/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: Stallman.jpg (639x827, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What can I do to activate Windows 10 these days? I remember using m$toolkit several years ago, but I don't know if that's what you use these days. Asking for eventual KVM with GPU passthrough.

Attached: nodding loli bear.gif (540x547, 1.63M)

>Where can I get Win10 LTSB?
>How do I activate Win10/Win7?

Install GuixSD.

So it's still the toolkit. Thanks, user.

How in the world can i fix this? I installed bspwm and used the example config.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-28 00-00-23.png (1280x800, 94K)

Run a normal distro with a normal DE.

HOW did you FUCKS get into UNIX, Linux, GNU/Linux and HOW LONG did it take you to learn and get so fucking good at it?

Disable show hidden files in your file manager.

Old job required configuring/managing satellite networks that used busybox on the clients and solaris on the servers/routers.

Got a laptop as a kid with broken power management hardware at age 10 or 11. It basically couldn't run Windows.

Started running Linux as my main OS at 13, installed Gentoo at 15 and never felt at home in any proprietary OS after that.

Really positive experiences with the community were a huge factor throughout.

Has someone tried SteamOS? It is good?

What is the etiquette way of exchanging keys with someone over the internet? If I send someone a gpg encrypted message, how are they expecting to find my own key and fingerprint? Should I just include it in the message itself? Send it separately? Tell them to look it up on the key server?

Is there a downside with running fsck over and over? Would it affect my drive badly?

What do?

test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true

# Avoid dupes
HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups HISTSIZE=100000 HISTFILESIZE=200000

# Append history entries
shopt -s histappend

# After each command, save and reload history
export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"

Attached: Screenshot_20180628_041636.png (693x173, 17K)

Is DD-WRT better than AdvancedTomato? Is there somterhing else better?

Noticed after switching to AdvancedTomato my tablet's battery life increased dramatically (from around 15% idle drain per day down to 5%) but in exchange it often will fail to respond to events in a timely manner when I activate a script from my PC or other devices. Wondering if DD-WRT would fix this


jumped from windows 7 to debian in january because windows 7 won't be supported forever (i'll be ahead of Jow Forums when support ends in 2020) and for open-source projects that can only be built under linux for some reason even if the product is cross-platform

my distro progression was debian -> ubuntu -> fedora -> arch -> gentoo

Attached: .png (805x446, 96K)

Which version is better?

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What's this? winepak.org/

What is the difference between a http proxy and a socks proxy? I have no idea.

I'm trying to run an application in the background.
This is the behaviour
>command &
starts and stops

how can I have it running in the background?

Attached: jalv.png (592x267, 3K)

& puts the process into the background; when the process is finished, it stops. that's normal

Yea but the process isn't supposed to finish, jalv is a plugin host for lv2 plugins and it's supposed to stay open.
It stays open without the & but I need it to run in the background
pic related is the behaviour without the &.
It waits for more inputs while running.
How can I do this but without needing to have a terminal open for it?

Attached: jalv-normal.png (484x280, 3K)

a few days ago i was asking about crashing on btrfs. it really was btrfs, the solution for me was to go back to ext4

looks like a flatpak containing wine and a wangblows program. Guess it contains
-a wine versions which can run that program well
-settings, third party dlls and other shit needed to run that program so you don't have to run winetricks

Start it, give input, the hit ctrl+z.

void vs arch? it seems like void has a low support/package database

If I use i3wm is there any reason for me to upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04?

Yes, newer packages in the official repos. GCC 8 for example.

The stuff I use most frequently like emacs I just compile myself, but of course if I compile everything myself I could might as well be stuck on 14.04. How about performance and stability, does that differ or is it mostly up to kernel version?

Installed it, used it. Deleted the Windows partition too.


Very nice, thanks. From the looks of it there is little benefit for me so I will stay on 16

What happened that so much people who want to use Void show up latly?

Anyway: There are three distros: Arch, Debian, Gentoo; use one of them. The only excuse not to use them is that you want a freetard version like Parabola (or Debian or Gentoo), or when you want a systemd free distro like Devuan (or Gentoo).

There are lots of distros, all targeting a specific audience, but once you know what you want, they all don't matter anymore.

Void is interesting if you care about a different package management and want to experiment with musl. IMHO for tinkering it's nice, but settle with a distro that isn't for experiments.

same result as with appending &
there has to be some linux magic to make this work right?
could making it a systemd service work?

Could anyone PLEASE explain to me this bullshit!

Attached: wtfman.jpg (828x753, 311K)

nvm it shows fine after i mount it

but why the heck is it making ext2 instead of ext4?

That's just how its named. ext3/4 is pretty much ext2 2.0. ext2, 3, and 4 are all handled by the same ext4 code in the kernel. the userspace tools are the same way, they just never renamed them from the "e2fs" convention because.. well, why?

don't worry, if you invoked it as mkfs.ext4 you made an ext4 filesystem. Actually its the same program that makes ext3 and ext2 filesystems though, it just changes what kind it makes depending on the name its invoked as, if I remember correctly.

I can't seem to correctly mount my efi partition when installing guixsd. I follow the instructions on the website then it gets to the part about mounting the efi partition and I don't understand where it wants me to mount it or where it should be mounted.
If you have /boot on a separate partition for example, mount it at /mnt/boot now so it is found by guix system init afterwards.
Does this mean I need to mount it at /boot/efi or /mnt/boot/efi and how the fuck does that work if it's a different partition. I'm lost bros

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I feel like shit. I've much knowledge about GNU/Linux, but 99% of questions ITT are just about installing, and I feel useless; I haven't installed in years.

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Which is the most common package manager? Not the "best" just the most common?


