Are there any GTK+ users in the house? In which language did you write your application? Did you use a RAD like Glade?
GTK+ (and other toolkits)
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Qt is good, GTK is irrelevant unless you work at Red Hat
GTK should be abandoned and all its users burnt to ashes and then safely scattered.
wxwidgets here
Which GUI toolkit has the best C language bindings?
>GTK is irrelevant
how delusional is you?
I have always thought that Qt is better. But man, it is a clusterfuck. Gtk is a lot simpler.
GTK is easier and much more prevasive.
QT also has a funky permissive license.
I prefer GPL faggot.
t. brainlets who think gtk =/= gnome
It's okay little lads you'll learn one day.
Qt has QtDesigner and QML.
Gnome should also be abandoned and all its users burnt to ashes and then safely scattered.
GTK has a billion more tools and is just simpler in it's own right without any assistance.
Only one project has ever actually written non-default GTK graphics.
I don't understand Qt license. If I want to make GPLv3 program with Qt, do I need to pay them or why the fuck they decided to start with all that commercial license bullshit?
they started as a commercial license, now its dual license. GPL is GPL. I know Jow Forums is low-IQ but damn.
GTK is
* lighter
* faster
* already works on every distro out there
QT is
* bloated
* slower than GTK
* needs it's stuff installed to work
GTK also needs its stuff installed to work. Qt also works on every OS. Neither GTK or Qt are light or non-bloated.
stop using GTK, use Qt.
>not using Xlib directly
tk is the most sane GUI toolkit.
Gtk is not lighter or faster than QT. QT also has better cross-platform support (and look) than gtk. QT has better tooling, etc. QT is far better option than gtk
I want Haiku's interface kit to Xlib.
What you said it true about GTK2, but modern Qt is actually lighter than GTK3.
That really depends on its DEPENDS if you know what I mean. Qt has split off a lot of optional dependencies and can probly get pretty weighty if you include everything.
GTK is an excellent toolkit as long as you don't want to go cross platform (that is, you only want to use it on Linux or similar systems with X11 or Wayland) because on Mac OS and Windows it's complete crap. The Windows port is so bad it made me regret using it even for a trivial project. That said, Glade works fine although I only find it useful for prototyping (I guess it's more about personal choices by the way, it's really a great tool but I just can't stand doing GUIs that way). Plus, GTK has a good number of decent visual styles and making your own is quite simple, on Qt you're pretty much stuck with Breeze. Also if you use C GObject is really straightforward to use
Yeah, Qt5 broke all backwards compatibility for its styles & widgets. GTK styling isn't as deep though, everyone has those massive hideous borders everywhere (and no images in file pickers).
Since GUI development is mostly a pajeet thing anyway, just go full pajeet and use WinForms with C#. It's dead simple and works just as well with Mono.
You know how people day free software developers are autists and can't make decent graphical user interfaces.
Well, the source of those rumors is actually gtk. Nothing good was ever made with it.
Take the obvious example of gimp and it's user interface, using gtk, and contrast it with krita, an image editor using qt. The difference is obvious.
Then you can look into krita's history and realize it was initially made as a joke reimplementation of gimp to demonstrate the uselessness of gtk.
>M O T I F
For oldfags: don't you start feeling obsoleted?
Wxwidgets is more cross platform than either one anyway it enable to have native look and feel everywhere. If you want something really light in c++ use fltk although it loses it interest when used from an interpreted language or without dead code elimination and other optimizations
Doesn't wx usually run off GTK? *tk is always nice and simple but usually preddy ugly.
>Doesn't wx usually run off GTK?
Depend of the platform, it's mainly the case on Linux but you can use motif or directly x11 if you want
> *tk is always nice and simple but usually preddy ugly
You must always make a compromise between lightness and esthetics
hahah you faggot
Yeah but at the same time Qt is not only gui framework. You can write console programs with.
Will gtk work on windows?
Yes. But GTK 3 has a lot of features that don't integrate well on Windows.
Does GIMP run on windows? The answer is sort of usually until it crashes.
Gtk has glade
ncurses otherwise
It's not up to date with the latest GTK features, though.
>Gtk has glade
Any good toolkit have some sort of equivalent of it now
Qt license a shit
GTK is actual trash though, independently from the rest of gnome.
>Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
What's the native GUI of linux?
xlib, now maybe wayland.
libui doesn't support android though so who cares.
rad tools are for pajeet
SDL for everything for life.
How about using a Pascal with Graph abc(it is joke only, because for make an interface like a FL studio or Unity isIMPOSSIBLE))))