Isp offers 1gbit connection

>isp offers 1gbit connection
>data cap is 1024gb
>can max out my data cap in less than 2.5 hours
t-thanks monopolies

Attached: file.png (1922x770, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop being a third worlder

do not pass go.
do not collect $200

stop sucking cox

it's literally impossible to use that much data without illegal file sharing

Meanwhile I go over 1024gb just watching twitch streams on my 25mbit connection

Ouch. I may only have 10Mbit but at least it's unlimited.

Attached: Untitled.png (745x973, 19K)

Get a better job and buy a bigger data plan? Bandwidth ain't free you know.

>data caps

>watching other playing video games

I'm not really watching it. It's just a constant stream going on my TV while I'm browsing on my phone/desktop and doing other things. It's like having a radio going to keep me company instead of dead silence. I also don't need to "feed" it by changing the episode every half hour.

To envy to see other post. Fuck being poor and 3th worlder.

I've got 400mbps and a shitty system where usage between 12:00 and 00:00 is capped at 750gb.
Thanks shitty duopoly.

Twitch doesn't halt the video like Youtube when it's not visible? Youtube is only using 0.1Mbps in the background here.

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 81K)

Just use the scheduler in your torrent client.

why dont you just put music on in the background?

third worlders have better internet than usa

Stop listening to what others say about your hobbies. If you like them, you do them. Nobody can deny you watching Twitch if you want, no need for excuses.
is a massive faggot.

Because then i have to find music i like or continually skip or whatever

It is visible? It's on the screen, on Android TV.

why do data caps even exist? is it just pure kikery?

White people.

>It's like having a radio going to keep me company
Are you a dog?

Mostly. I guess it also helps curb congestion at night.

Fucking data caps on regular internet, what kind of dumb shit is this, what shithole is this in

>download 20 steam games

or I guess even just watching netflix or movies a lot at 4k could probably do it

stream 3 hours of hd video a day.

on the rest of the world it is

no cap
€40/ month

Luke Cage season 2 is over 160 gb.

Usa is the new third world

I've had this ISP for almost 20 year now and they don't do caps or throttling. They started offering gigabit after the repeal of net neutrality was announced.

Attached: wow_gigabit.png (912x388, 45K)


Sterling Heights up in here! Got the 500mb/s but I'm moving to Pontiac where there is only Comcast. It sucks.


1 gigabit = 1/8 gigabyte

128 MB/sec * 730 * 3600/sec

Power on hours = 8760 year / 12 months =730

Data cap per month should be

336 384 000 MB / month
325800 GB / month
320.8 TB / month

A bluray disc ~40 mbit/sec without audio
A 4K stream should be around 160 mbit/sec without audio

192khz * 24bit * 2ch = 9216
7.1 channel ~ 9216 * 4

160000+36864 = 196864
210 GB + 47 GB of audio for 7.1

12 hours of 4K stream is ~1000 GB

>192KHz 24 bit
The placebo bloat is real

Stop living in the third world scuzzbag

>mfw 500GB/month cap
>25Mb/s theoretical maximum but i get 15 on a good day
at least the *。Australian National Broadband Network ゚* will solve all my problems when/if it comes to my house in like 70 years with its incredible 50Mb/s that is still slow as fuck but what can you do.
is it true that ADSL2+ can reach only 25Mb/s? if not i'll yell at my ISP and see if they can stop shafting me so hard.

Attached: 1515766595164.gif (320x320, 1.9M)

I do :)

The price of liberty

Attached: LeConstitudetion.jpg (750x738, 378K)

>is it true that ADSL2+ can reach only 25Mb/s?
Not even that, the ADSL2+ standard has a theoretical maximum speed of 24 Mb/s:
ADSL speeds are also heavily impacted by your distance from the central, so don't expect your ISP to be able to do shit for you even if they wanted to.


If anything, you *might* be able to talk them into lowering the price of your connection since the speed is that much lower than advertised.
I've heard of people getting deals like that before, dunno how things are in Australia though. Worst you can get is a no, anyway.

adsl has moved now to vectoring

basicly that little machine on each bbras can effectively kill the noise for the most part and can provide up to 300/200 down/up

and vectoring is basicly the last step before completely removing the copper it simply cant give anything much than this

Oy vey

everything i share is an .iso user


there is nothing wrong with sharing OS isos

Nice cucked upload speed.

Are you me?

>living in the literal 3rd world
lmaoing at your life

>t. 20 yr boomer

Nobody needs gigabit. Ban assault internet connections!

>Data cap
I thought data caps didn't exist anymore. In which 3rd world shithole is this in?

>t. ameriwhore

This is now an ISP rage thread.

