ELI5: Hatred behind systemd
ELI5: Hatred behind systemd
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what the fuck does that mean you dumb nigger
Nothing, Jow Forums just full of jobless autistic ppl
It's mostly a meme that fizzbuzzers who installed Arch on a VM one time like to sprout. Fear of new things is a common thread on Jow Forums.
Not to say there aren't valid criticisms of systemd, but the way Jow Forums acts it's like every major distro dev team are just drooling retards who never took a few minutes to think about if systemd is a good idea or not.
I think it means "explain like I'm 5". It also means that OP is redditfag
Lennart Poeterring, not following the UNIX philosophy because it does tonnes of shit really badly into of one thing really well, generally unstable, poor performance
What a childish and simplistic worldview you retards have. There are totally valid criticisms against systemd. There are reasons the criticisms are a thing outside Jow Forums in the first place.
>people responding seriously
This must be the nu-Jow Forums I hear so much about.
>Not to say there aren't valid criticisms of systemd
learn to retard you utter fucktard
You must be 18+ to post. Go back to little nigger