By number of users, probably Google Play Store

/boot/efi is the usual location. No different to mounting any other partition,
mount -t vfat /dev/sda /boot/efi or whatever. mkdir /boot/efi first if you don't have it already.

I meant GNU/Linux

What aur helper do you guys use?


pacaur, nothing else is even close in features and ease of use

>not installing gentoo every week
you are not gonna make it


No, its feature complete and is compatible with pacman 5.1. its not longer being updated but it dosent need to be when its feature complete.
And again, no other wrapper come close to features and ease of use

http proxy is for http transmissions only.
SOCKS proxy is universal, can be used for anything.

>The current 6-year old code has severe limitations leading to long lasting issues, and a complete overhaul is needed to properly fix them. However, it is clear to me that maintaining a popular helper is not worth the time nor the hassle. Without entering into the details, this has become an unpaid job I dislike more and more - and I've been talking about it for far too long too. As such, this project is now unmaintained.

>The stable version will continue to work as it currently does for the foreseeable future, with some issues becoming apparent starting from the pacman 5.1 release. Users are encouraged to move to another solution (see wiki for good alternatives).

Attached: 2018-06-28 13_37_48-pacaur - an AUR helper that minimizes user interaction (Page 27) _ Community Con (1465x239, 20K)

>No, its feature complete and is compatible with pacman 5.1. its not longer being updated but it dosent need to be when its feature complete.
>And again, no other wrapper come close to features and ease of use

Attached: 2018-06-28-133919_1163x106_escrotum.png (1163x106, 22K)

>6-year old code
Did you know the Linux Kernel is over 30 years old?

Did you know that the Linux Kernel is actively maintained?

>the actual pacaur developer

>some Jow Forums shitposter

who should I believe?

But it still has code in it hat is decades old.Even 10 years old. Its still put together and functions despite being old.

>who should I believe?
Then why does it work exactly the same way as it has since it was released?
I just used it to update.

I have a couple of bash scripts that record camera feeds and such that I want to run on startup and have them restarted if they fail. I'd also like to have logs and such. Right now I'm doing this in an ugly hackish way by having a script that spawns tmux session, creates windows for each of the scripts and runs them.

What's the simplest proper way to do this? Systemd services?

what would you suggest then?


which wm offer the most flexibility and ease of customizability, without sacrificing resource usage

Got into it by installing Debian on an old atom based laptop that coudnt manage windows. Wound up having to use that system as my main rig for a while and googled fixes to problems as necessary.

If you need them at system startup then yes, an init script/systemd service is the way to go.

I just updated to Devuan Ascii (Debian Stretch, with sysvinit), from Jessie. Now my laptop waits for a minute while booting for eth0. I don't need eth0, I only have access to wifi. How do I disable this? It wasn't like this before.

go to /etc/network/interfaces and delete the ethernet section. You can manage it with wicd if one day you need it.

I have just installed debian and bspwm.
Configured sxhkdrc file and i can confirm, what key commands wrok.
Now my problem is super + space does not run dmenu.
I do have sucklesstools installed
What could be the problem?
How do i troubleshoot this?

Yo. I'm getting SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument after trying to set a temporary static IP on my lab compt with sudo ifconfig enp0s25 up

It works, that is, it sets up a temp static IP and I don't run into any issues during my exercises, but I can't figure out what the output of SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument is supposed to signify. Google didn't help much.

This one

Attached: stallman.jpg (2048x2694, 1.46M)

do you have the command ip
ip replaces ifconfig

nvm somewhy it started working.
What tips could you guys sugest for further bspwm tuning?

If I'm using wicd for wifi, can I just delete everything but lo?

yes. If you have a network managing program like wicd or networkmanager then you don't need network/interfaces for anything other than the loopback.

Ya but I don't really use it that often. I guess I should start making a habit of it though since ifconfig is technically deprecated.

Thank you.

Is there a known issue in Firefox 52.9 with subpixel rendering? The previous version, which I believe was 45.9 didn't have this issue.

Attached: 1513912991743.png (875x473, 64K)

I started with Ubuntu and now I want to learn more and I've read that Slackware is good for that. Why shouldn't I install Slack?

No dependency management.

i give up trying to setup LUKS and shit on Arch, too complicated

Its easy as fuck
Follow the wiki

Fixed it.
Add to bottom of .Xresources:
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight

Firefox was ignoring hinting settings set through xfce.

no it really isn't. there's multiple different wiki articles you have to read, not just one simple guide. you have to set special paramaters for grub, then your fstab manually, then a ton of other shit etc. etc.

oh well i found a guide online


You do that on any other distro too...

>multiple guides
Because it babysteps you through each part of hte process. YOU LITERALY COPY PASTE CHANGE DRIVE LETTER CHANGE PASSWORD your way through the wiki


Thank you.

>luks setup on ubuntu
>say "yes" and type password


yeah but im sick of using Ubuntu. I found a simple guide on howtoforge for Arch so im good

>getting tired of things working
one day you'll stop caring about what distro you use

if you can become a contributor to the AUR in like 10 minutes, how exactly is it secure? some rogue individual could do some very malicious things if they were so inclined

duno bro
no idea


been disabled by default for ages now, no-one uses unity anyway
not really relevant anymore, friend
or just install ubuntu-minimal from CLI and put the stuff you want on top
then it's just like arch!!

It's not secure. You have to know what you're doing if you use it. Also, a rogue individual can put up packages for any distro on the internet and do some very melicious things in them.

thats why you read the PKGBUILD before you install it

you can read the pkgbuild if you're unsure, they're usually short and just download code/binaries (if you know what program you're installing you should know if it's an official url) and build/install them




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