Give me a cool, low-popularity language to do stuff in, Jow Forums. Doesn't have to be esoteric but can

Give me a cool, low-popularity language to do stuff in, Jow Forums. Doesn't have to be esoteric but can.

Attached: 1529650580989.png (812x806, 797K)

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I said cool not old

Java EE is one of the worst things there is on earth.


Joy. It's like a functional Forth.

LSL- Linden Scripting Language for second life


Attached: icon.png (937x937, 43K)



Where did all the Froth fags go now?

Attached: FB_IMG_1524820772048.jpg (706x778, 44K)

quick basic

Inferior, the better language is Squirrel

>that 10 year old millennial who doesn’t think pascal is cool
You must want Ruby then, xir.




GNU Guile


seconding this. very underrated and very nice


Pascal is cool, but Ada is greater.

There is literally no advantage to using Moonscript instead of plain Lua.

First for Common Lisp
Hobby project:
Implement in lisp an interpreter for a simpler lisp
Bonus points:
uthe conth, litht, etc inthtead tho it'th a lithp interpreter


Write a PL/1 interpreter in APL.

Seconding, specifically ARM

>unironically using a programming language invented after 1990

Interesting, what are its defining features in your eyes? I was looking to do web server development.


Guile Scheme


Malbolge in hex


Holy Ocaml
Thanks me later



this, lily or qore

Dylan. It's Lisp but with ALGOL-like syntax instead of ((()))

Attached: dylan-squares.png (32x30, 2K)



F# is pretty cool.


>There is literally no advantage to using Moonscript instead of plain Lua.
quite possibly one the dumbest posts I've read all year

Lisp (especially Scheme), Forth, APL. Of the three, Forth can be used to do the most performant shit (in theory, much faster than C due to ease of compilation). I'm honestly surprised it isn't more common, or at least a typed version of it. Especially considering hardware implementations of Forth are trivial and very fast.

Erlang, Holy C, FORTH

What makes any of these languages stand out?

Scheme is minimal and has some really cool features like Homoiconicity, which means the program can contain itself as a data structure and manipulate it in runtime. So, for example, you want to run a program that renders a cube of side length 1,1,1. That cube isn't stored as a .obj, it's stored as an internal data structure. Well, you can change it to be 1,3,1 big while the program is running by modifying the running structure.
Forth has all that while also being stack-based and typeless. Stack-based languages work on the concept of a stack, where you add things to a pile and operate on the topmost-down only. It makes it arbitrarily easy to parse, allowing you to keep much more information about the program in your head at once. It's also really easy to make your own language in Forth; it's kind of its shtick, where you build your own libraries and structures to solve your problem to the point where your operations look nothing like "vanilla" Forth. It allows for some crazy cool abstractions, and it's as fast or faster than C.
APL is this cool, weird, algebra thing, famous for its brevity. Here's game of life:
life←{↑1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵}


I never thought I'd see a fellow practitioner of this language here.

Scheme, Free Pascal

These are all excellent suggestions if you want a language that is reasonably practical, yet still well-designed and interesting to use.

If you're just learning for the sake of learning, then my suggestions would be to learn at least C, Smalltalk (I suggest Pharo), Haskell, and some lisp dialect with good macro support. Maybe Prolog as well. These are very good at forcing you to learn their respective paradigm.

Make a platform game using ENIGMA!

Most old tutorials for Game Maker 8.x/7/6.1 fully apply.

Attached: enigma.png (140x140, 16K)

That's super cool. Appreciate the post, user.
I think I'll check out Forth since I like the concept of a stack from Assembly.

gnu awk.

bonus points if you use the C ffi to do retarded levels of shit with it.

Dylan has an interesting history. It was intended to be the programming language of the Apple Newton MessagePad. This was also why it received a makeover syntax-wise. Originally it used S-exprs like any Lisp, as it is derived from Common Lisp and the CLOS, but certain people thought that would hinder its acceptance.

It ended up being replaced by another language on the MessagePad called NewtonScript, which is also interesting. It's based on Self, with differential inheritance that Javascript would later also adopt. Unlike Dylan though, there wasn't much effort to bring it anywhere outside the MessagePad. However, the Io language is inspired by it and uses many of the same concepts.

Attached: nmp.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

I don't use it, but only because I haven't found a project that fits its use case. I mostly use go, but I've been itching for an opportunity to use Pony for something. Same with Erlang/OTP, Fortran, and Ada.

I'm not a developer. It's shilled by Pleroma's developer, imo it makes reliable, efficient servers with a Ruby-like syntax.

Maybe you could ask lain (at over ActivityPub.



svn checkout clipsrules

I am seriously considering using it as an embedded scripting language for a media player project instead of something like Tcl or Lua.

The other major components being SQLite, libmpv, and GTK, all glued together with C.

Attached: clipslogo.png (3206x3751, 437K)

I think that pretty much whenever you could use Go, pony is strictly superior. Unless perhaps you need lots of existing libraries, but even then the pony C ffi is super easy.


These. But I have higher hopes for Zig.

Dont waste your time. Might as well use Rust instead.

Is Rust or Ruby gayer?

I think Go's got pony beat as far as tooling and community/ecosystem goes, and cross-compilation is a dream, but pony's safety guarantees and less minimalist attitude are really attractive coming from Go.

>not Jow Forumsscript