>tfw had disable hyperthreading
>intel sold me a 2 core 4 thread CPU that is now just 2 core 2 thread
This is the last time the kikes scam me
kys AMD loser
>buy a CPU
>disable a feature on it
>wtf you lied about what I was buying
Were your parents related before they were married?
Intel didn't sell you anything. You bought into Intel.
>its not my fault
>its never my fault
unironic intel dickriders seem pretty emotionally invested in all this shit
>tfw had to pour out half of a soda bottle
>the store sold me a liter of soda that is now just a half liter
This is the last time the kikes scam me
actually in this case it was half a soda can that you bought diluted to a full can with water. and they sold and marketed it to you as a full can.
No, you bought soda concentrate that is dilluted to a full can of soda.
>tfw had disable hyperthreading
>he fell for the disable hyperthreading meme
>Intel users in charge of being the lowest garbage dregs of society
Nothing to see here folks, nothing new, move along.
I like my encryption keys not being easily accessible
And this isn't something you can just fix with a patch
The whole concept of hyperthreading is literally jewish tricks that let you market dual cores as quad cores.
>le nothing to hide meme
what if tyrone steals your laptop, you want him knowing all your passwords?
ha, that's what you get for "upgrading" to new tech. Haswell FTW.
>>tfw had disable hyperthreading
Sorry, but my OS have developers who can handle this too.
It still is enabled briefly at boot, you need to disable it in bios
Actually they are the only one who want you to disable it.
actually no this is confirmed and the only way to "patch" it is to completely disable that kike trickery
that's what you get for buying i7 for gayming.
>its confirmed bro
>source: my ass
ill wait and see
Look at this fucking bullshit
I literally have to buy a new CPU just to get my old amount of threads back
absolute bullshit
I'm not gonna disable it because nobody's gonna write malware that takes advantage of this vulnerability and if CIA niggers want my data they already have hundreds of ways to break in remotely unnoticed.