.
You can get a job without a degree if you're someone like that, which you're not because you're asking how to be successful...without hard work...on Jow Forums.

The other way is basically nepotism, if your uncle owns a little software company, he might give you a job. If your family friend needs a website, they might pay you to build it, if your buddy is a developer somewhere, he might recommend you for an internship. Once you have some experience, it gets easier to get a job regardless of your formal qualifications (whether you can do the job is another matter).

If you don't have solutions like these available to you then you probably can't actually get a web dev job without a degree, sorry. You can argue about whether degrees teach you to be a developer and you can argue about whether the student debt is worth it but from an employer perspective, nobody hires someone because they have 'pluck' or have watched some online courses. And those online courses have a narrow focus that won't equal the breadth of skills and knowledge that university teachers, if you want some examples, check back a few threads for the user that tried to get a PHP job and failed the technical interview because they didn't have database skills as well. You need a lot more than just a language or two to be a developer.

>and failed the technical interview
He did get an interview though. As in, someone read his resume, saw that he has no formal education but still made the decision to invite him to the interview.
Getting an interview is the hard part. If you can do that, then it is all up to you to prove you are employable.


i want to make a simple login system for my server

should i invest the time in learning how to connect up databases or can I use JSP-XML transformations?

>that one guy who makes a new thread just to post his shitty incorrect opinion right away and copy/pastes it every thread

Can't even imagine how pathetic you are.

>using some guy who LIED on his CV as an example of who or who can't get a job

Attached: retard 3 weeks liar.jpg (1897x538, 272K)

Do you think that doing the colt still course instead of starting freecodecamp will be the most efficient way to learn and practice doing projects and building a portfolio in orther to start earn money to survive?
I dont have more time to waste in my life, I need to focus in this field 100% and doing so efficiently.. i dont have much more alternatives here in my country sadly.
I can learn this for free on the internet, and I think I like it.

I don't know about you, but freecodecamp has been buggy on every network and PC i try it. Plus, it taught me nothing of value. I really dislike their way of teaching.
Start the Colt course and don't overthink it user. I'm telling you, he does a very good job at explaining things.

>and building a portfolio in orther to start earn money to survive?
Or just learn WordPress and shit out websites like its nothing. You will learn nothing of value and won't get a job in the field, but you can definitely earn some money on the side by doing it.

I still suggest learning from the beginning. HTML/CSS then a CSS framework, build 4, 5 projects for practice, then JS

Thanks user
>Or just learn WordPress and shit out websites like its nothing. You will learn nothing of value and won't get a job in the field, but you can definitely earn some money on the side by doing it.
This is a very good advice for someone in my position, but I want to take the right route, and learn this the right way and be employable in the future after working my ass
>Start the Colt course and don't overthink it user
I needed this user thanks

How hard is it to make a nice JS frontend to a backend that generates JSON files?

>but I want to take the right route, and learn this the right way and be employable in the future after working my ass
Then definitely disregard WordPress for now.Also, feel free to disregard people telling you it isn't possible to get a job without a degree. I'm learning too, and we don't need that kind of negativity
>I needed this user thanks
Pic related, i'm watching the same thing. Just start user, quit wasting time on Jow Forums

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-25 The Web Developer Bootcamp Udemy.png (1664x300, 159K)

Oh, right, forgot about this. Could be of use to you

thaaaaaanks i will send you good energy to you from here like goku!
Waaaa the updated 2018 road map coooool :D
Lets keep working we can do it!

stupid css question:

.icon .hoverable refers to

How do I refer with CSS to ?


Looking for a good course to start shilling out Wordpress websites SWIFTLY.

I know the nuts and bolts of basic web dev, but I've been ignoring wordpress for a long time.

The point is earning money selling Wordpress sites; that's the singular purpose! I'll phone companies and basically try to sell WP sites.

ANY advice greatly appreciated.

Why vue has more stars then react when it's:
- no static typing friendly
- shitty OOP
- many API's based on strings (lol)
- no HOC's out of the box
- shitty angular-like templates in 2018
- poor ecosystem
- bus factor
- shitty php comunity

Why the fuck is w3validator complaining that my anchor tag is missing an aria-checked, and role attribute?

Aria checked is for checkbox and radio. And no need to add a role attribute because it is already used the way its meant to.
Is this a bug?

