As the title says. Looking for a name for my custom keyboard layout, so I don't have to keep calling it 'custom'. Rules are simple, no more than two words, preferably one.
> Why did you do this user? I'm autistic Also qwerty hurts my fingers after about 5 minutes, and dvorak hurts my pinky after 10.
> Why not ? Wanted a layout that makes sense to me.
> How is this better than ? It's not. At least I have no proof it is. But I like it.
> So what's the reasoning behind the design? Loosely based on dvorak. Vowels on one side, consonants on the other. Then I ordered the letters by frequency in scientific writings (from this website: Most common letters in-line with qwerty's F and J keys, less common on edges, least common in centre. Then, more common keys on top, and less common on bottom, making a kind of circle of letter frequency. Then I rearranged some of the home row keys for more fluid diagraph typing of english's most common diagraphs (t-h-e for example). Finally I moved the L key closer to the centre, due to always using it in unix commands.
Symbols are mapped logically (plus with minus, slash with asterisk, period with comma, colon with semicolon, quote with double quote). Brackets are grouped on the number row. The remaining symbols were sorted by frequency in the C language, again most common in centre, least on the edges (from this website:
Ideas to improve are welcome! Will provide xkb files upon request.
I don't, but I can easily reprogram the keys using xkb. If you have any gripes with your current layout, I highly recommend tweaking until you're happy. It's easy to learn when you just switch a few keys around, and it saved my pinkies.
Jaxon Peterson
Andrew Butler
Ethan Ortiz
Ok, as promised. Here is the git page for it as proof, to immortalise it. Although it doesn't really mean much, as I'm probably gonna be the only one to use it.
Is John Madden that American Footballer EA keeps making games about? Dear god, I think I would have preferred It would be less gay.
>backspace on top right and not where caps lock is i shiggy
Gavin Rogers
Would you like to buy a vowel?
I'm invalidating your simple words rule if I get trips.
Joseph Flores
Press X in vim or Ctrl-D in emacs (I think, I don't use emacs) to backspace. On the rare occasion that I'm not using vim to type text, I'm usually not typing something very hard, so I barely make a mistake. Also backspace key is very easy to press on a thinkpad.
I'm not sure I follow.
James Flores
im not always in my text editor and i make a lot of mistakes
Jaxon Walker
Then just do this in xkbmap setxkbmap -layout johnmadden -option caps:backspace By default, the xkb layout doesn't remap caps at all. That's just my default config, feel free to modify for your tastes.
Matthew Peterson
ah ok personally i'll probably learn minimak when i can stand remapping some keys and relearning passwords, but right now i dont have the patience
Nicholas Russell
>Would you like to buy a vowel? Vowels are for the weak. Real men cluster the consonants as close as possible.
Based anglos making names retarded, most of these are easier to read and say in russian writing, as you put retarded "k"-s and shit where it's not actually needed so you can pronounce the words correctly.
Owen Ortiz
btw wouldn't it make more sense to evenly distribute letters so no area is used more often than others? it would have a similar learning curve to other layouts.
maybe your hands would hurt, I don't know. I'm just wondering.
Ethan Peterson
A fucking mess
Jaxson Cook
Luis Turner
>Also qwerty hurts my fingers after about 5 minutes, and dvorak hurts my pinky after 10.