Is it possible to prevent places from hosting your source?

Long story short, I wrote a program that's going to be open source and under GPLv3 and it solves a pretty well known problem. Beta testers, people who've had this problem, really like it and like my code. But there's one thing I'd like to do: I'd like to prevent others from hosting the code on shitholes such as GitHub so I don't have to deal with nutjobs and special snowflakes. Is there a way to prevent others from hosting my code there?

I plan on using Gitlab...

Attached: 1511223332685.png (512x512, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no, you'll need a different license

no, don't be such a nazi. let people host your code on shitty sites. if you don't like it, don't open source your code

>open source and under GPLv3
>I'd like to prevent others from hosting the code

Choose one.

This is pretty dumb.

lol you get triggered at the thought of people with different opinions than you looking at your *open source* code
and you call them the snowflakes
kys op

you can have a copyright on the name of the library. Then file your takedown request with github as per usual

>don't be such a nazi
kys please

you mean trademark, right?

these people are legit nutjobs tho, i can't even blame op
have you actually seen the state of github?

It's intellectual property, who cares what word he uses?

and stay there

Attached: 1528850061925.jpg (546x700, 126K)

>>>/watching your wife get fucked by someone else/
and stay there

Changes how long he can keep it off of github.

Trust me, I'm a lawyer
This is licenced under GPLv3 with exception to the following rule(s):
1) Social justices workers (from now on mentioned as SJWs, gays, and cucks) are not allowed to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, nor distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.

Nigga why do you care if people host it? it's not like they will point a gun to your head and force you to make an account on github and maintain it there

Just add your own clause to the loicense. Licenses are a template for you to use.

You cannot add restrictions to the GPL

He's literally right. If you are so asshurt about people reuploading your shit to sites you don't like, then you need to relicense your code under a propretary license then file DMCA complaints with all the websites involved. This is a pretty easy process and any lawyer will do most of the work for you for a couple hundred bucks.

But, it requires you to restrict your code's source. Open source means accepting that people you don't like will use you what you create, perhaps in ways you don't agree with. If you have a problem with that again use a propretary license and file some DMCA complaints. The law is on your side, if you make that decision.

Attached: well done thats great.png (396x412, 5K)

And if you already released your code under an open source license, you can't take it back. You can only make it where any versions obtained from you from that point on are licensed


you have to add a first exception to remove the restriction restriction

Which one of us is the lawyer again, queer boy?

Let people make their own mistakes.

Remember, any license that's really open source gives users the freedom to fork, and host it anywhere they want, or nowhere.

Unlike retard, never go had free. Go full free.

Depends on how much money you want to pay a lawyer. While you're de jure right, the de facto reality is that most sites are not going to dispute a DMCA complaint if it's sent by the actual owner backed by a lawyer. If OP really wants his code off github/gitlab/etc all he has to do is send a strongly worded letter because they don't want to deal with it.

Probably not you, you just tried to link him to an article that says that you have to make a new license because you can't modify the GPL.

Its very interesting to note the frequency of the use if the word “I” “me” “my” these types of people

You can always sue them

go back to Jow Forums with your bait thread

Just call it "No SJW Public License." NSJWPL for short

Who gives a fuck as long as you don't use their preamble. hell just use MIT instead, it's all the same shit

>1) Social justices workers (from now on mentioned as SJWs, gays, and cucks) are not allowed to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, nor distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
this is fucking glorious!

heres a fuckin solution. post the code with gpl. when ever someone opens issue ticket about something they dont like you tell them to fork the code and change it for themselves.

>I'd like to prevent others from hosting the code on shitholes such as GitHub
if other people host it there why do you care? just add a mention somehwere that you will only deal with problems in your own repo or just ignore it you are not obliged to maintain the repo someone made

Tbh. I just copied Unlicensed, but changed "or" to "nor"