Attached: a-role.jpg (888x104, 32K)

try manipulating checkboxes in react.
react has no v-model which makes dealing with checkboxes irritating

[*] check1
[*] check2
[ ] check3
selected: [check1, check2]

selected = [];
[ ] check1
[ ] check2
[ ] check3

easy peasy. now do that in react :^)

If wordpress or wix exist, why the fuck do we learn and work in web development?

In want a good reason

Wordpress is not web development

2way binding is bad, it leads to unpredictable behavior and hard debugging. Better write some boilerplate code and be safe.

I want to create a floating skyscraper ad for website.

Anyone know any good resources?

Fade in after x amount of time (has close box)
Open new window to affiliate link


It's easy but holy fuck is it just making every website the same.















just fucking quit already and pursue your actual dream, or kill yourself

Did you try wasm or $randomFramwork, already?

Build your own company and stop bitching

From last thread but no replies ;_;

I can't decide, should I name api routes singular or plural?

i.e. Which is better?

Anyone care to answer this fine user?

check examples in REST CookBook

Would you use /api/logins as the login route?
If singular there, then why?

I'm trying to think of a guideline that I can apply consistently.

One part of me wants to make new open source webshop software.

The other part of me doesn't want to be responsible for the next 100 million dollar hack due to my shitty code.

how to get motivation to do my projects?? I already know everything, so there is no motivation in learning new stuff...

>I already know everything
I highly doubt that user

well, concerning my projects.. they are already done in my mind. Now I need to do the boring part and execute it..

Any decent resources for learning WordPress?
Designing the actual page with WP Dashboard is a pain in the ass. I'm used to writing CSS, seems this is the hard way to do things

>Designing the actual page with WP Dashboard
wtf is WP Dashboard?

you can create custom pages, child-themes, inject your own styles etc.. is this some new feature in WP?

The Dashboard in WordPress. You know, the menu that is a giant pain in the ass to navigate.
I just can't figure out why anyone would use WP for building a website instead of writing HTML/CSS.
The themes are bullshit too.
Maybe i'm missing some plugins people use, like i said, i'm new to WP and still not sure how it all works.
I see people building static business websites on WP, and i can't for the life of me fathom how. All i can crap out is a lousy looking blog website with a navbar i can't customize

well, the best path forward would be creating your own child theme (read their documentation about it, its pretty good)

I myself would use this understrap.com.. but I'm more experienced with wp.

Why is the console logging undefined at the end here? Where is the undefined coming from?


So basically, i buy a theme, create a child theme, then customize it to my liking with html/css, and manage content with WP?

ive answered my question for myself and am now turning it into a project

all js functions return something (undefined if you dont return anything on your own)

>buy a theme
well, do you know css+html basics? if yes then you could used understrap (link here )

ts free, it even has a child theme (you also need to be familiar with gulp and css preprocessors, i think he uses SASS)

you could modify the theme directly (without child theme), but then onupdate all your work will be overwritten

Ohhh ok. I guess I have to return something, huh. Can't do it inside the loop so I'll just return a nice message saying 'Loop done :)'

>I guess I have to return something
no, you are logging the output of the function (which is undefined)

you could put the console.log into the function

actually you already did.. just do it like this without the console.log

Attached: Screenshot 2018-06-25 at 12.28.21.png (2022x1532, 198K)

Oh shit you pointed out how I'm clearly not thinking straight. The darn function was wrapped in a console.log as it was being called. Thanks dude

this* question


Thank you kind sir.

Yeah he's fucking pathetic and arrogant as well. I told him to show his portfolio or skillset yet he can't show anything. He has no credibility. Ignore him

I know Java and want to get into webdev. Is there something like a rank of most common frameworks/technologies and ones which have the most potential to be common in the future? Just like there is RedMonk ranking for languages?

Java Play

Knowing spring is good, it's very widely used in enterprise web stuff. Dropwizard is an alternative that's fairly popular, plus it uses Jersey by default, making it a bit easier to move to java ee or something else later.

anyone had to deal with a cunty senior dev who goes round in circle with you feigning lack of understanding just to take the piss, thinking its not obvious?

or something similar?

how do u deal


How do I go about freelancing, I have too much free time at work. Like 90% of the time I'm just reading or watching youtube videos
I don't plan to make a lot of money just something to keep me busy and hone my shitty skills

Cut his keyboard wire when hes not looking.

what's this

spend that free time looking for a better job

What are good books for learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Always plural.

Login is a post request to


Stop ironic shitposting, retard.

>2way binding is bad

You need to git gud.

Post pics of Angelina.

