What music player does Jow Forums use? I tried a lot of them (Phonograph, Poweramp, Shuttle+ etc...

What music player does Jow Forums use? I tried a lot of them (Phonograph, Poweramp, Shuttle+ etc...) over the years but it seems that the only one which doesn't fuck up the metadatas and plays 24bit files smoothly is Neutron. Been using this shit for like 6 years and still works like a charm.

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Vinyl music player


It's Phonograph built from sources right? That one it's pretty good and looks great. It doesn't work for modifying metadata though. You got a fix?


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Never heard of it, installing right now. Thanks user :)

JRiver Media Center


Phonograph (pro, but I didn't pay for it) for mobile and music bee for desktop.

I wish there was a way to sincronize my music files and my playlists, since sometimes i download new shit from phone and other times from desktop. Anyone can help? Maybe saving music files in cloud?


AOSP Music

>24bit files
u wot m8


Too bad the only 2 players with a PEQ don't have usable UIs.

>waste money on high-end headphones
>waste storage on high-definition sound files
>still using shitty Snapdragon DAC
I shiggy diggy.

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I use niggerplayer but it's a piece of shit that delits my Playlists and the e1 doesn't work.

Only reason I still use it is because the a2dp detection is flawless. Works perfectly every time I get in my car.


>shitty Snapdragon DAC
[Citation needed]

>lolsumer grade DAC with bare minimum external circuitry
>not shit
I mean I get it that audiophiles are half deaf and full of shit, but come on.

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No (with reservations).
A solid folder-based player would be aweome, but the mongs developing that haven't apparently even heard of the concept of play queue...


not an argument



Get a Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive/etc account and just save it to the shared folder


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Ok you got me, in reality even cheapest DACs can and usually do produce very good sound, to the point that you can't tell them apart even by precision instruments, let alone by ear. Poorly designed amplifiers can introduce noise and distortion but as far as raw audio signal quality goes, there's no difference between a 1ยข chip and a $100 one.