>ISP showing commercials for 1Gbps internet
>When I signed up, 100Mbps was the fastest they offered
>Check their website to see how much more 1Gbps would cost me
>"Your current plan has expired, here's the current plan"
>1Gbps is $10USD less per month than what I'm paying now
>Click order now
>No equipment changes necessary because my current equipment is the same gateway.
>"Please select a date for your installation appointment"

Literally have to schedule a fucking appointment to have an installer come out to my home for absolutely fucking nothing just to get my new speed. So, next week I get 1Gbps, but now I need to call them to make sure that it's unlimited. If the new plan has a cap, fuck that. I'll stick with 100Mbps up and down because I host services for some people (local businesses, etc) on my cluster of server machines and 100Mbps is more than enough and 1Gbps would just be a luxury.

Literal oxymoron you welfare whore. Get a job.

You're literally retarded. Just downloading games on my Xbox One S and running a hosting service for small businesses for their websites, Plex servers and databases, I burn through 3TB/mo easy.

Not OP but currently living in Australia with an 180 gb data cap. If I go over it at all I get charged a fuck ton extra.

>A 4K stream should be around 160 mbit/sec without audio
What bullshit are you talking about?

Blade Runner 2049 in UHD Remux is 73.3GB
Video stream is 58.5Mb/s
Audio stream is 4,597Kb/s

I have more than 12 UHD remuxes and they take up maybe 500GB in total.

Attached: 2018-06-28 08_03_50.png (771x336, 19K)

ADSL2+ is still ADSL2+, and if the guy's ISP hasn't upgraded their infrastucture to support VDSL2+ he's not getting VDSL2+.


> DIfferent compnaies same monopolies

Just depends where you live.

In my area because one ISP has no data caps the other ISP (Comcast) doesn't have data caps either.

>210 GB + 47 GB of audio for 7.1

You realize UHD blurays top out at 100GB right?

>A 4K stream should be around 160 mbit/sec without audio

Attached: wtfamireading.jpg (640x1080, 151K)

Le market will le fix le itself

data caps should be illegal

Every time I post this there's at least one "muh upload" post. I'm not very concerned about the upload. It's more than twice as fast as the download speed I previously had.

says 43865 kbps bitrate (right click properties -> details ) for a 1920x1080 mt2s file

15.5 GB 2 episodes

Attached: 12345.png (377x515, 33K)

>Le market will le fix le itself
You can't point to regional telecom monopolies and go "look the free market isn't working" when that is almost entirely the fault of regulation. Look how much strife Google has had trying to do Google Fiber. Look at telecoms companies being able to sue cities which try to build their own fiber networks. Le market can't fix it because le market is wrapped from head to toe in red tape written by the large incumbents in the telecom space.

This video's audio should be ~2304 kbps ( 2ch 48khz 24bit )

You're aware that that is massively overkill for 1080p, right?
It's basically just bloated for the sake of filling out a bluray disc.

15.5 GB + 14.2 GB = 29.7 GB

Entire folder for the disc is 30.2 GB

Only adds about 0.5 GB

~47mins and ~50mins for two files

The details are slightly diff compared to a CR 13 file when zoomed in.

Right, and that can be cut down to 10 GB with no perceivable loss in quality.

no cap
€20 including IPTV

>highest gdp
>3rd world

No cap? Is there fine print that shows the real cap?

Only in the midwest

bro there are no data caps in the 3rd world

You occasionally get slight blurs if you did that though.

14bit color lossless compression does exist I guess


What exactly are you doing that is using that much data?

What are you babbling about?
On average I upload around 6.5TB/month. ISP doesn't give a shit.

Unlimited gigabit at my father's office.
Southern Brazil.

1gbit should give you 320 TB/month max assuming 24/7

>isp offers 1 gbit connection
>no data cap
>can max out my bandwidth 24/7
>our glorious leader protects europe from brown invaders

Attached: 01.png (350x200, 21K)

Not him, but not here in Sweden.

I've done quite a few demanding things like:
>36 YT streams on repeat for ~12h
>Backing up a 3TB drive to tha cloud ever 1-2 months
>torrenting quite a lot

Attached: mstsc_2018-06-28_15-37-25[1].png (81x605, 8K)

Max, assuming. that's the problem. I still don't get your point. They just don't care.

England may be dogshit in terms of internet speed, but at least we don't get fucked as badly as the US.

Just switched from BT because they tried raising my cost by 2 quid a month 6 months into an 18 month contract. What's funny is that because I signed up through a cashback deal, it works out that BT have actually paid me £30 for the privilege of providing me internet for the past half a year.

Now I'm switching to 100 meg Virgin, on a similar deal that works out at £18 a month.

This is exactly why 5g is a DOA
Mobile connections are extremely rarely unlimited, hell, with 5g you could use up yout 30GB limit in a matter of seconds.

People’s republic of Ann Arbor checking in, fuckers at Comcast and AT&T both only have 1tb capped options unless you want to pay out the ass. Can’t wait to leave this commie hell hole

Could you try maxing out that 320 TB?

Most people aren't using this much data. Is business tier too much?

i-is there a problem officer? am i free to go?

Ok I know you australians really get fucked up the ass by your ISPs. I feel sorry for you guys.