Also interested in this

it's a guy with a wig

Deleting keys in an object will get GC'd correct?

As long as no other variables have a reference of those keys, sure.

What's wrong with:
render () {
return (


You could restructure it if you really wanted an array of variable size naming the checked boxes but that's messy code, an array of fixed size and true or false is far neater.
Still, this would work.
render () {
return (


Jow Forumsuys

what's a good cheap hosting option? main purpose is for me to get familiar with an actual live website and messing around with it.

It depends on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.

If you're just fucking around with node and not into DBs yet then Heroku will let you do that for free.

Once you want to move beyond that, rent a VPS, it's only $5/month or so and you can start fucking around with it as much as you like and just nuke it every time you fuck up too badly.

Get in the habit of documenting your installations and config as a script that you can rerun every time you nuke the server.

github pages or heroku

What´s the diference between the FETCH api and Axios? Which one is easier to use?

Fetch has slightly more compact code and is built into nearly all modern browsers, axios requires an import.
For that reason, axios is kind of dead in the water now that Fetch api has taken off.

Axios was really just a way to do ajax without having to import the rest of jquery.

What do you do when you want to format/add data in your form before submiting it to the server?

My friend just makes a button with a onclick function and no submit at all, but by inspecting other people's code, I noticed that everyone uses the default HTML submit, so I assume they must put an event listener on that submit, prevent the default event, do what they need, and then call submit.
Is there a right approach for doing so?

If I want to start a react project from 0 instead of using the create react app cli, should I install babel cli, preset react and preset env or just cli and preset react?

is it cringey to use [email protected] for order notifications? should i use [email protected] or [email protected] or something instead?

[email protected]

both work and are acceptable. your form onsubmit="" just needs to return false at the end of it. so you could just do something like onsubmit="submit();return false;"

>tfw assignment for summer webdev fullstack course
>Build a Landing page for a real business
>Build in 3 Sprints:
>Design Mockups
>HTML, CSS, and JS (must be Mobile Responsive)
>Launch on GitHub Pages
>I'm struggling just to make Html hyperlinks
Should I be a network engineer instead or something else also IT related?

Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 90K)

My comment is not ironic, you are the retard

Keep it up
HTML and CSS is just a billion dumb little things to remember

Yeah and it's fucking irritating as all hell, I'm not even creative to begin with. Maybe programming like this is not for me.

or even [email protected]? i also spotted [email protected]

outlook.com absolutely sucks at searching for this stuff so i don't know what is better or more common, order/orders/sales

this is why I stick to backend.

Fuck browsers, have some JSON and a status code.

Attached: 1522588845276.jpg (1500x2212, 472K)

var str = JSON.stringify(obj);
var b = new Blob([str]);
var url = URL.createObjectURL(b);
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.download = "JSON.json";
a.href = url;

don't you need
a.id = "download_link_tmp";
a.target = "_blank";

Once you know the billion little things that basically amount to creating user interfaces you will be free-er to program usable interesting things behind them.

it's just preference really. imo if you're any enquiries for buying anything on a site should be [email protected]. If the customer has ordered something, [email protected].

I think because amazon are pretty big, having multiple order/orders/order-update email address makes sense. for a small company one email would probably suffice.

thanks for the input user i think i've decided what to go with. see

You don't need the id and I guess the target could be useful for outdated browsers, but any modern browser knows this is a download link because of the download property, so it doesn't matter whether it opens in a new tab or not, because it's going to not open it anyways.

>start web development because fuck yeah I need a hobby
>purchase a course from udemy for only ten dollars
>start to get invested in it
>okay this is actually interesting stuff.jpg
>consider changing my career path from physics to computer science
>research everything about web development from linux to graphic design
>reach the part where it shows me bootstrap
>what the fuck is this shit???
>it's copy and pasting code for the most part
>websites learn all generic
>mobile shit
>makes me seriously consider dropping the course even though I invested a full week of my time into it
Just wanted to say that web design is a shit job and if you're not in Science, Engineering or Math, you're doing it wrong. You will never have intelligent coworkers, you will never have purpose, you will be a highly overpaid cog in a machine.

Attached: 1529139694497.jpg (757x502, 144K)

no one cares lmao

Sure whatever you say babe. Thanks for the (You)

>does the most easiest shit in web dev
>thinks all industry is like this

lmaoing @ your life

go back to academia


congratulations, you are almost done with the tutorial, have a price

Attached: sportsawards_2269_595827276.jpg (792x612, 157K)
