>onsite interview goes great
>use up last 10 minutes just talking shop with interviewer
>walks me out
>"just one last thing user", hands me a piece of sidewalk chalk
>"could you reverse a hash table for me?"
Onsite interview goes great
huh, it's been awhile since I've dealt with hash tables
Okay it's that. Yeah...honestly can't think of a way to reverse it. I was under the impression it's just a reference table and nothing more, a way to organize data for you automatically if you will.
Guess I fail this "interview", oh well. I've done about...9 comp sci interviews and never got that question.
I'll never understand these threads. Do you want a job you're not good at?
>why would you want me to do this? It serves no purpose, it's just a container for values or objects that you can look up, reversing it would serve no purpose
And that's how you get hired
My question to them would be why they're using hashtables instead of hashmaps in the year of our lord 2018, I would then tip my fedora and walk out of that shithole
>onsite interview goes great
>use up last 10 minutes just talking shop with interviewer
>walks me out
>"just one last thing user", hands me a piece of sidewalk chalk
>"could you write a program that its input is another program and determines whether that program will halt or run forever?"
Just bombed an interview. Got asked to implement the bubble sort sorting algorithm on a whiteboard, and sum all the primes below 2 million. Never heard of bubblesort until then, and they actually expected me to compute the primes myself. They walked me through the sorting algorithm, but I couldn't catch on and failed. Then I told them I could sum the primes if I had them, but they weren't impressed. I've never felt so defeated.
>reverse a hash table
What does this mean? Swap keys and values?
>onsite interview goes great
>use up last 10 minutes just talking shop with interviewer
>walks me out
>"just one last thing user", hands me a bag of natural opiates, an enchanted ritual dagger, and a virgin sacrifice
>"could you summon a level 68 or greater demon with at least tier 3 fire magic for me?"
That is impossible, since programming languages are by design turing complete, and it is impossible to decide if it will halt or run forever. This is oftem referred to as Halting Problem.
Or am i out of the loop for some new meme?
Love this pasta t b h
>Then I told them I could sum the primes if I had them
hashmaps are hashtables dingus
that's the joke you fucking pseud
halting problem had become a meta meme
Were you the virgin sacrifice?
They're better hashtables
Was expecting this, thanks.
What's the purpose of this thread? How some Jow Forums tier sob is relevant?
they're the same data structure
Unles you mean java implemetnation difference.
god knows, I have been thinking about it for 10 minutes now.
>onsite interview goes great
>use up last 10 minutes just talking shop with interviewer
>walks me out
>"just one last thing user"
>cracks open a bag of oreos and dumps it on the ground
>"now eat them like a fucking animal"
>"yeah this is what you are"
Now I have a new fetish.
Thanks, I guess.
Make me lick up every crumb. Slap me and tell me I missed one.
>And that's how you get your CV thrown into the bin
this sounds like something those sick HR bastards would do.
i put a recycle logo watermark on my CV so at least it gets recycled and can be reused. i figure if im going to get rejected i might as well help save the environment.
Based candidate
Oh gosh such a brave man congrats on saving the earth you absolute fucking faggot
What exactly do they mean by reversing a hash table?
it's like being able to drive a truck and and you don't get the job because you can't successful pull off a Scandinavian flick at 60 mph
that's the joke
>what? Haha I'm in a hurry now, catch you later
How hard could it have been fagit
>onsite interview goes awfully bad
>get hired anyway
>>"could you reverse a hash table for me?"
this doesn't even make sense, there's no sense of order in hash tables, you only have key -> value.